
At the critical moment, China's high-level officials were invited to visit the United States, and China and the United States will focus on the Taiwan issue

author:Professor Su Hao

#Let's have some dry goods# According to the website of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, Liu Jianchao, director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, visited the United States and participated in the China-US related track 1.5 dialogue. Liu Jianchao pointed out that the Sino-US meeting in San Francisco has pointed out the direction for the development of bilateral relations. China and the United States should implement the relevant consensus and promote the management of differences and mutually beneficial exchanges. Together, we should shoulder the responsibilities of a major country and promote people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. It should be based on respect, equality and peace, promote understanding, and increase the results of practical cooperation in economic and trade fields. The Asia Society of the United States said that the promotion of people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States will provide a direction for the relations between the two countries to get out of the predicament. The two sides should promote communication and take concrete actions to gradually reduce obstacles in bilateral relations.

Liu Jianchao's visit to the United States has attracted intensive attention from the outside world, and this is the first visit by a high-level Chinese official to the United States since the Sino-US meeting in San Francisco. This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and the future of relations between the two countries depends on whether the two countries can move in the same direction. During Liu Jianchao's visit, the situation in the Taiwan Strait was a key topic.

At the critical moment, China's high-level officials were invited to visit the United States, and China and the United States will focus on the Taiwan issue

The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and the island of Taiwan is located in the heart of China's maritime power. Whether it is the strategic needs of China's national defense and security or the historical context of the two sides of the strait, China must push forward the process of reunification. In the process of reunification, the United States is the main external interference. In the 50s of the last century, US warships blocked the Taiwan Strait, and during the 96 Taiwan Strait crisis, the "Taiwan independence" forces grew stronger.

At present, they are still agitating for "Taiwan independence," arming the Taiwan military, and driving the Taiwan authorities to prepare for urban warfare on the island. The United States relies on its maritime military stock to be higher than China's because of its industrial first-mover status. The sustained development of China's industrial system and the continuous building of its military strength have made the United States more and more unqualified to block cross-strait reunification by force. In the current Sino-US exchanges, the US side should think about the future of its country without the use of force. The situation in the Taiwan Strait is a key point, and China now gives the US side room to leave the country with dignity and remains open to ending its interference to lay the foundation for a constructive China-US relationship. If the United States does not take this step, the United States may lose the window of opportunity to gently shrink its sphere of influence and usher in a sudden and drastic collapse of the hegemonic system.

At the critical moment, China's high-level officials were invited to visit the United States, and China and the United States will focus on the Taiwan issue

At present, the collapse of the United States' military force is happening on multiple levels. Among them, it is worth noting the overall depletion of the energy stock of the American people. In China's history, a country's greatest crisis has often not been in difficult times, but after being so complacent that it has fallen into the orbit of indulgence. The exhaustion of the endogenous dynamics of American society accelerated after the end of the Cold War. The current evolution of the situation shows that history has not ended since the end of the Cold War, but the United States has ushered in a node from prosperity to decline. The decline of the United States' national strength and military force is externally manifested in the failure of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. The exhaustion of the United States' national strength is also reflected in the current Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In the United States, in the atmosphere of excessive indulgence, the relevant groups of people are increasingly losing the energy, literacy, and cognition necessary to evaluate the real industrial economy, military behavior, and the current situation. The system that triggered the continuous expansion of the United States since World War II has collapsed globally, and Trump's attempt to actively shrink the national power has failed to achieve its goal, and Biden's attempt to continue to expand has also faced backlash.

At the critical moment, China's high-level officials were invited to visit the United States, and China and the United States will focus on the Taiwan issue

The intensifying Red Sea crisis and the anti-American wave in the Middle East show that the United States is increasingly lacking endogenous motivation to maintain its current sphere of influence. As the Taiwan region is China's territory, the United States has two options for interfering in the Taiwan Strait, either to withdraw from the root system of interference, or China to uproot it one by one.

The former opens up constructive prospects for China-US relations, and if the US side continues to ignore convergence and trigger the latter to happen substantively, the consequences for the US side in the region and the world will be heavy. The US should seize the opportunity of the China-US peace talks to pave the way for the coming post-US era.