
My best friend is 43 years old, she is difficult to have children, and she was unexpectedly pregnant in her third marriage, where should she go?

author:Happy frozen pear

Just recently, I received shocking news. My best friend, Xiaoli, is 43 years old and has been divorced twice because she can't have children. However, just as she walked into her third marriage, she found out that she was unexpectedly pregnant, and this sudden good news left her in a dilemma, not knowing how to deal with it.

My best friend is 43 years old, she is difficult to have children, and she was unexpectedly pregnant in her third marriage, where should she go?

When I first heard the news, I couldn't believe it. Xiaoli has experienced two failed marriages, and the reason for the divorce each time is related to her inability to have children. She felt extremely lost and frustrated by this, and was under tremendous psychological pressure every day. However, fate seems to have played a joke on her. She was pregnant with a child in her third marriage, which put her in conflict.

My best friend is 43 years old, she is difficult to have children, and she was unexpectedly pregnant in her third marriage, where should she go?

Xiaoli loves her husband deeply and is trying to maintain this marriage. However, now she is swayed by this unexpected pregnancy event. She wasn't sure if the child was really the baby she'd been waiting for, or if it was just a little prank of fate. At the same time, she is also worried that this child will bring more stress and distress to the marriage.

My best friend is 43 years old, she is difficult to have children, and she was unexpectedly pregnant in her third marriage, where should she go?

In the days that followed, Xiaoli began to think about her options. She confided in me that she felt too old and worried that her body would not be able to handle the stress of pregnancy. In addition, she is also concerned that the child will have a negative impact on the stability of the marriage. However, on the other hand, she felt that this might be the last chance God had given her, and she didn't want to miss the opportunity to become a mother, let alone let her husband misunderstand that she didn't want to raise children with him.

In the face of such a tangled and difficult situation, Xiaoli hopes to listen to everyone's voices and suggestions. She knew it wasn't just about herself, it was about her husband, her two ex-husbands, and her faithful and caring friends. She desperately needed outside help and support to find a solution that would allow her to protect her physical and mental health while living up to the child's presence.

Whatever decision Xiaoli ultimately makes, I believe she will take responsibility and take responsibility for her choices. After all, there is no absolute path to happiness in life, but we need to face and choose bravely. I hope that Xiaoli can find the most authentic voice in her heart and make the best decisions for herself and her family.

In love and family, we often face a variety of choices and challenges. Xiaoli's experience is one of them. Whether she ultimately decides to conceive or not, this choice will have a profound impact on her life. At this critical moment, we should give her enough understanding, care and support.

If you have a similar experience or have any thoughts about it, please leave a comment in the comment section to share. We look forward to hearing your voices, giving advice to Xiaoli together, and facing the confusion and challenges of life together.