
12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

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12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

On that sunny afternoon 12 years ago, something happened in the Yidong Garden Community of Dongpu in Tianhe District, Guangzhou, which shook the whole community. An ordinary young man who is only 23 years old shows extraordinary courage in an accident.

At that time, a young child accidentally fell from a height while playing and hung on a flower stand on the balcony on the third floor, and his life was in danger. At this critical moment, this young man, Zhou Chong, who is affectionately known as "Brother Lifting", appeared.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Without hesitation, he climbed up to the third floor and held the little girl firmly with his own hands until safety rescuers arrived.

However, he left the scene silently afterwards, leaving no name.

Now, 12 years later, how has the life of that brave "lifting brother" Zhou Chong changed? Is he still living in obscurity among the crowd as he did back then? Perhaps, his story is even more wonderful than we know.

On June 3, 2012, the sun was shining in Dongpu Yidongyuan Community, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, and people were enjoying the tranquility of the weekend.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Suddenly, this silence was shattered by a high-pitched scream, and a toddler accidentally fell from a height while playing, and the entire neighborhood was thrown into chaos in an instant.

Residents rushed out of their homes to watch the incredible scene. The little girl hung from a trellis on the balcony on the third floor, her cry piercing the air around her, her life like a feather hanging in mid-air, which could disappear with a slight blow.

At this critical juncture, Zhou Chong, a young man from Hubei, happened to pass by, and his eyes were attracted by the hanging little girl.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chong did not hesitate at all, he immediately took off his backpack, handed over his mobile phone and wallet to the passers-by next to him, and asked them to call the police.

He then quickly observed his surroundings and spotted a possible rescue path.

I saw him vigorously jump onto the nearby garbage bin, and then jump onto the air conditioner with his strength, and then firmly grasp the anti-theft window on the second floor, and climb up step by step.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

The surrounding crowd began to talk, some worried, some amazed, but more silently praying for him. Zhou Chong was engrossed, his movements were clean and neat, showing extraordinary skills.

When climbing to the third floor, Zhou Chong cautiously approached the little girl. He comforted her softly, trying to keep her calm.

Then, he carefully put one hand through the trellis and grabbed the little girl's body tightly. The other hand holds the trellis steadily, just in case. His hands were like the strongest fortresses, holding the little girl up steadily.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

By this time, the crowd below had gathered more and more onlookers. They held up their phones to record the emotional moment. Some people are whispering prayers, others are silently weeping, and the whole community is shrouded in tension and anticipation.

Zhou Chong's arms began to feel sore, but he gritted his teeth and persevered. He knew that with the slightest relaxation, the little girl's life could be lost in an instant.

In this way, Zhou Chong was like a quiet sculpture, sticking there until the firefighters arrived and rescued the little girl safely.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

When the little girl was successfully rescued, thunderous applause and cheers erupted all around. People applauded the brave lad and appreciated his selfless deeds.

However, while everyone was still immersed in this touching scene, Zhou Chong quietly left from the crowd, just like when he appeared, obscure.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

That night, Zhou Chong's actions quickly spread through the community. The next day, reporters found Zhou Chong's home, hoping to interview him. But Zhou Chong humbly refused, he simply said: "I just did something that ordinary people can do, and it is not worth writing about." ”

However, in an interview with reporters, Zhou Chong's friend inadvertently mentioned his hardships in saving people.

He said: "Zhou Chong stood for a long time when he rescued people, and his feet must have hurt. He couldn't speak, but I knew he had been in pain for the past few days. ”

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

In the days that followed, Zhou Chong's story was widely circulated in major media outlets. People were touched by his bravery and selflessness.

But Mr. Zhou kept a low profile, turning down all invitations to interviews, and even some corporate sponsorships and awards. He told a reporter: "I don't need anything in return, I'm already very satisfied to save that little girl." ”

The words spread in the community, and people's admiration for him deepened. They started calling him "Brother Lifter", but Zhou Chong always shook his head with a smile and said, "I just did what I could." ”

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

A few weeks later, when the reporter found Zhou Chong again, he was busy with his daily work. The reporter asked him, "How do you feel about becoming a hero?"

Zhou Chong stopped what he was doing and replied seriously: "I don't think I'm a hero, I just did the right thing at the right time." The real heroes are ordinary people who give silently every day. ”

Zhou Chong's heroic act quickly caused a sensation in the media. Major news websites, social media, and TV shows have reported on the ordinary lad's extraordinary moves.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

His story spread quickly on the Internet and became the focus of discussion. In the report, Zhou Chong was praised as a "hero among ordinary people", and his actions were seen as a symbol of positive energy in society.

In the days that followed, Zhou Chong's name became a household name. Many people paid their respects to him via social media, and he was affectionately known as "Brother Lifter".

Some netizens wrote on Weibo: "In this seemingly indifferent society, there are heart-warming heroes like Zhou Chong. These comments and shares continue to grow, and Zhou Chong's story inspires countless people.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Soon after, government departments and a number of non-governmental organizations commended Zhou Chong. In a small but solemn ceremony, the local government presented Zhou Chong with a certificate and a prize for his courage and selflessness.

In his award speech, an official said: "Mr. Zhou Chong's actions not only saved a life, but also demonstrated the positive energy of our society. He is a role model for all of us. ”

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Similarly, non-governmental organizations also held commendation activities for Zhou Chong. At a passionate gathering, the organizer said to Zhou Chong: "We are moved by your actions, you are a real hero." "The people around him applauded him and paid him the highest respect.

