
The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

author:Babies are happy to raise children

Everyone found out that there was none

Some children have promising parents

They are very proud in front of their relatives and friends

This superiority mentality is reflected in every aspect

Every now and then, the topic will be brought to the child

Feel like you're an education expert

Likes to judge other people's families

This superiority mentality is essentially a pathological psychology, also known as "vanity"!

The manifestation of vanity is the love of showing off and showing off something. Some are even reflected in all aspects, what is not can be said to be there, and what is bad can be said to be good!

In fact, the more parents like to show off, the more harm they may cause to their children!

I have summarized the six aspects, and at the same time, these six aspects also run through the child's life!

The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

First: When children are young, show off their looks

Now, with the continuous development of various social platforms, if you want to show off something, you may not have to face to face, just through the screen of your phone!

Usually we see the most is the mother "baby", in the mouth of the mother may be the so-called "record the growth of the child", from the moment the child is born to take pictures, make videos, and the child grows day by day, take some good-looking photos, carefully search for a copy with a photo of the baby, and send it to social platforms! Not only relatives and friends can see it, even some strangers can see it!

Is this really just to record the growth of a souvenir? I think this also has something to do with vanity and showing off, because in the eyes of parents, their children are the cutest and best-looking, and they will be posted on the Internet at the same time as vanity!

Suggestion: Record the child's growth, and take a souvenir to block other people's own records! Or make a photo album for the baby at home, and save the photos.

Note: With the advancement of science and technology, there are many bad people on the Internet, such as stealing pictures, approving pictures, including face AI and other technologies, some information may be exposed, and some traffickers will look for clues about the information you publish, causing harm to children!

The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

Second: After the child goes to school, show off his grades

Children's school years are a long stage, to go through nine years of compulsory education, high school, university, etc.! In the school time, the most easily mentioned is "academic Xi grades".

Now the taste of the New Year is not heavy, in the past, when I saw children in the New Year, a question would be asked was "how many points did I get in the test", and asking for grades seems to have become a way to greet my children Xi!

From "my child has double 100 points" when he was a child to "which school my child has been admitted to!" and "which school has my child been admitted to!"

The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

Now with the progress and development of the times, there is no need to verbally say the results, you can directly look at the score chart by taking a photo at home!

Some mothers like to post their children's academic Xi results on the circle of friends or social platforms to show off, in order to be less obvious, they may also use the contemporary popular "Versailles" language!

Suggestion: Don't post your child's report card at will, the school career is very long, one stage of learning Xi good, does not mean that another stage of learning Xi good! Some relatives and friends may just wait to see how your child will learn Xi in the future! And children often hear parents and friends show off, they will also have a sense of pride, thus affecting the Xi of school!

The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

Third: After the child graduates, show off his job

"Where does my child work, their company is very strong", "I have a high education, and I found it by my ability", "Other companies are in urgent need of talents, so I fancy my child" "I was promoted after less than a month"

I don't know if you have heard these words, some people do not worry about finding a job after graduation, and some people have a difficult problem finding a job! Parents will show off to their relatives and friends everywhere when they think that their children have a good job!

Suggestion: Don't show off your child's work everywhere, it is easy to be remembered by people who are red-eyed, and cause trouble for your child!

The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

Fourth: After the child works, show off the income

"How much is your child's salary, my child's monthly salary is 10,000 yuan, and how much is the year-end bonus in a year?" "My girl has paid her salary, and she bought me a bracelet", "I earn a lot in a month", and after work, when parents go out, the most they talk about is their children's income! As the saying goes, "When you go out, don't show your wealth", which means that when we go out, what is particularly taboo is the behavior of showing off our wealth.

Suggestion: When the family is relatively wealthy, it is best not to disclose this information to outsiders when going out. If you're an open-minded person, you might give you a thumbs up. But if you are a person with "pink eye" who is cautious, you will think that you are showing off your wealth, showing off, and you are very jealous, and it is easy to have envy, jealousy and hatred for you!

The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

Fifth: After the child gets married, show off the marriage

"The family that my girl married is very good, and there is no shortage of money in the family", "The bride price is 500,000 yuan, and there is a car and a house", "My daughter-in-law is beautiful", "The husband and wife are in love", "They have their own small treasury" I don't know if you have heard the aunts outside talk, some of these are mothers, some are mothers-in-law, anyway, they are talking about the marriage of their children!

Suggestion: Some parents and children are engaged to show off, and they are showing off when they get married, and they are also telling people outside how their children live! Some people may hope for your good, and some people may sit and wait to see jokes despite their superficial flattery!

The more "incompetent" parents are, the more they like to show off these 6 things to others, and they don't know what their children don't know

Sixth: After the child has a baby, show off the grandchildren

"My grandchildren will be gone in nine months" "My family gave birth to a big fat boy" "My granddaughter will eat by herself and don't have to be fed" After the child has a child, he will start to show off his grandchildren again, and some elders like to take their children to places with a lot of people, the purpose is to let others see how cute their children are, and talk about them when they meet children of the same age.

Advice: Don't always show off to others how good your children and grandchildren are, which is easy to attract jealousy. You can't let your child out of your sight, and your relatives can't take it alone!

Therefore, don't talk about anything at home, don't publicize the ugliness of the family, and don't show all kinds of sunshine, show your wealth, show your baby, and show your affection!

What you share is not necessarily what others want to see, and you may be subject to all kinds of dissatisfaction, jealousy, hatred, and disgust!

It's not a good thing to let others get too close to you

Clever people know the word "hidden"

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