
He Han's father was seriously ill! The unreasonable request was staggering, and He Han decisively refused!

author:Everything is changed

Hello, dear readers! I am your headline editor, and I am here to bring you an exclusive news of "The First Half of My Life"! He Han's father's condition has changed rapidly, but he is facing unreasonable demands! Next, let's uncover this astonishing story together!


He Han's father was seriously ill! The unreasonable request was staggering, and He Han decisively refused!

## 1. Unraveling the mystery: He Han's father is seriously ill!

Recently, "My Former # He Han decisively refused! He Han's father was seriously ill and was unreasonably requested, but he stuck to the bottom line and did not waver!

## Description

He Han, a young and promising working woman, is going through the most difficult moment of her life. Her father suddenly fell seriously ill, but in the face of the He family's predicament, He Han chose to stand up and take on the responsibility of the family. However, fate always brings unexpected tests to people, and when He Han was in trouble, there were still people who took advantage of the situation and made unreasonable demands. However, this time, He Han will stick to his bottom line with decisive decision-making!

He Han's father was seriously ill! The unreasonable request was staggering, and He Han decisively refused!


## Body

In the ordinary work life, a person's fate can often be completely changed because of a single move. A few days ago, He Han received an urgent notice from the hospital: Her father was suddenly seriously ill! In the face of the sudden blow, He Han put down his work and rushed home as soon as possible. Her heart is heavy, but she is full of anticipation, hoping to see her father as soon as possible and accompany him through this difficult time.

However, standing in front of He Han was a document that made her feel angry. Her distant relatives suddenly appeared, claiming that it was to take care of her father, but they made an unacceptable request: transfer the He family's only real estate to them! This unreasonable request made He Han clench her fists angrily, she knew that this was a bottomless demand, a threat and robbery to her family!

He Han's father was seriously ill! The unreasonable request was staggering, and He Han decisively refused!

However, He Han was not knocked down by the predicament in front of him. She resolutely stood up and said unwaveringly: "I will not agree to your request! The He family's property is something that my parents have worked hard to accumulate all their lives, and I will not give it up easily." My father's serious illness is a common responsibility of our whole family, not a capital to seek personal gain!"

Her words were as firm as steel, as if they had brought new strength to the entire He family. He Han began to actively seek more medical resources to obtain the best treatment plan for his father. At the same time, she also took the initiative to contact other relatives and friends, hoping to share the responsibilities and burdens of the family.

There is no retreat, only perseverance. At this critical moment, He Han showed the decisive decision-making power of a workplace elite. She clearly knows that in the face of difficulties, only by sticking to her bottom line can she gain more strength and support.

He Han's decision was appreciated and supported by his relatives and friends. They joined in the care of the He family, resolving the tension caused by the unreasonable demands of distant relatives. The strength of everyone gathered together to pray for He Han's father's recovery, and also brought more hope to the He family.

Perhaps, life is like a long-distance race, and there will be all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. But it is in these predicaments that we can see our true selves and experience that unyielding courage. He Han used her decisive refusal to fearlessly defend the dignity and rights of her family, and her perseverance set a positive example for us.

He Han's story is worth remembering, she tells us that at every level of life, we must stand up bravely and protect our bottom line and principles. Only in this way can we win more respect and opportunities, and can we write our own brilliant chapter!


In the face of her father's serious illness, she defended the dignity of the family with the courage and resolute action of sticking to the bottom line. Let's cheer for her together and look forward to her victory and family happiness!