
After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army



On a cold Moscow night, Stalin sat alone in his office, in front of him piled up with a dense pile of reports on the Korean battlefield. His eyes fell heavily on the latest report - a detailed description of the Battle of Changjin Lake.

This battle, a fierce confrontation in the Far East, is changing the delicate balance of power among the world's great powers. On the last page of this report, Stalin's gaze lingered for a moment, and then he suddenly stood up and resolutely made a decision: immediately give the order to quickly hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

1. Campaign Progress: A Contest in the Bitter Winter

In this Battle of Changjin Lake, the extreme cold and harsh environment became a common challenge for the armies of both sides. The lack of equipment and materials of the volunteers was compensated for by their fighting will and tenacity. Taking advantage of the terrain and climate, they launched a fierce confrontation with the technologically superior US military.

A key moment in the campaign took place in a small valley covered with snow. The volunteers took advantage of the thick snow and the terrain to conceal themselves and set up ambushes. The U.S. forces encountered this ambush on the march. Despite the fact that the US military was well armed, their mobility was severely affected by dense snow and low temperatures that slowed down their movements.

In a particularly fierce engagement, the volunteer soldiers used the mountains and trees as shelter to launch an attack on the American troops. U.S. soldiers tried to organize a counterattack, but were hampered by the bitter cold winds and the accumulation of snow. The two sides engaged in a prolonged exchange of fire in the snow, forcing the American troops to retreat.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

On another battlefield, a squad of the Volunteer Army launched a surprise attack at night. They crossed the frozen river and quietly approached an American outpost. In a raid in the middle of the night, they succeeded in destroying the communications equipment of the American army, further exacerbating the plight of the American army.

Due to the harsh weather conditions, the US military encountered serious difficulties in its logistical supply lines. The shortage of food and ammunition began to affect the combat capability of the US military. At the same time, the Volunteer Army, while also facing the challenge of lack of supplies, made up for it by collecting supplies left over from the battlefield and launching night raids.

During a night operation, a small detachment of the Volunteer Army successfully intercepted a supply convoy of American troops. This operation not only relieved the material shortage of the volunteers, but also hit the supply lines of the American army.

As the campaign continued, the morale of the American army began to suffer. Their continuous combat in the snow and bitter cold consumes a lot of physical strength and energy. In contrast, although the soldiers of the Volunteer Army also faced the same harsh environment, their mutual support and strong will to fight helped them maintain the durability of the battle.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

2. Campaign Results: The Impact of Total Victory

In the final phase of the Battle of Changjin Lake, the Volunteer Army showed impressive tactical flexibility and combat capabilities. Through carefully planned offensive and defensive strategies, they effectively weakened the fighting power of the American army, and finally forced the American army to retreat from the battlefield, thus achieving total victory.

As the campaign deepened, the Volunteers launched a key attack on the important supply lines of the American army. During a night operation, the Volunteer Army squad successfully destroyed an important supply depot of the US army, which directly affected the logistical support capabilities of the US army.

At the same time, the volunteers also took advantage of the terrain to set up ambushes and captured a large number of US equipment and materials, and the capture of these materials was an important supply for the poorly equipped volunteers.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

At a critical moment in the campaign, the Volunteer Army launched a large-scale counteroffensive. Taking advantage of the cover of night and bitter cold weather, they raided an important position of the American army. During this raid, the volunteers showed a high degree of organization and bravery, successfully seizing positions and inflicting heavy losses on American troops.

In addition, the volunteers made effective use of mines and traps, which put obstacles in the way of the offensive line of the American army. These mines and traps are difficult to detect in the snow, causing unexpected casualties and distress to the US military. The application of this tactic has further strengthened the defense capability of the volunteers.

At the end of the Battle of Changjin Lake, the retreat of the American army became chaotic and disorderly. The volunteers took advantage of this opportunity and launched a pursuit. In a special pursuit, the Volunteers cut off the retreat route of the American troops, forcing many American soldiers to surrender. This not only reflects the tactical superiority of the volunteers, but also demonstrates their keen grasp of the battlefield situation.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

After the battle, the Changjin Lake area left traces of the war. Destroyed equipment, abandoned supplies, and relics from the battlefield all bear witness to this fierce battle. The complete victory of the Volunteer Army not only routed the American army, but also had a far-reaching impact on the international community.

In the history of the U.S. Army, the Battle of Changjin Lake is recorded as the most arduous and difficult in the history of the Marine Corps. The result of this campaign was not only a military victory, but also a success at the strategic level. The outstanding strategic ability and tenacity displayed by the volunteers in this battle have enhanced the reputation of the Chinese army in the international community and is regarded as a military victory of great significance.

