
Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

author:Kangsir medical science

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On an ordinary weekend, Li Ming, a middle school history teacher, is at home keen on his weekend hobby, indoor fitness.

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

However, during a fierce jump, he accidentally bumped into the sharp corner of the coffee table in the living room, and his calf instantly ached excruciatingly. In order to deal with this sudden small wound, he hurried to the community hospital and happened to meet his familiar family doctor, Dr. Wang.

Dr. Wang, a humorous and experienced veteran doctor, suddenly said something like this when he was treating Li Ming's wounds: "Did you know that some people's hair can reveal their health and longevity?"

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

This sentence aroused Li Ming's deep interest.

"Really?" asked Li Ming curiously.

Dr. Wang nodded and began to explain in detail: "Actually, the condition of the hair does reflect a person's health.

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

For example, hair density, elasticity and shine can be used as indicators of a person's overall health. ”

"First of all, the density of the hair. Generally speaking, the denser the hair, the better the physical health. This is because hair growth requires adequate nutrition and a good metabolism.

And when the body is in a sub-healthy state, hair tends to become thin. ”

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

Li Ming listened attentively, and Dr. Wang continued: "The second is the elasticity of the hair. Healthy hair should be bouncy and can withstand some stretching.

If the hair is prone to breakage, it could mean that the body is deficient in certain trace elements, such as zinc and iron. ”

"Finally, the shine of the hair is also important. Shiny hair reflects good blood circulation and an adequate supply of nutrients.

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

Dull hair can be a sign of malnutrition or endocrine disorders. ”

"So, does hair really predict lifespan?" asked Li Ming.

Dr. Wang smiled: "Of course, this can't directly say that hair can determine lifespan, but it is indeed a reflection of physical health.

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

If a person can maintain a good lifestyle Xi, adequate nutrient intake, and proper exercise, his hair will naturally appear healthier. And these factors are the key to longevity. ”

After that, Dr. Wang added some specific patient cases to prove his point.

For example, he mentioned a long-lived old man who had always maintained thick and shiny hair, and his life Xi was very healthy, he did not smoke or drink, ate a balanced diet, and insisted on moderate exercise every day.

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!

After Li Ming heard this, he felt that he had benefited a lot. He decided to pay more attention to his diet and Xi from today, hoping that his hair would also become a sign of health.

At the end of the story, Dr. Wong asks another question: "Speaking of hair, do you know why balding people are considered a symbol of wisdom in some cultures?"

Is it true that if you look at your hair, you know your lifespan? Doctor: People who live a long life will have 3 characteristics of their hair!


This question does not seem to be directly related to health, but in fact it touches on a deeper reflection on physical appearance and socio-cultural perceptions.

Historically, many great men have been bald, and people may associate baldness with wisdom and maturity. From a medical point of view, baldness is sometimes the result of genetic factors or hormonal changes, which reflect the physiological changes inherent in the human body.

The cultural and physiological explanations behind this phenomenon not only increase our understanding of human diversity, but also give us a deeper understanding of the relationship between health and physical appearance.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!