
Officially, he is finally popular this year

author:Separate fish

This winter, Harbin is on fire.

The city of "people-pleasing personality" attracts a large number of tourists from the south.

It's just that the car almost overturned recently.

First, the joke of "Southern Little Potato" has aroused the disgust of many people.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Second, it is the relevant departments that make trouble.

In one video, a man dressed in ethnic minority costumes walks on the central street with a reindeer.

After being confirmed by the local staff, the marketing accounts also went out collectively:

"The Oroqen people have been invited down the mountain."

"The last time they were invited out of the mountain, it was Qianlong Ye/Northeast Anti-Japanese Federation"

Officially, he is finally popular this year

After the topic appeared on the hot search, some locals refuted the rumors.

Although the man was indeed wearing Oroqen clothes, the act of leading the reindeer was Zhang Guanli wearing.

The real owners of the reindeer should be the Evenks.

They are the only nation in all of Asia that domesticates reindeer.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

When it comes to the Evenki people, friends who like domestic independent documentaries must be no strangers.

A few years ago, a related banned film once became popular.

The Douban entry disappeared several times, and after seeing the light of day, it received a high score of 9.2.

"This is the way movies should be, we've been grease and powder for too long."

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Director Gu Tao recorded the most real Evenki people with a rough painting style.

The primitiveness and tragedy in it are hard to let go-


Officially, he is finally popular this year
Officially, he is finally popular this year

The Evenks are a mystical ethnic minority.

Living in the forests of the Great Khing'an Mountains, it is the only ethnic group in China that is allowed to hunt.

Chi Zijian once watched them from afar and wrote the novel "The Right Bank of the Ergun River".

The title of this film is "Qiandahan", which is an animal in the Evenki language, and its scientific name is moose.

The Evenks have tamed them for hundreds of years and have gradually developed a similar nature.

Shuttling through the shore of a dense lake, quiet and sensitive, solemn and peaceful.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

The protagonist Wei Jia can be called a prominent person.

Grandma is the last shaman of the tribe, and mother is the only person in the tribe who has ever written a book.

The elder sister is the famous painter Liuba, who is known as the "daughter of the deer".

When he was young, Wei Jia also showed a very high literary talent.

He was an art student who was admitted to Minzu University of China, and he has a lot of knowledge about Expressionism, Impressionism, and Modigliani.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

His family called him an artist.

Under the vivid brush, there are forest landscapes and Evenki life.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

He is like a great power who lives in the mountains and forests.

The export is a chapter, and all kinds of folklore are described vividly.

Netizens were also amazed by his eloquence and thought he was a poet.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

However, the most out of the circle is the madness of Weijia.

As soon as the film opens, he says that he has been to Paris.

Just as the audience was surprised, his next words made people laugh.

It's not the Paris of France, it's the fence, which means prison.

Viga has the violent temperament of a hunter, an unruly style, and is full of swear words at every turn.

Not long ago, he was detained for 15 days for intimidating him with a gun.

The reason was to ask the captain of the hunter for a drink.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Viga had a problem, a serious alcoholic.

He often drank unconscious, and was admitted to the hospital for alcohol poisoning every once in a while.

His mother persuaded him bitterly, but he was choked with two sentences:

"I'm willing to be poisoned, that's called drinking."

Officially, he is finally popular this year

When it comes to the night, I feel sad, and I don't know where to start.

Tons of wine, my heart is comfortable, and the next day's work is done.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Alcoholism plagues the Viga family.

After the eldest sister Liuba returned to her hometown from the city, she often secretly drank alcohol to relieve her inner depression.

Finally, he fell into a river less than 30 centimeters deep and drowned.

Officially, he is finally popular this year
Officially, he is finally popular this year

The second sister, Liu Xia, is even more rarely sober.

On the train, she was drunk and chatted with strangers, spitting out dirty words and scolding officials.

made others dare not answer, and they were stunned to talk to death.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Once, I couldn't stand my sister's nonsense, so Wei Jia stepped forward to stop it.

didn't think about it, but was smashed head-on by my sister on the bench, and the blood didn't stop flowing.

After sobering up, he came over to care about his younger brother, showing an innocent face.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

The entire Evenki people drank fiercely.

