
In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

author:CITIC College

This is the beginning of 2024, and CITIC Publishing would like to solemnly recommend a new book to you with the greatest sincerity and respect——

"Farewell Song"

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Author, Chen Xingjia.

There are many directions to introduce him, and each one is wonderful enough.

He was born in 1971 in a remote village in Xingshan, Hubei Province, and followed the typical path of that generation to achieve a counterattack in life by relying on knowledge: first admitted to Hubei University to study Xi mathematics, and then admitted to Tsinghua University to study for a master's degree, and then was sent to the University of Chicago for further study with the first place in similar candidates in Hubei Province.

But he is most well-known to the public, after returning to China from Yichang, Hubei Province to Padang in the five years, with a sense of innovation and hard work, he put on a posture of fighting to the death against corruption, not only let him be loved by 500,000 people in Padang, was affectionately called "Brother A", but also won him the honor of "National Excellent County Party Secretary".

Chen Xingjia worships Su Dongpo, not only because of fate in the dark - they were both born on January 8, but also because of the spiritual fit between the two.

500 kilometers east of Badong, Huangzhou, Hubei, where Chen Xingjia was in power, thousands of years ago, Su Dongpo wrote the famous article "The Story of the Pavilion of Love", expounding his understanding of "good officials", "He Wu goes, there is no famous name, and people think about it, which is called 'leaving love'".

In December 2016, Chen Xingjia mustered up the courage and sent a farewell letter of "Goodbye, My Padang", which became popular all over the country, and decided to resign from public office and turn around to do public welfare.

Now, it has been 7 years since Chen Xingjia left his job, but his blood-boiling and righteous speeches back then are still being edited and recreated by fans on the Internet, from the era of Weibo and WeChat, to the current era of short videos.

On Douyin, just the three words "Chen Xingjia" have brought 1.26 billion plays, which cannot but be said to be a traffic miracle.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

As an official, Chen Xingjia did it.

But Chen Xingjia does not want to be stereotyped by the past, as he wrote in "Farewell Song":

The light boat has crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains, my life is still very long, and the things I did in the past have passed regardless of my reputation, and I don't want to be stereotyped.

I need to change, I don't want people to stereotype me as "Chen Xingjia, secretary of the Badong County Party Committee", let alone "Chen Xingjia, an angry anti-corruption secretary".

He said that Chen Xingjia is now a "public welfare person Chen Xingjia" who is doing innovative charity exploration, and he will also be a "writer Chen Xingjia" and "traveler Chen Xingjia" in the future, and he wants to use a new image to hedge people's impression of his past.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

"Farewell Song" records the life, death and parting that Chen Xingjia has witnessed on the road of public welfare for 7 years from December 2016 to November 2023.

The creative lineup of this book can be called strong, the title of the book is "inscribed" by Su Dongpo, and the title itself is Chen Xingjia's science fiction novel of the same name borrowed from his son A Yu "Farewell Song", of course, all the content is narrated by Chen Xingjia himself.

is different from the righteous and strong temperament in the short video, Chen Xingjia presents his extremely delicate and soft inner world in "Farewell Song".

Several public welfare projects of Chen Xingjia's "Shenzhen Henghui Public Welfare Foundation" are related to the serious illness relief and education care of teenagers and children, most of whom are unfortunate children who have not received good scripts, as well as their parents who are running around and working hard.

Therefore, most of the protagonists in "Farewell Song" are some "little people", and Chen Xingjia has the greatest sincerity to record those who may not be remembered and cared about.

Record the difficulties and embarrassments in their lives, record the humble but magnificent struggles and efforts, record the helpless parting, record those warm hugs, and those long tears.

Chen Xingjia set up a biography for those ordinary people who kept the dignity of life between life and death, not only a biography, but also running for them and running towards them.

Chen Xingjia said, "I want to stand in the perspective of the long river of history, and leave a testimony for their fate and the times we have experienced together."

The process of writing is heavy, and reading it may take you to consume several lines of tears.

The grinding of reality has long made most of our hearts hard and dull, but Chen Xingjia's words full of love will make your heart regain the warmth and softness it should have.


Ah Liang

"Of all the children I've helped, the one I'll never forget"

"United Love Project" is my first public welfare project

This is also the original intention of my resignation to devote myself to public welfare

It is hoped that patient services, doctors' capacity improvement, and drug policy improvement will be improved

Three perspectives help countries to explore solutions to poverty caused by illness

In May 2017, Chen Xingjia planned to establish the Henghui Public Welfare Foundation in Shenzhen, and in August, the Foundation officially launched the "United Love Project" in Heyuan City.

