
Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

author:Its Man Le Entertainment

Du Chun's wife, Wang Can, has been active on social platforms since she participated in variety shows. She likes to share her daily life, whether it is showing her baby or showing affection, she is always happy to do it. In life, some people have a special ability, not only to face illness with courage, but also to declare their strength to the world with their beautiful faces. And now, such a person is Wang Can, who is in the limelight.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Wang Can, a delicate girl with no makeup, was given her advantage by her appearance. However, she is not satisfied with just being beautiful, her heart is just as strong and she is not afraid of the torture of disease. Even when she was lying in a hospital bed and facing challenges in her life, she still found the angle of beauty and captured every delicate expression. According to Wang Can, this is her first general anesthesia examination in 2024. The reason was that she was too thin, and in order to gain weight, she decided to take the method of eating more. Unfortunately, however, she had to be hospitalized for a check-up due to stomach problems caused by overeating.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention and concern. In today's era of thinness as beauty, Wang Can's choice undoubtedly subverts this concept of beauty to a certain extent. She bravely admits that she is not in shape, unwilling to cater to society's aesthetic standards, and chooses to change herself by gaining weight. This positive attitude and true understanding of herself have won her more support and applause. In the ward photos posted by Wang Can, we saw the beauty of her side face. She uses clever composition, so that her hand pinching her chin and the indwelling needle on her wrist enter the shot. Maybe it's just a psychological purification, and she wants to show herself to the world in this way, and declare her strength to the disease.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Such an act gives a sense of calm and courage. She does not shy away from her illness, nor does she avoid reality, bravely facing the camera, conveying a strong strength. Her way of taking pictures is not only a testament to her own courage, but also a tribute to all those who face the disease head-on. And her beauty is not only the delicate appearance of her facial features, but also the existence that complements Du Chun. The two of them, one is a beautiful girl who has both inside and outside, and the other is a peerless male god, they seem to be so compatible. Their love story shows a combination of strength and tenderness, and it is also an Acura for the power of life.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Wang Can's style of showing babies and showing affection has already formed a unique label on social platforms. She is not just an ordinary wife in the entertainment industry, she is also a real, honest and optimistic person. She proved a truth with her actions, that is, whether it is happy or unhappy, whether beautiful or ugly, human beings should bravely face and accept themselves. However, Wang Can's hospitalization has also aroused people's concern about her health. In the feed, she mentioned that she had stomach problems due to overeating, which also reflected the health problems that modern people may face in the pursuit of a perfect body. Excessive pursuit of perfection and blind pursuit of popularity will bring hidden dangers to people's physical health, which is a thought-provoking problem.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Wang Can's speech also aroused people's discussion of physical beauty and inner beauty. On social platforms, people often see celebrities and influencers who have perfect bodies, and people can't help but start to wonder if their bodies are qualified. However, through Wang Can's experience, we see a new perspective, that is, while chasing the beauty of the body, inner health is more important. As an ordinary person, Wang Can uses his own lifestyle to convey the power of positivity and optimism to the world. She is not only a character in the spotlight, but also a heart-warming existence. She proved with her actions that true beauty is both internal and external, she dared to face her own shortcomings, and took the initiative to seek change.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Perhaps, Wang Can is not a perfect person, but the perseverance and beauty she exudes are unquestionable. She used her actions to show us that no matter what kind of adversity we face, we can choose to be brave and optimistic. She uses her way of taking pictures to convey a kind of positive energy, blending strength and beauty. Facing the torment of illness is difficult for anyone, but we can learn a lot from Wang Can's experience. She is not only a beautiful face, but also a positive attitude. She tells us that at all times, we can choose to be beautiful and strong.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Wang Can's story will always remain in our hearts, she is the girl who interprets courage with her beauty. She used her photos to show us the beauty and fragility of life, and at the same time told us to persevere no matter what we face, and to face life with beauty. We salute her, learn Xi from her, and pray for her bravery and beauty, hoping that she can overcome her illness and remain strong and confident in the years to come. Let's cheer for Wang Can, she is the one who tells the world with her beauty that the strength of the heart lies not in the appearance, but in our attitude towards life and the strength to face it bravely. She is the girl we need to learn from Xi, and she is the one who touches us deeply.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Whether it is showing a baby or showing affection, Wang Can has been working hard to show a happy family life. However, after the news of her hospitalization broke, many people began to express concerns about her health. Talented artist Du Chun also expressed his concern and blessings to his wife through social platforms. In this era of information explosion, Wang Can's hospitalization has attracted the public's attention and thinking, and can't help but make people reflect on how to correctly view the issue of physical beauty and inner health. Wang Can dares to face her own shortcomings and bravely seeks change, and her bravery and truthfulness are the qualities that each of us should learn Xi.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

Wang Can's story is not only a topic in the entertainment industry, but also a call for the common physical beauty in modern society and people's inner health. She proved with her actions that true beauty is a state of both internal and external cultivation. Let each of us be brave enough to face ourselves and pursue inner health and true beauty. This kind of pursuit is the goal we should pursue.

Du Chun's wife overate and went to the hospital under general anesthesia to check "Wang Can" to take photos of the ward: only 79 pounds

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