
Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

author:Interesting artist JNg

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Interesting artist JNg


: Because some people don't even have a room when they go back [tears]

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: Three sentences are inseparable from money, four sentences can't get married, five sentences are talking about saving, six sentences are sensible, seven sentences are not easy to raise you, eight sentences are about you looking at other people's homes, and nine sentences are about you want to fight. You can't complain, you can't shout tired, you can't talk about feelings, you can't gossip.

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: My hometown is so strange, love is mixed with dull pain, I hate the feudal thoughts there, but I feel sorry for their tired appearance, I don't know who to blame, so I have to blame myself, there are two mes in the world, one wants to go home, and the other wants to travel far

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: It's that I'm unproductive, I can't make money, and they dislike me

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: You can go home often, but you can't stay long. I can't reconcile the conflict between the old and new concepts, insisting on myself will hurt my parents, blindly obey my parents, and go against my own heart, and even many things outweigh the losses.

I'm really conflicted, I want to run away from my parents, and on the other hand, I want to earn a lot of money and give them all the good ones, but on the other hand, I feel that they talk too well, never consider any of my feelings, and on the other hand, I feel that they are so hard, and every time I hovered in disgust and distress.

There can be neither separation nor blame. I can't accept the disagreement with their three views, and I can't abandon their nurturing grace

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

The first thing you do when you go home is not to enjoy the warmth of home, but to clean, who knows what it's like to go home after a day of driving home and then have to clean until midnight at night. When you go home, it doesn't mean that you are fat or that your salary is low, who has more boyfriends and more Peugeot and more money, and who gets tens of thousands of dollars a month when they work......

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: I send messages to ask if I have any money [tears] Every sentence hints that they are short of money, but I am only in my early twenties, where to go and ask for so much money [tears]

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: Home is not a safe haven, a rental house is, I would rather go out alone for the New Year, I don't want to go home, go back to less than three sentences is to save, complain to me, say how difficult they 年️ are, but no one lives by myself, whether I am tired or not, so I don't want to go back, go back like a group of vampires around me

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: I don't have a home, and no matter where I go back, I'm a strange guest, so I hate Chinese New Year and hate going home

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: Because there are only endless bowls, endless meals, endless tea, and endless smiling faces [tears]

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: I don't want to go home because I don't want to see those superficial friendships and private preferences. The man next to you still thinks you're picking on thorns and telling right and wrong!

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: Home is not a safe haven, and I don't want to visit relatives and friends, the world is changing, I will look down on a lot, I am so happy in my life, the main thing is that I am happy, where I am, where is home

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

: In an unhappy original family, I will go back once a year to see them arguing, but I am not happy every time I go back, it is better to be alone!

Why do so many people not want to go home during the Chinese New Year? After reading the comments of netizens, I understand

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