
Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

author:Yuan Yi said

Text: Yuan Yi said

Edit|Yuan Yi said

Dogs have been considered to be one of man's most loyal friends since ancient times, and they have won the hearts of countless people with their loyal, intelligent and affectionate nature, and the movie "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog" is based on a true story about the dog's deep affection and unswerving loyalty to humans. This story not only touched the heartstrings of the audience, but also made us deeply reflect on the relationship between humans and animals.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

The Akita dog, once the exclusive pet of the Japanese royal family and aristocracy, has won the hearts of people for its bravery, sensitivity, loyalty and intelligence. They are not only excellent working dogs and watchdogs, but also guardians of the family, and spend their lives loving and caring for their families.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

The love affair between man and dog is not over

The broadcast of the movie "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog", the protagonist of the plot story is an Akita dog who is loyal to humans named "Hachiko". The main story told in the film begins after the death of its owner.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Although the owner is gone, he still insists on going to the train station every day to wait for the touching scene of the master's return. This simple and pure story allows us to see the depth and persistence of love, and also allows us to experience the greatness and nobility of dedication.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Hachiko was originally given to Professor Parker by a Japanese professor. The professor's wife named it "Hachiko", a name that means good luck and prosperity in Japanese culture. Hachiko's arrival brought endless joy to Professor Parker's family, and they quickly became an indispensable member of the family.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

The affection between Hachiko and Professor Parker is manifested in many ways. Every day, Hachiko would follow Professor Parker to the station, and then return to the station in the evening to wait for Professor Parker to go home. This daily behavior has become a tacit understanding and Xi between them. In addition, Hachiko also learned the ability to pick up balls, which made Professor Parker extremely surprised and proud.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

However, the impermanence of fate led to Professor Parker's sudden death after a stroke. Despite Professor Parker's departure, Hachiko still insists on going to the station every day to wait for his return. This perseverance touched everyone around him, and they reached out to support Hachiko.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

As time passed, Hachiko grew older, but he still stuck to the station. It wasn't until the tenth year that Professor Parker's wife returned to the station, and she saw Hachiko in an old state on the flower bed opposite. The return of Parker's wife gave Hachiko one last comfort, and he spent the rest of his life faithfully with Professor Parker's family.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

In this movie, we see Hachiko's love for his master, the deep and persistent emotion, which moved us. At the same time, it also makes us think about the nature of human nature, and makes us understand that although we have a kind and beautiful heart, what we often lack is the determination and courage to give selflessly.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

10 years as if waiting for the late owner to return

Hachiko, the loyal dog, is based on a Japanese Akita dog named Hachiko, who insisted on waiting at Shibuya Station for ten years until the last moment of his life after the death of his owner, Professor Eizaburo Ueno.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Hachiko's growth was full of warmth and love, and he was regarded as a family member by the professor since he was a child, and he accompanied the professor to and from work every day, becoming an indispensable member of the family. The impermanence of fate brought this deep emotion to an abrupt end. The professor died of a heart attack, leaving Hachiko alone at the station, looking forward to his master's return.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Unfortunately, the professor's meeting did not go as planned. He fell ill during the meeting and unfortunately passed away. Three days later, he was buried in the Castle Peak Cemetery. And Hachiko, but still waiting for the professor's return at Shibuya Station,

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

After the professor's death, only Hachiko and his wife were left in the family. Unable to bear the pain of losing her loved ones, the professor's wife decided to move out of this place full of memories and move in with her daughter with Hachiko. However, Hachiko was never able to forget the professor, and he escaped without anyone noticing, returned to Shibuya Station, and began a wandering life.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Despite the professor's wife's attempts to take Hachiko away, he still secretly returned to the station and continued to perform his "duty". During these 10 years, Hachiko would show up at Shibuya Station on time every day, waiting for the one who would never return. Its loyalty and dedication have touched countless people, and it has also made this small station a place full of love and warmth.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Hachiko's story spread throughout the community, and people paid attention to and cared for this loyal companion. Hachiko has become a spiritual symbol of the community, and its story inspires everyone to care for animals and cherish every life around them.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Hachiko's story touched countless people, and people came to feed him, and the station made an exception to allow Hachiko to stay overnight. Ten years like a day, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, Hachiko always held on to its beliefs until his body was too weak to support it. On March 8, 1935, Hachiko was laid to rest at the station, ending his endless wait for his master.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

With their affinity, alertness, and protectiveness, dogs have become valuable members of many families. They are able to sense human emotions, provide comfort and support, and even help treat certain mental illnesses. In addition, there are many breeds of dogs, each with its own characteristics, which caters to the needs and preferences of different people.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

For dog lovers, dogs are not only pets, but also family and friends. They are willing to put in the time and effort to care for their dogs and take on the responsibility of raising them. In social situations, they will also be happy to show their dogs, sharing interesting facts about their growth and development. Caring for dogs is not only reflected in material satisfaction, but also in spiritual communication and understanding.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

The Akita dog that became the national dog with "faithful waiting".

"The Tale of Hachiko, the Loyal Dog" is also regarded as a work of soul journey. Although we don't know if Hachiko, who is at the end of his life, actually met his master, we believe that the soul can transcend the boundaries of the physical body and continue to search for that destination under the guidance of thoughts. This is where Hachiko's belief lies, it comes from the moment of the turn of fate, it is a loyalty to one's commitment.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Finally, "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog" is also given an educational meaning. It makes us understand that we should learn how to love people, just as a puppy learns to care for others from birth. It is a work that makes us reflect on ourselves and let us learn to cherish the people or things around us.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

"The Story of Hachiko, the Loyal Dog" is not just a film about an Akita dog, it is a story about love, devotion, soul and education. It allows us to see the touching aspects of Hachiko, and also allows us to understand the bits and pieces of life. May each of us find our own guardian angel and repay their affection in our own way.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

More and more people choose to have dogs because they can give us unconditional love and companionship. We should pay more attention to the rights and well-being of dogs, ensuring that they are treated and protected well. At the same time, Hachiko's story also reminds us to respect every life and cherish every emotion, because in this world, there is nothing more precious than sincere love.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

After Hachiko's deeds were widely spread, the local people made a statue of Hachiko in order to commemorate it, and even the protagonist of the movie, Hachiko, the original body of the Akita dog, made it into a specimen for people to admire. The remainder is buried with its owner, so that it can rest with its owner.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

At one of Tokyo's busiest stations, there is a sculpture titled "Hachiko the Loyal Dog." Every year on March 8, the day Hachiko died, people hold a commemorative event in Shibuya Plaza and decorate his statue with flowers.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

Hachiko's story gives us a deep understanding of the meaning of loyalty, and it also reminds us to cherish the people and things around us. In this ever-changing world, sincere emotions and strong beliefs are our most valuable assets.

Just waited for 10 years for an agreement, and now it is the national dog of Japan, how loyal it is in the movie

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