
On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

author:Little Rice Cake Entertainment said

Zhang Xuefeng's explanation of why the company does not recruit fresh graduates has attracted widespread attention. He believes that companies pay more attention to the maturity and work experience of employees when recruiting, and are reluctant to recruit fresh graduates with no social experience. This point of view has aroused people's discussion and reflection, and it has also given us a deeper understanding of the fierce competition in the current workplace and the requirements of enterprises for employees.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

From a business perspective, the market is highly competitive, and companies need more mature employees to cope with the complex and changing market environment. In modern enterprises, teamwork, communication and coordination, problem-solving and other skills have become the key factors for a person's ability to do the job. Fresh graduates often lack these experiences and need to learn and grow Xi on the job. Enterprises will be more inclined to choose employees with rich work experience and social experience, so as to adapt to the job requirements more quickly and improve work efficiency and quality.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

From an employee's point of view, social experience and work experience are important cornerstones for an individual's career development. An employee with rich experience and skills is often able to complete work tasks better and create more value for the enterprise. They are also better able to cope with the challenges and difficulties at work and maintain a positive work attitude and attitude. For the sake of their own career development, fresh graduates should also accumulate as much experience and skills as possible to enhance their competitiveness.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

We should also see that it is not their fault that fresh graduates lack social experience and work experience. Everyone has their own unique strengths and potentials, and as long as they Xi continue to learn and practice, they will be able to gradually acquire more skills and experience. Enterprises and schools should provide more practical Xi and practice opportunities for fresh graduates, help them accumulate more experience and skills, and improve their overall quality and ability level.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

In the current job market, the employment situation of fresh graduates has always attracted much attention. Zhang Xuefeng's explanation of the company's failure to recruit fresh graduates has triggered people's thinking about the employment of fresh graduates. Zhang Xuefeng did not completely deny fresh graduates, he emphasized that fresh graduates need more comprehensive preparation and self-improvement in order to better adapt to the workplace.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

Zhang Xuefeng believes that fresh graduates need to pay more attention to the improvement of their own abilities. During the university period, fresh graduates should make full use of the resources of the school, work hard to learn Xi professional knowledge, and cultivate their comprehensive quality. Actively participate in social practice, volunteer service and other activities to improve their practical and interpersonal skills. Through continuous learning and Xi practice, fresh graduates can better adapt to working life and improve their competitiveness.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

Zhang Xuefeng believes that fresh graduates need to do a good job in career planning. When choosing a career, fresh graduates should fully understand their interests, strengths and market needs, and choose a career direction that suits them. Make a clear career plan, and clarify your career development goals and development paths. Through reasonable career planning, fresh graduates can better grasp the opportunities and realize their career dreams.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

Zhang Xuefeng also emphasized the mentality of fresh graduates. He believes that many fresh graduates have problems with improper mentality in the process of job hunting, such as low eyesight and lack of patience. These mindset issues can affect their job search and job performance, which in turn can affect their career development. Fresh graduates should establish a correct job search mentality, maintain a positive work attitude, and continue to learn and Xi and progress.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

Zhang Xuefeng believes that companies and schools should also provide more support and help for fresh graduates. Enterprises can help fresh graduates understand the workplace and accumulate experience by carrying out campus recruitment and providing practical Xi opportunities. Schools can strengthen education in employment guidance and career planning, and guide fresh graduates to better plan their careers. Through the joint efforts of enterprises and schools, we can help fresh graduates better adapt to the workplace and realize their self-worth.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company

Zhang Xuefeng's explanation is somewhat one-sided, and it also reflects the fierce competition in the current workplace and the requirements of enterprises for employees. People who work hard in the workplace should seriously reflect on whether their abilities and qualities meet the needs of the company, and strive to improve their abilities and qualities to increase their competitiveness in the job market. Companies and schools should also provide more practical Xi and practice opportunities for fresh graduates to help them better adapt to working life and realize their career dreams.

On the afternoon of January 8, the latest news came from Zhang Xuefeng's company