Childhood leukemia is the first disease selected by the United Love Project, and Ah Liang is one of the early recipients of the project.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

One of the youngest patients served by the "United Love Project".

Ah Liang's story, whether it was the participants at the time, Chen Xingjia himself, the team's social worker, the attending doctor, or those who read the story, will be deeply pierced by the sadness in it.

Chen Xingjia depicts a life-and-death parting in plain words, and the plot is reversed several times, vividly explaining what kind of abyss a family will be dragged into when poverty and evil diseases come at the same time.

A Liang, 7 years old, was abandoned in his ward on the evening of March 15, 2018 due to a recurrence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

In fact, as early as 3 years ago, during Ah Liang's treatment in this hospital, his father ran once, and only his mother accompanied him to complete the treatment, but after this recurrence, his mother paid a deposit of 2,000 yuan and went through the hospitalization procedures, and never came back under the pretext of buying medicine.

Because the cost has far exceeded the "warning line" of the hospital, the doctor can no longer prescribe a new doctor's order at this time, and can only carry out basic treatment according to the latest doctor's order, and the child's condition is very bad.

Chen Xingjia convened a telephone conference with the project partners of the "United Love Project" overnight, and arranged for Danzi, a social worker in Guangzhou, to rush to the hospital to learn more about the situation.

A Liang's father is 34 years old, a native of Heyuan, and his mother is 32 years old, a native of H Province, and the two are unmarried and have a 12-year-old brother, and the elder brother also has a big tumor on his arm.

Poor couples mourn everything. Three years ago, after Ah Liang fell ill, his parents broke down during Ah Liang's treatment, and his father left.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Chen Xingjia's team, in coordination with the Heyuan Civil Affairs Bureau and the village committee, found Ah Liang's father three days later, but the father in the hospital looked blank, and there was no distressed expression on his face, not even an anxious expression.

In the communication with the attending physician, Dr. Cai, my father hardly spoke much and was in a state of dissociation all the time.

After returning to the ward, Ah Liang's father directly told Xiao Shi, a social worker of the "United Love Project", that he hoped that the foundation would pay the 70,000 or 80,000 yuan in arrears in the hospital, "You said that I came here with all the money." ”

7 days later, Ah Liang's mother also came back, and as soon as she entered the ward, she picked up Ah Liang, and her attitude was much more positive than that of her father.

Although in the end, the foundation agreed to pay 100,000 yuan in advance for treatment, because Ah Liang's condition progressed so fast, it had reached the point where he could no longer carry out any active treatment.

Ah Liang's parents decided to give up the rescue.

At 10 a.m. the next day, Chen Xingjia learned that Ah Liang had passed away in the ward, in his mother's arms. In the afternoon of the same day, Ah Liang was cremated in Guangzhou.

Later, social worker Danzi learned an even more heartbreaking detail:

Yesterday, I heard a whisper from the mother of a patient who had lived in the same general ward with Ah Liang, saying that Ah Liang's mother was really bitter.

Ah Liang's mother once cried and told her that when she had no way to borrow money during the treatment of Ah Liang, she went to work as a one-time worker.

I just remembered the meaning of what the patient's mother told me when I rushed to the hospital late at night 9 days ago, "Ah Liang's mother has paid too much for this child", and the more I thought about it, the more sad I became.

It was a moment when everyone was completely petrified, Chen Xingjia hesitated several times to write this story into "Farewell Song", and finally decided to write it because of the voice of Chen Xingjia's heart that convinced him - this is not a shameful thing.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

This is the last heart-wrenching effort of a mother who is fighting to the death for the fate of her child in a desperate situation, and it cannot be blamed.

Even though she once fled, she was a great mother who could endure humiliation and even sacrifice everything for her son.

She fled at that time, not because she was ruthless about leaving her son alone, but because after trying her best, she couldn't face the despair of losing her child, and at that moment she was really exhausted and completely collapsed.

"I guess the moment she left the hospital, she was praying and gambling that society would not abandon her poor son. In fact, the hospital did not abandon Ah Liang, and neither did Chen Xingjia's charity team.

Her return after 7 days was not so much that Henghui Public Welfare Foundation brought her back, but that her mother's nature made her unable to survive her own return, but that it was the mother-son connection, and Ah Liang's cry in the ward called her back.

