
Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

author:Emotional notebook

Throughout our lives, we hope that our children will be able to become talented and make a difference. Parents always hope that their children can succeed and make a name for themselves in the land where they live. In today's highly competitive society, every child's potential and opportunities are different, so which families can easily achieve high positions and realize the value of life?

Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

In fact, many symbols of a thriving child and a thriving family come from ancient cultural traditions. The ancestors said that some families will prosper, and the future generations will be the top students in high school. So, what are the auspicious aspects of families with "promising" children?

1. The frequent appearance of these animals in the family indicates the development of offspring

In traditional Chinese culture, there are many animals that are endowed with auspicious meanings. Magpies, unicorns, and bats often appear in cartoons, and they often fly into some houses, indicating that the family will be prosperous, and their children and grandchildren will be "high school champions".

Among them, the magpie bird is the most effective. There are often people who have experienced several generations of unwillingness, and suddenly a magpie with a copper coin in his mouth came, trembling and stopped on the wall pillar and refused to fly away, and in the next few years, the family situation improved rapidly, and the children and grandchildren achieved good results in the imperial examination, and all of them soared.

The unicorn is a symbol of the emperor, and its appearance undoubtedly indicates that the people are prosperous and full of luxury. Legend has it that in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar surnamed Li, who often had a unicorn in his home, and the local people knew that the descendants of this family would be the first to be a scholar. Sure enough, a few years later, this scholar surnamed Li won the high school examination several times.

Although the bat has an ugly appearance, it represents auspiciousness. Legend has it that there was a big family surnamed Wang in Nanming, who gave birth to several children within a few years, but all of them died young. One day, a big bat flew into the hospital and refused to leave for a long time, and since then the king has added several sons, all of whom have lived a long life.

Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

Second, there are many fish in the family, which indicates that the children and grandchildren will have enough food and clothing

Fish and "Yu" homonym, symbolizing the family's abundant wealth, descendants do not worry about food and clothing. Therefore, the ancestors believed that if there were many fish in the family, especially red carp and black carp, then the descendants of the family would be prosperous and wealthy.

Legend has it that in the Qing Dynasty, there was an old man Zhu whose family was poor, and in order to let his son have no worries about food and clothing, he stocked red and black carp in the pond at home. Originally, there was no surplus food in the storehouse, but in the year when the old man stocked these fish, the family's fortune gradually improved, and the descendants became richer and richer from generation to generation.

In addition to raising a large number of fish in the pond at home, the ancestors also believed that if small fish can often be fished out of the water tank at home, especially if the small fish are still alive, then the children and grandchildren of the family are certain to be developed. Not only is there no worry about food and clothing, but also the ancestral tomb is blessed and the incense is continuous.

Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

3. The green grass in the house grows particularly lushly, indicating that the children and grandchildren will be high school champions

Chinese have traditionally been very educational, and the imperial examination has been one of the main ways to achieve high social mobility for thousands of years. Therefore, how to judge whether the children and grandchildren of a family are easy to achieve good results in the imperial examination is the focus of people's attention.

It is said that if a family's green plants such as pothos, spider plants, and hibiscus grow extremely luxuriantly and it will not take long for them to produce bright flowers, then the children and grandchildren of this family have a much greater chance of winning the imperial examination.

Not only that, but it is said that the turf and grass at home are also verdant and lush. So all the men in this family are high school champions, and the daughters are all married into wealthy families, and it is definitely a prosperous family.

Of course, this is also related to the efforts of the family, but the ancestors believed that the vigorous growth of these plants must indicate the prosperity and prosperity of a family.

Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

Fourth, their own trees often bear strange fruits, and their children and grandchildren are in high positions

If such peculiar plants as figs and bergamot appear in the courtyard of a family, they are often regarded as the descendants of the family who will be in a high position and become famous.

It is rumored that during the Northern Song Dynasty, a fig tree planted in the home of a scholar surnamed Weng suddenly bloomed a large number of gorgeous flowers one year, and soon bore fruit. After the news came out, the neighbors all said that the son of the Weng family would definitely be the top student in high school. Sure enough, the following year, the two sons of the scholar surnamed Weng won the Jinshi in one fell swoop.

And the strange-looking fruit of bergamot is like the word "Buddha", so the bergamot tree that appears at home bears fruit, which often indicates that the descendants of this family are all noble, high-ranking officials, and famous.

Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

Fifth, the growth of zigzag rice in the rice field indicates the prosperity of the family and the development of generations

In China's "metaphysical" culture, natural words and graphics grow in rice paddies, which are often seen as a sign of blessing from the God of Wealth. Among them, the words "Fu", "Shou" and "Qing" are the most auspicious.

For example, there was a farmer named Tian Liang in the Song Dynasty, and his rice field grew rice in the shape of "Fu" year after year. After the news spread, the neighbors thought that this was the blessing of the God of Money and Wealth in Tian Liang's family, and sure enough, a few years later, Tian Liang's family began to develop, and the descendants were rich from generation to generation.

There are many similar examples, but in short, if natural rice grows in the rice field, it is undoubtedly the best proof that this family is about to prosper.

Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

Sixth, the growth of strange trees in one's own courtyard indicates that the family industry is prosperous and developed

It is said that if a towering tree suddenly pops up in the courtyard of a family and grows very fast, then the family's business will surely flourish and prosper.

There is such a legend that in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, a military general surnamed Li suddenly grew a large locust tree with lush branches and leaves, and also bloomed red flowers. As soon as the news came out, the people thought that this military general's family would prosper. Sure enough, the family has been a prominent family for generations.

The most ferocious of these are the pine and peach trees. If a tall pine or peach tree pops up in the house for no apparent reason, then the development of the descendants of this family is already a sure thing.

Families with promising children usually have these auspicious signs, and family prosperity is just around the corner

Judging from the above six points, if you want your children to have a prosperous life and a prosperous family, the efforts of parents alone are bound to be insufficient. We also need the blessings and blessings of these "auspicious signs" so that our dreams can come true and our family business will flourish.

Traditional Chinese culture contains a lot of valuable wisdom, and these experiences have been tempered and timeless. I believe that as long as we follow the guidance of our ancestors and believe that the identification of these mascots will enable our children to show their abilities and prosper their families. Of course, the unremitting efforts of parents and children themselves are the greatest foundation for success.

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