
Drinking a lot of water in a short period of time is easy to get dehydrated! Learn these tricks to recover quickly

author:Dr. Chan Hua-hsien

"Have you ever been told to 'drink plenty of water' because of a cold? It may sound like a cliché health secret, but the truth may not be that simple. Colds are so common in our daily lives that everyone thinks of themselves as little experts in this area. However, when it comes to the right way to recover from a cold, common advice can hide unexpected risks. ”

The relationship between water and colds: Can drinking water really cure colds?

When we have a cold, we often hear the advice "drink plenty of water". Indeed, hydration is essential for health, especially during recovery from illness. However, there are some misconceptions about the relationship between colds and water intake that need to be clarified.

Drinking a lot of water in a short period of time is easy to get dehydrated! Learn these tricks to recover quickly

First and foremost, water plays a key role in maintaining homeostasis. It helps regulate body temperature, transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, and also helps in digestion and flushing out waste from the body. During a cold, proper hydration can help thin phlegm in the body and relieve sore throats and coughs.

However, drinking plenty of water doesn't mean a faster recovery. Excessive water intake may cause electrolyte imbalances in the body, especially if you drink large amounts of water in a short period of time. This imbalance can sometimes even lead to water intoxication, especially in middle-aged and older people with weakened kidney function.

When you have a cold, the right amount of hydration is key. We should adjust to our physical needs. Typically, adults need to drink about 2-3 liters of water per day, but this amount can vary during a cold. Listening to your body's needs and hydrating at the right time is part of recovery.

In addition, in addition to pure water, you can choose some electrolyte-containing beverages during a cold, such as sports drinks or salted chicken broth. Not only do these help replace lost electrolytes, but they also provide additional nutrients and comfort.

Drinking a lot of water in a short period of time is easy to get dehydrated! Learn these tricks to recover quickly

Wisdom Choice: The Art of Hydration in the Event of a Cold

Proper hydration is key when you have a cold, but too much can cause problems. Here's a scientific and practical tip to help you hydrate properly during a cold.

1. Drink a reasonable amount of water

When you have a cold, your body needs enough water to help regulate your body temperature and promote the elimination of metabolic waste. It is generally recommended that adults drink about 2-2.5 liters of water per day. However, it depends on your condition, such as if you have a fever or sweat a lot, you may need more water.

2. Frequency and amount of water intake

Spread your water intake and avoid drinking large amounts of water in a short period of time. It is advisable to drink 200-300 ml of water each time, and drink it every 1-2 hours to avoid excessive burden on the kidneys.

3. Appropriate drinking water temperature

Drink room temperature or lukewarm water. Excessively cold water may irritate the throat and aggravate cough or sore throat, while excessively hot water may damage the mucous membranes of the throat.

Drinking a lot of water in a short period of time is easy to get dehydrated! Learn these tricks to recover quickly

4. Choose the right drink

In addition to ordinary plain water, you can choose some drinks that contain vitamin C, such as light lemonade or orange juice, to boost your body's immunity. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, which can lead to dehydration.

5. Monitor your body's hydration status

Pay attention to the color of the urine to determine if there is adequate hydration. Pale yellow urine is usually an indication of good hydration status, while dark or a small amount of urine may indicate the need for more fluid.

6. Hydrate your diet with water

Liquid foods, such as soups or porridges, are a great way to stay hydrated. Not only do they provide water, but they also provide energy and essential nutrients.

With the above methods, you can replenish water more scientifically and effectively during a cold and promote the recovery of your body. Remember, hydration needs to be tailored to your condition, especially if you have heart or kidney problems. In any case, it is always wise to seek professional medical advice if in doubt.

Drinking a lot of water in a short period of time is easy to get dehydrated! Learn these tricks to recover quickly

Cold Recovery Accelerator: Three Key Strategies

During a cold, the right recovery strategy will not only help speed up the recovery process but also improve the body's overall resistance. Here are three key areas of advice for your cold recovery journey:

1. Balanced nutrition: the key to strengthening immunity

When you have a cold, your body needs extra energy and nutrients to fight off the virus. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet. Testimonials include:

High-quality protein: Fish, lean meats, eggs, and soy products, which are rich in essential amino acids that help repair the body and boost the immune system.

Vitamin-rich foods: Fresh vegetables and fruits, such as citrus fruits, kiwifruit, tomatoes, and leafy greens, are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants to promote immune health.

Whole grains and fiber: Whole grain breads, oats, and vegetables for energy and digestion.

2. Rest & Sleep: The building blocks of physical recovery

Adequate rest and sleep are essential for cold recovery. Sleep strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight off viruses. Suggestion:

Get enough sleep: Adults should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

Create a good sleeping environment: Keep the room quiet, dark, and at the right temperature.

Avoid caffeine and electronic devices: Reduce caffeine intake and screen use before bed to promote better sleep quality.

Drinking a lot of water in a short period of time is easy to get dehydrated! Learn these tricks to recover quickly

3. Moderate exercise: Strengthen physical strength and mentality

Light to moderate exercise boosts the immune system and can help improve mood and reduce cold symptoms. But to avoid overexertion, it is advisable to:

Light exercise, such as walking or relaxing yoga, can help keep blood circulating and increase energy.

Pay attention to your body's reactions: If you feel tired or have trouble breathing, you should stop exercising immediately.

Rest at the right time: If you feel any discomfort or symptoms worsen, stop exercising and rest immediately.

With these concrete and practical strategies, you can effectively promote cold recovery and also lay the foundation for maintaining good health. Remember, during a cold, it's key to listen to your body's needs and adjust your diet, rest and exercise.