
People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders

author:Qilu one point

A typical example is a flag. January 10, 2024 is the fourth Chinese People's Police Day, for this reason, Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Yantai Media Center and Yantai Public Security Bureau jointly launched some advanced models, through their example power, to inspire the vast number of public security police in Yantai City, resolutely defend national security and social stability, and protect the happiness and tranquility of the people.

People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders
People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders
People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders
People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders
People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders
People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders
People's Police Day, pay tribute to the people's defenders

(Reporter Yan Lijun, correspondent Liu Dan, Li Defeng, Zang Baodong, cartographer Shao Shukun)