
This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

author:Long Xue said history

The social background of the actress's pursuit of "white and thin".

In today's society, aesthetic standards have changed, and emphasizing "white, thin and young" has become a mainstream aesthetic. In the film and television industry, in order to cater to this aesthetic trend, many female stars have chosen to torture their bodies to make themselves look "malnourished".

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

However, this practice is fraught with controversy.

"Whitening and thinning" has become a hot word at the moment. Walking on the street, it seems that it is difficult to see a plump figure. Words such as "chick" and "pork ribs" have become derogatory terms for women's figures.

People have chosen to lose weight and slim down, and many have diseases such as anorexia.

Actresses in the film and television industry are even more "victims" of this trend. In order to have a better posture in front of the camera, many of them choose an almost masochistic diet, and even only pick a few pieces of food when eating.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

High-intensity exercise is commonplace. Over time, many actresses are pale and thin like a handful of clouds of smoke that are about to drift away.

However, this "beautiful" approach has also been controversial. Is it too strange to be extremely thin, and is frequent anorexia a sign of an underlying disease?" Is the "rib-like body" too thin?

Times are changing, and so are aesthetics. The film and television industry may need some actresses who insist on themselves and do not follow the crowd to show what is healthy, confident and attractive female beauty.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

Yin Tao: Insist on self and bloom the beauty of the original ecology

Yin Tao is one of the few actresses who does not follow the crowd. She was once rated as the "ugliest" for playing Yang Guifei in the play, but she did not choose plastic surgery or hard work to lose weight, but insisted on herself.

After many years, she finally returned to the stage with her pristine beauty, which is impressive. Yin Tao's story proves that self-confidence is eternal beauty.

In the 90s of the 20th century, Yin Tao became popular for playing the role of a concubine in "Yang Guifei". During this period, there were many comments slamming her for "being ugly and unworthy of a concubine".

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

Yin Tao felt sad, but she did not choose plastic surgery to cater to the so-called "standard beauty". She didn't go for a nose fix, nor did she remove the obvious mole on her mouth. Despite the pressure, she chose to keep herself.

At first, Yin Tao's road was not smooth. But she didn't give up, continued to play various roles, and gradually showed her acting skills. Finally, in today's era of "a hundred flowers blooming", Yin Tao once again came out of the circle with her strength and shined in the new drama "The World".

The audience applauded her acting skills and expressed their admiration for her courage in maintaining the beauty of the pristine ecology.

Today's Yin Tao is still beautiful and moving, and her plump body exudes the vitality of life. Looking back on the past, Yin Tao said: "I'm glad that I didn't choose plastic surgery back then, and true beauty can only come from inner self-confidence."

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

Indeed, Yin Tao's story teaches people what true beauty is – from the heart rather than from the outside, from the eternal rather than the ephemeral.

Zeng Li: Strength and charm are equally important, and they have their own pace

Zeng Li is one of the few powerful actresses in today's film and television industry. She is not only outstanding in appearance, but also superb in acting. But unlike other artists, Zeng Li does not deliberately hype himself, always maintains a low-key style, has his own pace, and has become a clear stream in this industry.

"Zeng Li is a rare Da Tsing Yi in 20 years. A well-known director once commented on Zeng Li's acting skills. Indeed, among the 1995 Chinese opera graduates, Zeng Li is the most outstanding.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

Whether it is a costume or a modern drama, she can grasp the heart of the character, go deep into the character's situation, and show excellent acting skills. At the same time, Zeng Li's tall and well-proportioned figure and charming smile on her melon seed face also make her good at playing a costume beauty.

However, Zeng Li does not compete with other "vase" actors for the top spot in comedy, she is willing to devote herself to acting. When reporters want to ask about her private life, she often refuses on the grounds that she is busy with work, preferring to spend more time on improving her acting skills.

In the wave of chasing fame and fortune in the film and television industry, Zeng Li's low-key style is gratifying.

Zeng Li uses her strength to interpret what is the true charm of an actress. I believe that with her acting skills and temperament, she will continue to write a legend in the film and television industry.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

Li Xiaoran: Snow White-like simple beauty

Li Xiaoran, the "Snow White" in the entertainment industry, has outstanding acting skills and a simple temperament. Her white skin and arrogant temperament are just like the ice and snow princess who is smart; yet has a warm and sincere side, which is loved by the audience.

It is her charm both inside and outside that has created a unique "cold and glamorous atmosphere".