After Ah Liang's mother signed the word to give up the rescue, she leaned her head against her son, face to face, hugged her son tightly, and sat there motionless.


Geese in the wind

Let more cute "birds" grow up without sorrow

The idea of the robin public welfare project is:

Give full play to the experimental, connected, and advocacy functions of social organizations

Based on the school, from the three levels of teachers, parents and students

Deeply cultivate science popularization and prevention

Let the mental confusion of children and adolescents be seen, understood, and healed

The "Mockingbird Charity Project" is a project of the Henghui Charity Foundation to care for the mental health of children and adolescents, and the wild goose is the target of this project in May 2023.

Yanzi is in the sixth grade, usually behaves normally in school, studies Xi hard, has good grades, and is about to graduate in less than two months.

The head teacher noticed that the goose was in a very bad state in the morning, and went over to inquire, and found that there was a fresh scratch on her wrist, the blood was still there, and a closer look at the neck also had a scarred scratch. The teacher rummaged through Yanzi's desk and found that there were 6 knives inside, all of which were very sharp.

After receiving a request for help from the school, Chen Xingjia immediately called Dr. Song Zixiang, a medical psychologist at the robin project.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Chen Xingjia and the robin project

Yanzi's father arrived from out of town, simple and honest, and basically didn't talk much. Yanzi's 20-year-old brother is a sophomore in the same city, and he rushed to school after receiving the notice, but there is no youthful vitality in his expression, and there is a long-suppressed unhappiness in life. And my mother said that she was at work and had not yet arrived at the scene.

Based on years of professional experience, Dr. Song judged that the child's predicament was more likely to come from the family.

The reason why the goose made the scratch on the wrist that is easy to be found should be the psychological motivation to provide a hint and send a signal of self-help, and she is calling out for help in behavioral language: "Please see me." ”

Since the location of the scratch was already very close to the artery, the expert's judgment for her behavior was "non-suicidal self-injury".

The results of the psychological diagnostic assessment are clear: severe anxiety, severe depression.

Now, the school needs to come to a conclusion that the child does not need to be sent to a psychiatric hospital immediately.

Dr. Song's advice was: first, the child's condition is more serious, and second, the child should not be sent to a psychiatric hospital for the time being, and the family will take proper care of him for a day.

Dr. Song believes that conclusions should not be hastily drawn based on the psychological diagnostic assessment scale, and the opportunity to save the child in a relatively easy reversible stage should not be easily missed. Once a child is admitted to a psychiatric hospital as a seriously ill patient, he or she is kept in a tightly managed psychiatric ward, and there is a possibility of medical trauma.

Through the communication with the principal and his brother, Director Song has basically determined the crux of this matter - it is Yanzi's mother who needs to intervene.

Mother Chunyan grew up in the countryside of northern Anhui, her mother died when she was not yet a child, and her father died when she was 6 years old, becoming an orphan, and since then she has been fostered in her cousin's house. Since childhood, he has been coldly treated, excluded, misunderstood, wronged, and abused.

For many years, Chunyan got up at 5 a.m., finished her housework, rode her electric car to work at 7 a.m., and went home at 9 p.m., cooking, laundry, mopping the floor, and resting at 12 p.m., and she has been doing so for 20 years.

This Xi is called overcompensation in psychology, and she is compensating for the lack of emotion and extreme insecurity in her childhood.

Therefore, Chunyan has a strong desire to control her husband and children over the years. The daughter has been talented and good-looking since she was a child, and she probably saw her own shadow from her daughter, and saw the possibility of recovering her lost childhood and even her lost life.

Since her daughter was in the first grade of primary school, she has asked her daughter to take the first place in the exam, even if she scored 99 points and ranked first in the whole school, she would not let go of asking "why did you deduct that 1 point".

She's doubling down on the mistakes that normal moms make.

In the end, Dr. Song gave a diagnosis: there is no major problem with Yanzi, and there is no need to send him to a psychiatric hospital. A plan was developed for families, schools, doctors, and volunteers to rescue the geese.

The results of this flexible intervention program have been amazing. More than a month later, Chen Xingjia and his team got feedback that Yanzi's mood recovered well and he was successfully admitted to junior high school.

Therefore, Chen Xingjia also sorted out the campus safety and crisis management for teenagers' mental confusion, and several practices in general schools are debatable.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Chen Xingjia and the robin project

First, whenever a student is found to have psychological problems, regardless of the cause or severity of his or her illness, his parents are required to take him home for recuperation or directly suspend his or her studies; second, the windows and balconies of some schools are equipped with guardrails, similar to prisons or psychiatric wards; and third, parents are allowed to accompany them in class or assign several classmates to take turns to take care of them.

