
The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress

author:PC host evaluation little genius

The latest solution to the slow update progress of the version is slow

The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress

Friends who play "League of Legends" PBE US server, have you encountered the problem of slow version update? Don't worry, the editor will help! PBE is a good place to test new heroes and new features, and frequent upgrades are normal. In the following, the editor will sort out a few tricks for you, so that you can solve the problem of slow version updates in seconds.

The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress

The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress

Solution 1: Optimize the network

The slow update of PBE may be due to the poor network environment. When you open the PBE US server, try to use the Qiyou acceleration tool. Start the Qiyou acceleration tool, find the League of Legends PBE US server, and turn on the acceleration. The Qiyou acceleration tool can optimize your local network to make your connection with PBE faster and more stable. Optimize the network so that you can experience the latest version of League of Legends as soon as possible.

The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress
The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress

Solution 2: Clean up the background program

It's also possible that you have too many background programs running on your computer. These programs take up network resources and make PBE US server update slow. Don't be afraid, turn off some unnecessary background programs, free up network resources, and increase the update speed.

The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress

Solution 3: Restart the router

Router issues may also cause slow updates to the PBE US server. Try restarting your router and refresh your network connection to eliminate potential router cache issues. Remember to wait a while and then connect to PBE to see if the update speed has become faster.

The latest solution to the slow update of the US test service/slow version update progress

The above is the trick to solve the slow update of PBE US server. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you and make you enjoy playing the latest version of League of Legends PBE. If you're still worried about slow updates, you might as well try the above methods to improve the efficiency of updates and make sure you don't miss any great content in the game. Have fun!