In June 2012, Zhou Chong's name appeared on the "China Good People List". This list includes ordinary people who make positive contributions in their daily lives, and Zhou Chong is one of them.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

At the press conference announcing the list, the moderator said: "Mr. Zhou Chong's behavior is the best example of our selection of the 'China Good People List'. He is not only the pride of Tianhe District, but also the pride of our whole country. ”

Despite all the accolades and commendations Zhou Chong has received, he has remained low-key and humble.

In an interview, when asked what he thought of the accolades, he said, "I just did what I thought was right, and the accolades weren't the most important thing for me. I was already very satisfied to be able to help that little girl. ”

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Residents of the community are also proud of Zhou Chong's performance.

On the bulletin board of the community, the neighborhood committee posted a letter of commendation to Zhou Chong, which read: "Comrade Zhou Chong's heroic behavior shows the spiritual outlook of the residents of our community. We are proud to have such neighbors. ”

After becoming the focus of national attention, Zhou Chong faced unprecedented social praise and material temptation.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Soon after, invitations to high-paying positions flew in like snowflakes, and companies rushed to invite him to join him, hoping to use his reputation to add glory to the company.

These job opportunities are an irresistible temptation for many people, and they represent not only a high salary, but also a higher social status and more comfortable living conditions.

However, Zhou Chong was not swayed by these temptations. He humbly turned down all offers for high-paying jobs, insisting on an ordinary job as a welder. His decision surprised and even puzzled many.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

When asked by reporters why he gave up those privileged job opportunities, Zhou Chong replied: "I just did what I was supposed to do, and I don't think I should change my life because of it." I want a calm and ordinary life. ”

Zhou Chong's decision is the result of his mother's teachings. His mother always taught him to be down-to-earth and not to forget his heart because of a momentary achievement. This teaching was deeply rooted in Zhou Chong's heart and became the guiding principle for his important decision.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

After choosing to become a welder, Zhou Chong threw himself into this mundane but challenging job. Every day, he is one of the first to arrive at the workplace.

He studied Xi welding techniques seriously and gradually grew from a novice to a skilled welder. At work, Zhou Chong always maintains a low profile and humility, he gets along with his colleagues in harmony, and wins their respect with his practical actions.

Although Zhou Chong gave up his high-paying job, his life was more fulfilling and meaningful because of this perseverance.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

His colleagues soon discovered that although Zhou Chong had a good reputation in society, he always maintained a normal heart at work.

He is always helpful, whether it is help at work or a small help in life, Zhou Chong is always happy.

On weekends, Zhou Chong often participates in community volunteer activities, whether it is helping to clean up the streets or participating in charitable donations. In these activities, Zhou Chong does not consider himself a hero, but silently contributes his strength like other volunteers.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Time passed, and Zhou Chong worked as a welder for many years. Although his life is ordinary, in this ordinary, he finds true happiness and fulfillment.

Over the next eight years, Zhou Chong demonstrated extraordinary perseverance and professional skills in his position as a welder. His daily life, though mundane, is full of relentless efforts and continuous improvement.

Starting as a junior worker, Zhou Chong gradually became a skilled senior worker in his factory. Not only did he excel in his work, but he also worked hard to learn Xi in his spare time and constantly improve his knowledge.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

He was admitted to a junior college from a secondary school student, and then successfully promoted from a junior college to an undergraduate student through hard Xi work.

In the process, Zhou Chong's life has undergone significant changes. He got married and had children of his own.

As a father, he has found a balance between work and family. He often took his wife and children to various activities in the community, and became a typical good family man.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

Zhou Chong passed on his life experience and values to his family, especially to educate children to have a sense of social responsibility and the spirit of helping others.

Although Zhou Chong's life has become more and more fulfilling, he has not forgotten his original intention of public welfare.

He actively participates in various public welfare activities in Guangzhou, and attends almost every time he receives an invitation. His public welfare activities cover many fields such as education support, environmental protection, and charitable donations.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

In these activities, Zhou Chong always encourages others to join in these meaningful causes, passing on positive energy.

In an interview in March 2021, Zhou Chong candidly shared his insights: "Because I am famous, I want to do better, and I don't want others to think that my achievements are all obtained by saving people." ”

In June 2021, a local non-governmental organization in Guangzhou held an event called "Charity by Your Side", which Zhou Chong and his family also attended.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

At the event, the appearance of their family immediately attracted the attention of those present. Although many years have passed, Zhou Chong's face is still familiar and admired.

During the event, many participants and volunteers communicated with Zhou Chong to express their respect for him. Zhou Chong and his family also enthusiastically interacted with everyone, sharing their views and experiences on public welfare.

12 years ago, the 23-year-old brother climbed the third floor to save the girl, and walked away silently afterwards, and now he is keen on public welfare

On social media, some netizens uploaded a photo of them and Zhou Chong's family, with a text praising Zhou Chong's contribution and spirit: "Today I am honored to meet the 'Brother Lifting' Zhou Chong's family. Their enthusiasm and dedication to the public welfare are admirable. ”

Even with the passage of time, Zhou Chong still maintains that pure heart and love for society. Whether it is his professional performance at work or in the ordinary days of life, he uses his behavior to interpret the love of life and the contribution to society.


Zhao Nie.Strengthen the construction of the teaching and labor party branch of colleges and universities with the good people and good deeds around you[J].Decision Exploration,2016,0(10):62-63

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