
Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

author:A duck who loves to entertain

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Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

Text/Editor|The duck who loves entertainment


The rare masterpiece "The Legend of Zhen Huan" in today's TV drama industry has not only captured the hearts of countless audiences, but also incubated a series of unforgettable characters. Among them, with its unique artistic charm, Han Xi has left a deep mark in the play. Although her career path is different, she shows a deep love for acting and a strong commitment to individuality. Her choice is not only an artistic pursuit, but also a reflection of her attitude to life. But behind the glamorous entertainment industry, has Huanxi found her true self and happiness? Let the duck of Xiaobian Love Entertainment take you to understand.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

In the field of contemporary TV dramas, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" can be called a masterpiece, and its influence is widely loved by the audience. This drama has not only become the focus of heated discussions among the audience, but also a classic that has given birth to many unforgettable characters. With its unique narrative techniques and exquisite level of production, it becomes a captivating TV series.

The plot of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is full of ups and downs, telling the various experiences of the protagonist Zhen Huan in the harem. Its complex character relationships and delicate emotional descriptions make the audience feel as if they have experienced the changes of that era. Each character has their own unique personality and destiny, and the intricate relationships between these characters form the core charm of the series. This drama not only shows the wisdom and courage of the protagonist, but also profoundly reveals the cruelty of the power struggle and the complexity of human nature.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

When "The Legend of Zhen Huan" became the focus of the audience's attention, many actors in the play became famous in one fell swoop. There is a special actor on this star-studded stage, she is Huan Xi and is affectionately called "Sister Mei" by the audience.

Her performance in the play has won the love and recognition of the audience, and the role she plays has a clear image and left a deep impression on the audience. Unlike other actors, Huanxi did not rely on this drama to become a star who continued to attract attention. Her acting career is relatively low-key, but her acting skills and deep understanding of the role still earn the respect of the industry.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

In the casting process of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", it seems to reproduce the draft scene of the ancient court. With dreams and expectations, many actors stepped into this grand audition. Among these glittering crowds was an actor who stood out in particular, as if she were a comet falling from the sky, which caught the director's eye.

Her temperament is elegant, like a lady who has stepped out of an ancient book, and her existence is an art in itself. But a slight deviation from this perfect image of classical beauty is the two small tiger teeth at the corners of her mouth. These two little tiger teeth seem to jump in each of her smiles, adding a touch of playfulness and liveliness to her elegant temperament.

Her career trajectory has not appeared in large-scale productions as frequently as some of her peers in the film and television industry, nor has she become a hot figure in the media. In response to this phenomenon, there are many speculations and analyses within the industry.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

It is particularly worth mentioning the famous director Zheng Xiaolong's evaluation of Huanxi. He once mentioned Huanxi in an interview, saying that she is a talented actress but a little slow to develop her career. Zheng Xiaolong pointed out that this may be closely related to the personality traits of Huanxi herself and her career choice.

According to Zheng Xiaolong's observation, he seems to prefer projects that are more artistic and less commercial. She has her own unique perspective on the selection of roles, often gravitating towards roles that challenge her acting skills, rather than just pursuing commercial gain and fame. This choice undoubtedly limited her exposure in the mainstream media and popular culture.

Her passion and dedication to the performing arts began with her deep love of Huangmei Opera, which dates back to her childhood. Although her parents did not initially support her in learning the traditional art, Xi perseverance eventually led her to enter the Huangmei Opera School. There she Xi studied the various techniques and performing arts of Huangmei Opera in depth, but over time she realized that she was better suited to other types of performing arts.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

So she made an important decision: she joined an art troupe and began to practice Xi and perform there. This experience not only honed her acting skills, but also broadened her artistic horizons. Her hard work and talent were not buried, and during her time in the art troupe, she gradually grew into an excellent performer. Inspired by this experience, she decided to further her education and was admitted to a prestigious acting school.

In the academy, she systematically learned Xi theory and practice of acting, which made her acting skills more mature and comprehensive. Her enthusiasm and hard work eventually earned her the opportunity to be in "The Legend of Zhen Huan".

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

The development of Huanxi in the entertainment industry has encountered multiple challenges, not only because of her personal choices, but also because of the combined effect of the industry and social environment. Director Zheng Xiaolong's evaluation of Huan Xi mentions some passive factors in her career, which is only part of the problem.

The success of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has brought huge exposure and development opportunities to its main actors. Huan Xi did not seize this opportunity as actively as other actors. She seems to be more inclined to develop her career at her own pace rather than chasing the ever-changing hot spots in the entertainment industry.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

In addition, her personal life choices, such as marriage and parenting, have also had an impact on her career path. Balancing family and career is a common challenge in the show business industry, especially for female actors. As she seeks to balance her family and work, she may have to compromise on some fronts. This compromise slowed down her career development to a certain extent.

After experiencing the beauty and sweetness of love, she seems to be in the whirlpool of happiness and cannot extricate herself. Just as her career was in full swing, she unexpectedly found out she was pregnant. Faced with this unexpected little life, she firmly decided to slow down the pace of her career and instead devote her energy to building a family and motherhood. She is well aware that this decision may mean that she will miss out on some career opportunities, but she believes that the warmth of the family and the growth of the child are more important.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

As her children grew older, she began to consider returning to the workforce. When she returned to the entertainment industry, she found that the environment had changed significantly. The roles that were once custom-made for her are now being played by other emerging actors. This change did not leave her feeling remorse or loss, because she understood that despite missing out on some career opportunities, she was given a loving family and a healthy and happy child. For her, this is the most precious harvest of her life.

This is not uncommon within the industry. While pursuing professional success, many women artists also face the burden of family responsibilities. Her example highlights the hardships of this balance, while also showing her deep commitment to her family. Although this may have affected the progress of her career, it also reflects her holistic view of life.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

Her career path has been influenced by a variety of factors. Her choices and circumstances have shaped her unique career trajectory, which is not only a reflection of her personal choices, but also the result of the complex interplay between the show business and the social environment.

Although her success in the commercial film and television industry is not as resounding as that of some of her peers, her artistic path reflects her adherence to her true inner self and her unique artistic charm. Her story shows us the diversity of success and encourages those who stay true to their individuality and don't blindly follow trends in the pursuit of their dreams.

Why is Shen Meizhuang still an 18-tier actor after filming "The Legend of Zhen Yuan", Zheng Xiaolong commented on his own work

Her career has not been easy. Faced with fierce competition in the entertainment market and a fast-paced business environment, she chose a different path than the norm. She does not pursue short-term commercial achievements, but focuses on improving her artistic accomplishment and acting depth. Although this choice has made her commercially successful as some actors who have focused on commercial blockbusters, it has earned her respect and recognition in the artistic field.

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