In just a few years, 61 people died directly and indirectly.

The head of the hunter captain's family even drank so much that he was the only one left.

He wiped away his tears as he filled his glass.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Alcohol has decimated the already small Evenki population.

Vega knew this, but she was still drunk.

He said it was to ease the anguish in his heart.

"All Him* Drink and Drink to Death"

Officially, he is finally popular this year
Officially, he is finally popular this year

The Evenks drank alcohol to heal their wounds.

Modernization brings prosperity and convenience, but for them it is a process of constant loss.

The beginning of Vija's madness was to lose her gun.

As a nomadic people, shotguns are the backbone of the survival of the Evenks.

Vidja had painted a golden age of hunting that had passed.

Bullets burst out of the chamber of the gun, severing the carotid artery of the prey in an instant. Blood spurted out in the sun, staining a white patch of red.

"Really beautiful"

Officially, he is finally popular this year

In the 90s, due to a total ban on hunting, the local government demanded that Evenki hunters surrender their guns.

In 2005, a death order was issued.

For Vidja, his more than twenty years of hunting was over.

"Farewell, Shotgun"

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Without a gun, it is difficult to defend against the attack of blind bears in the wild.

The feedback from the Evenks has also received the attention of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and UNESCO.

Batch after batch of experts came, and they all said that they would re-issue their guns.

However, it has been shelved again and again, and it has not been done yet.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Without guns, there is no dignity.

In the past, Evenks roamed the streets with guns on their backs, and the police had to avoid three points.

Now, the police dare to rummage around when they break into the hunters' spots.

"Now it's been transferred, let's stand upright."

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Secondly, I lost my home.

The Evenks were originally a nomadic people, migrating with the deer herds and camping in the forests.

However, the local government prefers them to settle down.

As early as the 1960s, the Aoluguya Hunter Township was established.

Some of the Evenks were moved down the mountain and settled in township housing.

Since 2003, a large-scale "ecological migration" project has begun.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Build new houses, warm and solid.

The wide highway provides a guarantee for travel and medical treatment.

The Evenks were also given two options: a settlement under the mountain - a hunter's settlement on the mountain.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

However, without the forest, there is no source of income.

Heating, food, it's a lot of money.

The proximity to settlements is not suitable for deer farming, and poachers are taking advantage of the hunters descending the mountains to become more rampant.

In such a vicious circle, the living conditions of many Evenks are not as good as before.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Alcoholism happens on days like these.

The Evenki hunting culture, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has died out in this generation.

The Vega get themselves drunk to fill the inability to hunt for idleness.

Forget the chirping of reindeer and reindeer, the bravery of walking through the forest with a gun, and the whispering in the depths of the forest.

"This is the culture of hunting, the judgment of the end times"

Officially, he is finally popular this year

The most important thing is to lose the inheritance.

In 2000, there were 30,000 Evenks, and by 2023, only 12,057 remain.

Among them, there are countless Evenks who no longer keep deer.

The world is becoming more connected, and more and more young people are leaving the forest.

I'd rather work to earn 3,000 yuan than go back to my hometown.

The director of this film, Gu Tao, also filmed another documentary "Hugo's Holiday".

Liu Xia was judged to have lost custody because of alcoholism.

Her 8-year-old son, Hugo, was sent to an orphanage school in Wuxi by a welfare agency.

Talking about this nephew who has lived in a foreign land for a long time, Weijia bluntly said that he can't afford to develop reindeer.

Because, the child is emotionally alienated from the forest.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Even if you are willing to return to the forest, the outcome may not be smooth.

The eldest sister, Liuba, is an example of this.

As the first university student in Evenki, after ten years in the city, he resolutely gave up his editorial job and returned to the forest.

It can be clearly perceived that the foot strength can no longer keep up with the hunting team.

When she was in the city, she was an ethnic minority, and when she returned home, she was seen as a city dweller.

The wavering identity made her heart more and more painful.

"I love the forest, but the forest is indifferent to me"

Officially, he is finally popular this year

On Douban, a passage of Weijia was canonized.

There is no flowery rhetoric, and it is not a unique opinion.

But from his mouth, it is more heart-shaking than any philosopher.

