
Glory of Kings No. 1.4 Update: Baili Xuance has been weakened, and Zhao Yun Nezha has successfully mutated!

author:Cool sports

Glory of Kings No. 1.4 Update: Da Qiao, Baili Xuance were stabbed, Zhao Yun and Nezha mutated successfully!

Glory of Kings No. 1.4 Update: Baili Xuance has been weakened, and Zhao Yun Nezha has successfully mutated!

Recently, Honor of Kings ushered in a blockbuster update, and many heroes in version 1.4 have undergone adjustments. Among them, Baili Xuance and Da Qiao have been weakened, while heroes such as Zhao Yun, Nezha, Gao Yuanli, Erin, and Li Bai have ushered in enhancements or balance adjustments.

Glory of Kings No. 1.4 Update: Baili Xuance has been weakened, and Zhao Yun Nezha has successfully mutated!

The first is Baili Xuance, who has been nerfed in this update. Baili Xuance is an assassin hero with extremely explosive power and mobility, but his skill damage and survivability have decreased, which has affected his performance in the game to some extent.

Glory of Kings No. 1.4 Update: Baili Xuance has been weakened, and Zhao Yun Nezha has successfully mutated!

Erin was also nerfed in this update. As a ranged mage hero, Erin's skill damage has been reduced, which makes her strike power relatively weak. However, due to the advantages of her mobility and control skills, she still has a certain competitiveness in the game.

At the same time, Sang Qi ushered in enhancements in this update. As a melee warrior hero, Sang Qi has been optimized in terms of skill cooldown time and duration, so that his output and survivability have been improved, making a greater contribution to the team's victory.

The S34 season also officially kicked off in this update. The new season brings a series of perks and challenges for players to showcase their skills and tactics in the game. Both new and veteran players can take on new challenges in the new season.

In addition, Gao Fade has also been enhanced in this update, which has improved his output and control in the game. Gao Fade is a ranged mage hero whose skill set deals damage and control over time to enemies, becoming the core output of the team.

Zhao Yun has also been enhanced in this update, increasing his skill damage and mobility, making his performance in the game even better. Zhao Yun is an assassin hero with high mobility and assassination abilities, and his skill set allows him to quickly approach enemies and deliver a fatal blow.

In addition, Doria has made balance changes in this update to make her output and survivability more balanced. Doria is a ranged mage hero who has strong skill damage and control effects, but is relatively weak in survivability. This balance adjustment is intended to make her in-game performance more consistent.

Notably, Big Joe has been nerfed in this update. Big Joe is a support hero with strong recovery and support abilities, but her skill cooldowns and recovery effects are reduced, limiting her support abilities in the game.

Finally, Li Bai has been enhanced in this update, which has improved his in-game output and mobility. Li Bai is a highly mobile warrior hero, and his skill set allows him to nimbly kill enemies on the battlefield, giving the team a huge advantage.

Zhao Yun, Nezha and Gao Yuanli were also adjusted. Zhao Yun has been enhanced in this update, Nezha has been enhanced, and the adjustment of Gao Fade has made him more competitive in the game. These tweaks are designed to make these heroes more used in the game while maintaining the balance of the game.

In this update, Honor of Kings has made a series of hero adjustments, bringing players a richer game experience. Players can choose different heroes to play according to their preferences and game needs, and experience more diverse combat methods. I believe that this update will bring more surprises and challenges to players!

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