
Life is not only about staying up late and jumping, but also about sudden death from heart attack, and the doctor reminds: do less of these 3 things at night

author:ENT Dr. Xu

In an ordinary family, we found a heart-wrenching story. Uncle Zhang, a 70-year-old retiree, seems to have a life full of evening fun: staying up late watching TV series, enjoying a hearty dinner, occasionally trying his hand in the living room, and jumping late into the night. For him, it's the joy of retirement. However, an extraordinary night changed everything. Uncle Zhang suddenly felt severe pain in his chest and was diagnosed with myocardial infarction after being rushed to the hospital. This sudden health crisis not only shocked his family, but also caused widespread discussion among the neighborhood.

This story is not only Uncle Zhang's, it is a portrayal of many people. We often overlook the profound impact of evening Xi on heart health. Doctors remind us that life is not just about staying up late and having fun, but also about the risk of heart attack hidden behind daily Xi.

Life is not only about staying up late and jumping, but also about sudden death from heart attack, and the doctor reminds: do less of these 3 things at night

Evening Xi: The Invisible Killer of Heart Health

When night falls, many people let their guard down, unaware that this is the time when heart health is challenged. Xi at night, especially for middle-aged and older adults, can be key to maintaining or disrupting heart health.

1. Evening and heart health: a direct link

At night, the body's physiological activities go into rest mode, which includes a slowdown in heart function. However, certain evening behaviors can interfere with this natural process. For example, staying up late can cause blood pressure to fluctuate, increasing the burden on the heart. At the same time, excessive dinner or indigestion may also affect heart function because the body needs more energy to process food, which can put extra stress on the heart at night.

2. Research-backed insights

According to several studies, poor Xi at night is directly related to an increased risk of heart disease. Staying up late and irregular sleep patterns have been found to be associated with heart problems such as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, etc. In addition, excessive dinner not only increases the burden on the heart, but may also lead to weight gain, further exacerbating heart health risks.

3. Practical advice

Go to bed early and wake up early: Maintaining a regular sleep pattern is essential for the heart. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time to get enough sleep.

Dinner in moderation: Dinner should be light and eaten early. Avoid greasy or spicy foods, which may interfere with sleep and digestion.

Evening activity: Avoid strenuous exercise at night. Choose a relaxing walk or a gentle yoga activity that helps to relax and unwind without overtaxing your heart.

With simple lifestyle modifications, you can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease. Remember, heart health isn't just important during the day, it's just as important at night. Maintain a healthy evening Xi so your heart can rest and recover at night.

Life is not only about staying up late and jumping, but also about sudden death from heart attack, and the doctor reminds: do less of these 3 things at night

Top 3 behaviors to avoid at night

1. Night Owl Alert: Staying up late hurts your body

Staying up late at night is a common Xi in modern life, especially the impact on heart health. The body's biological clock needs to rest at night to maintain normal physiological activities. Staying up late for a long time can disrupt this natural pattern, leading to heart problems such as increased blood pressure and arrhythmias. In addition, staying up late can also affect the immune system and increase the risk of heart disease. It is recommended to set a regular sleep schedule and ensure 7-8 hours of sleep per night to maintain heart health.

2. Dinner should not be too late or excessive

Dinner time and food intake have a direct impact on heart health. Late dinner increases the burden on the heart, especially before bedtime, which may lead to acid reflux at night and blood sugar fluctuations, which in turn affects heart function. Excessive eating will increase the accumulation of body fat, which may lead to heart diseases such as obesity and high blood pressure in the long term. It is recommended to eat a light meal at dinner, avoid foods high in fat and salt, and try to finish dinner three hours before bedtime.

3. Avoid strenuous exercise at night

Strenuous exercise in the evening can have adverse effects on the heart. In the evening, when the body enters a state of relaxation, strenuous exercise can suddenly increase the workload on the heart and increase the risk of heart attack. Especially for people with a history of heart disease, vigorous exercise in the evening is more important to be cautious. It is advisable to choose gentle activities in the evening, such as walking, yoga or light stretching, to help relax the body and promote sleep.

By adjusting your evening Xi, you can significantly reduce your heart health risk. Everyone's lifestyle is different, but the universal principles of health are the same. Proper sleep, a balanced diet, and moderate exercise are key to keeping your heart healthy.

Life is not only about staying up late and jumping, but also about sudden death from heart attack, and the doctor reminds: do less of these 3 things at night

The New Rule of Night Life: Protect Your Heart

1. Improves sleep: Guardian of tranquility at night

Improve sleep quality: Establish regular sleep patterns. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night, even on weekends.

Create a good sleeping environment: Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and cool. Consider using soothing music or a white noise machine to help you fall asleep.

2. A new choice for dinner: light and nourishing

Dinner Timing and Portions: Avoid eating too late, and it's best to finish dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Reduce portion sizes for dinner, focus on vegetables and whole grains, and limit high-quality proteins, such as fish or soy products.

Healthy eating Xi: Avoid foods high in fat and salt and reduce the intake of processed foods.

3. Evening exercise: Gentle but effective

Choose light exercises, such as walking, gentle yoga or tai chi, which can help relax your body and mind and improve your sleep quality.

Avoid strenuous exercise: Doing strenuous exercise at night may interfere with sleep and increase stress on the heart. A more active workout during the day is recommended.

With these simple changes, you can not only improve your nighttime Xi, but also significantly improve your heart health. It's important to remember that consistency is key. Small life changes can lead to big health benefits. We encourage you to take these practical tips and incorporate them into your daily life. Not only will you be able to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, but you'll also be able to build a strong foundation for your heart health.