
The Lakers stepped on a cliff.

author:Let's go to the pier
The Lakers stepped on a cliff.

Introduction: Let's talk about the "love and hate" Purple and Gold Army - the Los Angeles Lakers today. As the biggest team in NBA history, they can always teach us a lesson in how to turn hope into disappointment. The recent performance has made the fans feel like they have been tricked by a master of time management - the expectation of minutes has come to naught.

The Lakers stepped on a cliff.

Text: Let's talk about that game first, do you think you can relax by watching a ball game? The opponent is swiping points under the basket, what about our defense? Oh, I guess it's time to shake hands with the invisible man. I wondered, why is this line of defense like a sieve?

The Lakers stepped on a cliff.

And our bigwigs, the offensive end is also hard to say. LeBron James, the legendary god of war, seemed to be in a slump that day — his shooting was so cold that it looked like it had been stained with polar bear frost, and what about Anthony Davis, who was almost making up a symphony of iron under the basket. Don't mention how chilly.

The Lakers stepped on a cliff.

As the saying goes, "Iron needs to be hard." "But in crunch time, we Lakers have struggled very few times. The three-pointers in the game that should have been hit, one by one, flew higher than my salary - it didn't matter at all.

The Lakers stepped on a cliff.

I'm even starting to wonder about my love for basketball: Am I the only one who thinks basketball should be full of passion, hard work and surprise? The Lakers look like an adolescent who is so excited to go on a date that he finds that he forgot his wallet with him.

The Lakers stepped on a cliff.

And then the whole game was like being beaten mercilessly -- the opponent beat us all over the ground and found our teeth! In the end, it fell to the point of fighting for breath with free throws...... To be honest, this analogy may be a bit exaggerated, because the free throws didn't save the game.

Let's talk about the future. I heard that a three-game losing streak could be the trigger for the start of big trade mode. We don't know what happened to the management's brain circuits, but at least from the current state of drunken dreams, change may really be a necessary lifesaver.

Summary: After looking at the Lakers' performance, no matter how many lemons life gives you, you can't squeeze out half a drop of juice! But as a die-hard fan, I still have a trace of anticipation in addition to being disheartened: maybe one day they will suddenly explode. After all, there is no permanent victory on the basketball court!

So, before waiting for a miracle to happen, let me tease you a few words -- Los Angeles Lakers, please give us a reason to continue supporting you in the next game!

I'm sure the loyal fans will keep watching, and I just hope you'll make a good impression the next time I pick up my remote and get ready to enjoy the game. Stop letting our friends who swear to support other teams laugh at us for not having a vision...... But then again, there are a lot of things happening on the basketball court, and maybe tomorrow after tomorrow, the glory of Zijin can still be restored.

So, Lakers, come on! Everything is difficult at the beginning, we just hope that the spark can start a prairie fire. Although winning or losing is important, wonderful is king. We are waiting for you to prove with your actions: although the lemon is bitter, the lake is sweet!