The first method is one-size-fits-all, which is protective for students with serious psychological problems who cannot attend school normally, but harmful for students with general psychological problems that can be recovered after short-term adjustments.

The second method is more indifferent, and such a setting will make everyone feel depressed and suffocated, which is not conducive to the recovery of students with psychological problems.

The third method creates discrimination, and for students with emotional problems, it is not only very insulting for the class teacher to arrange for parents to accompany them or classmates to secretly supervise them, but also to hurt their self-esteem.

At the beginning of 2022, the experience of the robin public welfare project was written by Yu Minhong into the proposal of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress - "Suggestions on Attaching Importance to the Prevention and Treatment of Adolescent Depression", which attracted national attention.



The children of heroes cannot be forgotten

Payroll plan

Designed to help fight the 2020 pandemic

Heroes of the anti-epidemic who unfortunately died

Children aged 0~22 provide long-term education and growth companionship care

On March 18, 2020, Chen Xingjia led the Henghui Charity Foundation to launch the "Education Care for the Children of Wage Earners" project.

At that time, according to incomplete statistics from media reports, 381 heroes died on the front line of the epidemic, of which 203 were under the age of 50, which is a tragic and heavy number, and it also means that there may be underage children in the families of these heroes (the juvenile standard set in this project is 22 years old, that is, before graduating from university).

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Chen Xingjia and the salary babies

Through media reports and volunteers across the country, Chen Xingjia and his team found the contact information of the heroes' families, and then introduced our public welfare projects to the heroes' families one by one.

The "Salary Project" found 163 Torch Babies scattered across the country, and of course the largest number of children were in Wuhan. Among these babies, 90% of the fathers died, 10% of the mothers died, and one baby's parents are gone.

Chen Xingjia devoted two full chapters to telling us about many of the touching stories, and Ashin felt that out of respect, the best way to introduce them was to read them in their entirety.

Chen Xingjia set the cycle of this project at 22 years, which is the time of a generation and the time when the youngest seven Torch Babies graduate from college.

In addition to giving children a certain amount of education support every year, there are also 10 aspects of project support: family visits, psychological assistance, health security, nutrition support, parent empowerment, peer mentors, summer camps, specialty training, public welfare Xi, and employment training.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Chen Xingjia watched the World Cup with a salary baby

The project will create a life growth profile for each child, which is not about privacy, but only about growth.

On the child's birthday when he graduated from college, Chen Xingjia will give it to him (her) on behalf of the project team as a gift for the child to enter the society.

I will tell my children that Dad (Mom) is the hero of our whole society, and our society has not forgotten him (her), and I hope that the warm companionship of our public welfare people along the way can become the strength for the growth of children in their future lives.

The youngest child in the project is the second son of martyr Li Wenliang, who was born three and a half months after Wenliang's death. On the day this baby graduated from college, the public welfare project of the salary transfer plan was officially completed.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Chen Xingjia and the salary baby

Chen Xingjia said to his partners:

If I'm lucky, I should live to be 72 years old, and I'll do this ritual work. If I leave in the meantime, please do it for me.

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

Chen Xingjia uses a romantic and idealistic attitude towards life to write a living reality.

He had worried that it would be a bit anachronistic to make parting a theme, and that readers might turn away from the book at the first sight of the title.

It is safe to say that his extremely subtle portrayal of human suffering in the book completely counteracts this concern.

All suffering in the world has a passive nature, and the love of humanity that can be tormented with life in suffering is moving. This is the spiritual power that Chen Xingjia hopes to convey in "Farewell Song".

From the initial launch of the "United Love Project" for the comprehensive treatment of childhood leukemia in the experimental area, to the later "Mockingbird Public Welfare Project" for the psychological care of children and adolescents, and the "Salary Transfer Plan" to protect the families of anti-epidemic heroes, Chen Xingjia is all sending comfort to those who have experienced separation.

Chen Xingjia's writing adopts the most simple way of expression, which is a kind of great coincidence, which makes people sad at the same time, but often releases warmth, and makes people's numb soul revive in pain.

"Farewell Song"

Chen Xingjia's sincere record of life

Every ordinary person is his own hero

Dedicated to you who are confused and stuck

In the past 7 years of transforming into public welfare, what has Chen Xingjia done, this is his most complete response......

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