
After the New Oriental turmoil, Dong Yuhui's new account premiered and attracted attention, and the team lineup was strong

author:Blue tie with double ponytail
{"info":{"title":{"content":"新东方风波后,董宇辉新号首播引关注,团队阵容强大","en":"After the New Oriental turmoil, Dong Yuhui's new account premiered and attracted attention, and the team lineup was strong"},"description":{"content":"新东方风波后,董宇辉新号“与辉同行”首播引发关注。1月9日19点,新团队成员盼盼、董董等亮相直播间,吸引了大量观众。董宇...","en":"After the New Oriental turmoil, Dong Yuhui's new account \"Walking with Hui\" premiered and attracted attention. At 19 o'clock on January 9, new team members Pan Pan and Dong Dong appeared in the live broadcast room, attracting a large number of audiences. Dong Yu..."}},"items":[]}