
Lu Xun's prophecy: The reform of Chinese characters has brought progress to China

author:Happy Muppet 523

In 1936, Lu Xun shouted the slogan "Chinese characters are not extinguished, China will die", and only 19 years later did he know that he was wise

Lu Xun's prophecy: The reform of Chinese characters has brought progress to China

Lu Xun, the founder of modern Chinese literature, left a profound influence in the fields of literature and education. His views were inspired by the Soviet Union's campaign to reform minority scripts, advocating the reform of Chinese characters and the promotion of the new pinyin script. Although Lu Xun's views were once considered extreme, they were later verified in the vernacular literary movement.

Lu Xun's prophecy: The reform of Chinese characters has brought progress to China

Lu Xun was an important participant in the May Fourth New Culture Movement and played a positive role in promoting the development of culture and education in China. The new pinyin script he advocated had a profound impact on Chinese education, and was praised by Chairman Mao as "a good teacher and helpful friend of comrades".

Lu Xun's prophecy: The reform of Chinese characters has brought progress to China

However, in 1936, Lu Xun put forward a controversial view: "If Chinese characters do not perish, China will perish". This slogan has caused widespread controversy and discussion. Some see this as an exaggeration, while others believe that there is some truth to Lu Xun's remarks.

Lu Xun's prophecy: The reform of Chinese characters has brought progress to China

Although Lu Xun's views were extreme, it was only in the later historical evolution that his views gradually appeared. Nineteen years later, China has carried out a reform to simplify Chinese characters, and has achieved remarkable results. The new writing system made education more popular, cultural exchanges more convenient, and promoted the unity and progress of the country.

Lu Xun's prophecy: The reform of Chinese characters has brought progress to China

It can be said that although Lu Xun's views caused controversy at the time, they have been verified in the long river of history. His ideas have had a profound impact on the development of Chinese culture and set a good example for future generations. Lu Xun's thoughts and efforts have made positive contributions to China's modernization process, and his spirit still inspires us to move forward.

Lu Xun's prophecy: The reform of Chinese characters has brought progress to China

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