
My uncle used to be the deputy governor, and I didn't get any benefit from graduating from college in 2000

author:Liu said the world

The persistent pursuit of power and wealth in the past was exchanged for the lack of family temperature. After waking up, the protagonist chooses to get out of it and devote himself to his own preferences. In the process, they redefine the true meaning of happiness – not in material success, but in spiritual fulfillment and love of life. Such an experience not only affects the protagonist himself, but also brings a deep inspiration to people, everyone wants to find their own path to happiness in this world.

My uncle used to be the deputy governor, and I didn't get any benefit from graduating from college in 2000

Once upon a time, did you ever have a dream of fame when you were a child? Have we ever been attracted to those who have a prominent position, envied their seemingly omnipotent power and majesty? At that time, we wanted to be them, to have everything they had. Yes, we are in search of power and status, and we are willing to wander through it. We see it as the top of the pyramid, as a symbol of dreams, and we have to climb it with all our might. But are power and status really all there is to life? No, they are not!

My uncle used to be the deputy governor, and I didn't get any benefit from graduating from college in 2000

That vice-governor was our idol, tall and straight, as if he could control an entire world. His nobility, his wealth, and his back all seem to be what we dream of. However, time flies, and the years fly. When we step into the life of this once radiant figure, we realize that he is not what we imagined. Behind his honor, there is endless exhaustion and loneliness. The honor and shining brilliance of the powerful cannot cover up the loneliness of the family and the sorrow of the lonely growth of the children. Beneath that shell of money and wealth, the warmth of family is gone.

My uncle used to be the deputy governor, and I didn't get any benefit from graduating from college in 2000

At that moment, it dawned on us that everything we were looking for was nothing more than to get that seemingly wonderful life. But what exactly is the definition of happiness, and what do we really desire? Power gives us unrivaled power, and status provides us with unparalleled wealth. But can they really bring us infinite happiness? No, no, no. For his uncle, the consequence of his excessive pursuit of power and status was precisely the loss of the most precious treasure in his life - the warmth and affection of his family.

My uncle used to be the deputy governor, and I didn't get any benefit from graduating from college in 2000

At this point, we begin to look back and wonder what we really want. Is power and status really that important? Shakespeare once said, "Be content." We can extend it to the modern era, which means that we need to learn to rationally pursue the life we really want, to be able to bend and stretch, and not to stick to appearances. Just like the protagonist in the article, although he did not get the unattainable status of his uncle, every time he made his own choice, he brought him an unprecedented sense of pleasure. He can choose the job he loves and can pursue his ideals. In the process, he found the value of his own existence and a deeper understanding of the true meaning of happiness - that it does not come from external forces, but from the deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

The great poet Rabindranath Tagore once said, "If you weep for missing the sun, you will also miss the stars." So, let's pause, face our true selves, treat power and status rationally, and restore the essence of life. We should learn to cherish the present and touch every bit of life. Because it's only when you truly grasp the true meaning of happiness that you can truly capture the delicacies that life has to offer you.