When a nation loses its culture, it loses everything

If you lose everything, you face extinction

Officially, he is finally popular this year

At the beginning of spring, Weijia went to the grave of her grandmother.

Still looking drunk, holding the bottle of Shanggong and couldn't help but take a few more sips.

When everyone walked away, he muttered word by word:

"In our time, the hunting culture has disappeared, and we are ashamed."

Officially, he is finally popular this year
Officially, he is finally popular this year

The demise of any civilization is tragic.

In "Saidek Balai", the Saidek people stubbornly resist the enslavement of the invading Japanese army.

left an iron-clad oath:

"If civilization is to make us grovel, I will show you the pride of savagery!"

Officially, he is finally popular this year

It is true that the situation of the Evenks is not the same as that of the former.

Under the policy of national unity, the relevant departments have never stopped cultural rescue operations.

It's just that it's more like this "Oroqen/Evenki" oolong, the form is greater than the content.

The Museum of Hunting Culture of the Evenki Nation was built in the area.

The traditional bonfire festival attracts a large number of tourists.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

The crowd erupted in amazement and applause from time to time, and Viga shuttled through it in disbelief.

To him, it's more like an elegy.

Once civilization is put in the window, it loses its original vitality.

The original meaning of "Evenki" was people who lived in the forest.

"Look, it's too much like a show."

Officially, he is finally popular this year

An episode in the film also shows the "modern version of Ye Gong Haolong".

Afraid that Weijia would die in the forest, his mother posted a marriage revelation for him.

Teacher Xia, a girl from the south, was attracted by his talent.

After dating for a while, he left Daxinganling with Weijia and came to Sanya, Hainan.

Cutting off her long, unkempt hair and putting on a shirt and pants, Viga also became a "city man".

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Mr. Xia likes to take Weijia to meet his friends and compose poems with everyone.

In order to let him see the world, he was pulled into a hut and the same group of children learned Xi elementary school English.

Having raised reindeer for half her life, Weijia felt for the first time that she was like a captive beast.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

The issue of drinking is still a contradiction between the two.

"Good for you", "peace of mind for me", etc., Mr. Xia exhausted his words.

Vidja's almost insane poetry once fascinated her, but once she got closer, it turned into a big trouble in the real world.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

After several attempts to quit drinking to no avail, Weijia was coaxed and sent to a psychiatric hospital.

Locked up with a real mentally ill person and forced to take medicine.

He had no choice but to hide the pill under his tongue and spit it out when there was no one.

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Perhaps, in the eyes of most people who are Xi to city life, traditional Evenki life is abnormal.

People don't believe that barbaric primitiveness will be blessed by nature, and they don't believe that there will be people who don't love their houses and wander all their lives.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the propaganda of sweeping away feudalism fired the first shot at the Evenki shaman.

The complete ban on hunting has stabbed this ancient people with a fatal stab.

In fact, the Evenks hunted according to a natural schedule.

From an ant's nest to a mating bear blind, the Evenks do not fight.

"It's like a Han person, and it makes a noise when you look at it."

Officially, he is finally popular this year

In fact, poaching has become more rampant since the Evenki mountain guards were banned.

Greedy poachers, whether they are gifts from nature or not, are doing the business of cutting off their offspring.

"Ecological Migration is Wrong"

Officially, he is finally popular this year

Of course, everyone has the right to pursue a new life.

The relocation has given the Evenks better material conditions, medical resources, and the opportunity to go outside.

However, the premise should be based on understanding, recognition, and respect.

Viga made an interesting analogy.

He said he has read a lot of books, including those by writers who have won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

However, none of them wrote about the dreams of dogs.

Yes, Zi Fei Fish, the joy of Anzhi fish.

"I've read their books, but they haven't written about dog dreams."

Officially, he is finally popular this year

The Vega are a group of outliers who are not tolerated by the mainstream society.

We have also seen such a figure in films such as "The Good Man of the Three Gorges" and "Hidden in the Dust".

The iron hooves of modernity are leveling all the ancestral houses and fields.

The haughty hunter, fallen under an invisible shotgun.

"If a more civilized world cop shoots me, shoot it"

Officially, he is finally popular this year