Li Xiaoran has a delicate melon seed face, and her skin is fair and translucent, as if she has been coated with a layer of snow. Compared with other actresses who rely on thick BB cream to show their whiteness, Li Xiaoran's natural whiteness is purer and healthier.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

In front of the camera, she is like an iceberg, and her outstanding temperament eclipses other stars. "Li Xiaoran is my group photo killer. In an interview one day, an actress lamented.

However, Li Xiaoran not only has a noble and glamorous side. In her acting skills, the audience can often see that passionate and unrestrained personality. She is sometimes charming, sometimes naïve, and transitions between characters are fluid and effortless.

It is the charm of Li Xiaoran's superb acting skills and rich connotation that has conquered the hearts of countless audiences.

Li Xiaoran uses her unique temperament to show the beauty of contemporary women. She has both the noble spirit of Bing Xue's intelligence and the warm and sincere side. In her, the perfect blend of traditional meekness and modern personality makes her unique.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

Qin Lan: Amazing slim waist charm

Qin Lan, while her acting skills are extraordinary, her graceful figure is also amazing. In front of the camera, she did not hesitate to show off her slender waist, highlighting the beauty of oriental women's posture.

In addition, Qin Lan has also continued to improve her acting skills and successfully transformed into a powerful actor.

"Qin Lan's waist is almost fatal. This is the netizen's evaluation of Qin Lan's figure in the photo. She is elegant and dignified, charming, jade, and graceful.

Traditionally, Oriental women advocate closely following the willow waist, and Qin Lan's beautiful figure proves the unique charm of this aesthetic

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

In today's screen full of "little chickens" with a thin body, Qin Lan dares to generously show off her curvaceous figure under the camera, which is really commendable. This comes from her confidence and understanding of her own charm.

She proved with practical actions that the beauty of women's body requires the perfect combination of fullness, fullness and firmness.

In addition, Qin Lan is also constantly improving her acting skills. She has successfully transformed into a powerful actor, and has delivered beautiful answers in various film and television works with different themes. Qin Lan, who attaches equal importance to acting skills and temperament, is becoming a role model for contemporary actresses.

Zhang Li: Thick accumulation, pearls in the sea

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

Zhang Li, the actress who has gone through ups and downs in the film and television industry before finally being recognized, is a pearl in the sea. She did not give up lightly, and with her unbending tenacity and dedicated attitude, she grew and transformed step by step in this long journey, and finally bloomed with dazzling light.

When Zhang Li debuted, she played the role of a dragon in many dramas and was in a state of nobody. In that era of heavy resources and face-watching, Zhang Li was not successful.

The protagonist of the TV series who has tried the waters several times cannot escape the fate of being a celebrity in the drama who is not popular. However, she did not choose to compromise or back down. In the long wait, she continued to hone her acting skills, just to be able to persevere and wait for the opportunity to come.

It was not until recent years that with the change of the audience's aesthetics and the re-recognition of powerful actors, Zhang Li finally ushered in an opportunity. She has played the leading role in dramas such as "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", and her superb acting skills have been recognized.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

With her sweet singing voice, she also sang indulgently on the stage, showing an all-round artistic charm. used to be a dragon actor, but now he has become the new favorite of star-making directors.

Zhang Li's story inspires future generations of actors to know how to wait and persevere. On the road of acting, it will not be smooth sailing, only accumulation and precipitation can radiate light. She uses her own story to interpret the true meaning of an excellent actor.

Conclusion: The right aesthetic standards

To summarize this article, the correct aesthetic should not be a narrow "white and thin", but should be full of personality and self-confidence, and the beauty of women's body needs a combination of plumpness, proportionality and firmness.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

We should not be limited by any narrow aesthetic standards, beauty is diverse. Yin Tao does not have plastic surgery and insists on the beauty of the original ecology, and Zeng Li does not deliberately lose weight and take into account acting skills, both of which are rebellions against the concept of "white and thin".

Li Xiaoran is cold and enthusiastic, and Qin Lan is plump and firm, both showing the charm of three-dimensional plumpness.

Contemporary women should not only pursue "white and thin", but should establish self-confidence and reasonably control their figures. Dieting should be scientific, exercise should be moderate, and "obsessive-compulsive" body management should not be engaged.

The beauty of a woman's body requires the perfect combination of muscles, lines, and curves.

This is what an actress should have a figure, thin but not woody, healthy and well-proportioned, and the flesh grows where it should grow

We live in this era of diversity and inclusion, and we should not be limited by any narrow aesthetic standards. Women need to be at peace with their bodies and minds, and to show their true charm both inside and out.

This is the beauty of three-dimensionality, richness, and individuality.