This victory not only had an impact on the battlefield on the Korean Peninsula, but also attracted attention on a global scale. It has changed the international community's perception of the Chinese military and demonstrated its ability to achieve victory in the face of adversity.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

3. International Repercussions and the Transformation of the Soviet Union

When the news of the Battle of Changjin Lake spread all over the world, the international community had a huge repercussion about the outcome of the battle. Especially in the Soviet Union, Stalin's evaluation of the Chinese army changed significantly after learning about the achievements of the Volunteer Army under such difficult conditions.

He issued an urgent order to quickly prepare the equipment of 36 divisions and deliver them to the Chinese army within the stipulated time. This decision marked a fundamental shift in the attitude of the Soviet Union towards China on the Korean battlefield. Stalin had previously had reservations about the capabilities of the Chinese army, but the results of the Battle of Changjin Lake changed this perception.

The Soviet Union began to increase its military support for China, preparing a large amount of military equipment and assistance. The assistance included hundreds of tanks, a large number of anti-aircraft guns and 370 MiG fighters. The arrival of such equipment has greatly enhanced the firepower and air defense capabilities of the Chinese army.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

In addition to military equipment, the Soviet Union also sent a group of military experts to China, who were responsible for guiding and training the Chinese military to help them better use these advanced weapons and equipment.

Immediately after their arrival in China, these Soviet specialists began work on the training of volunteers. They taught the skills of using new equipment, while sharing the rich combat experience accumulated by the Soviet army in World War II. This international exchange of technology and experience has played an important role in enhancing the combat capability of the Chinese People's Volunteers.

During the training of tanks and anti-aircraft guns, Soviet specialists emphasized the use of tactics in different terrain and climatic conditions. Through on-the-spot Xi exercises and simulated battlefield environments, they ensure that volunteers are proficient in the operation and maintenance of these equipment.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

For the training of MiG fighters, it is more rigorous and complex. Soviet flight specialists conducted comprehensive theoretical and practical training for volunteer pilots, including aircraft operation, tactical maneuvers, and aerial combat techniques. These flight trainings played a key role in improving the capabilities of the Volunteer Air Force.

Stalin's support for the Chinese army was not only a response to the results of the Battle of Changjin Lake, but also an adaptation to the changing international political landscape. This support not only strengthened the military capabilities of the Chinese military, but also further deepened the military cooperation and alliance between China and the Soviet Union.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

4. Post-War Impact: Strategic and Psychological Dimensions of Victory

The Battle of Changjin Lake had a major strategic and psychological impact on the United Nations forces, especially the U.S. military. This battle was not only a military defeat, but also a serious blow to the US military strategy and international image. The resilience and tactical wisdom of the volunteers forced the UN forces to retreat near the 38th parallel, an action that eventually led to the signing of the armistice.

On a strategic level, the Battle of Changjin Lake revealed the vulnerability of the U.S. military to operate in extreme weather and complex terrain. The command system of the U.S. military appeared to be inflexible in the campaign, while the Volunteer Army made full use of the terrain and weather conditions to effectively weaken the combat capability of the U.S. military through flexible maneuvering and surprise tactics.

In addition, the Volunteer Army further exacerbated the plight of the U.S. military by cutting off its supply lines and communication systems. On a psychological level, the Battle of Changjin Lake had a serious impact on the morale of American soldiers. In the face of the strong resistance of the volunteers and the harsh weather conditions, the fighting will of the American soldiers was tested.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

In addition, the retreat and defeat of the American army had a lasting effect on the psychology of its soldiers, many of whom were also affected by the experience of war long after the war. For the US military strategy, the Battle of Changjin Lake has become an important point of reflection.

The campaign exposed the inadequacy of the U.S. military in dealing with asymmetric warfare and extreme environments, forcing the U.S. military leadership to reassess its strategy and tactics. The experience of the Battle of Changjin Lake prompted the U.S. military to make important adjustments to its tactics and training methods during the subsequent Cold War.

In terms of international image, the Battle of Changjin Lake had a negative impact on the global reputation of the United States. The outcome of this battle was widely watched by countries around the world, and the image of the United States as militarily invincible was challenged. At the same time, the battle also highlights the dynamics in international politics, especially in the Asian region.

After watching the Battle of Changjin Lake, Stalin immediately ordered: to hand over the equipment of 36 divisions to the Chinese army

For a senior commander of the U.S. military like MacArthur, the Battle of Changjin Lake was a heavy blow. The outcome of the campaign not only challenged his military leadership, but also affected his reputation at home in the United States.


  1. Liu Bo.Heroic sons and daughters in the ice and snow——little-known details of the Battle of Changjin Lake[J].Together in the Boat,2019,0(11):65-69

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