
Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

author:Entertainment speedrun

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

In recent years, popular war dramas like "Snow Leopard" and "Bright Sword" have become increasingly rare on TV, which is indeed a pity for war drama fans.

But recently, there was exciting news, a new drama "Scout Hero" with the story of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea as the background is going to start tonight, and I heard that the content is very appetizing to the audience!

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

The new drama of "Scout Heroes" is unveiled, what are the highlights?

Originally, everyone was looking forward to "Shangganling" and the upcoming "Pearl River Family", which were originally scheduled to be released in November 2023, but when the audience was full of expectations, the two dramas suddenly announced that they would be postponed, probably due to some external factors, and the originally highly anticipated war drama works were temporarily shelved.

But fortunately, a war drama "Scout Hero", which is also set in the context of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, made its debut. The war drama has 35 episodes, and it will be available to viewers at 7:30 p.m. this evening.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

This news made everyone quite happy, because whether it was watching the trailer or watching the official promotion, this "Scout Hero" did quite well in terms of plot, character background and cast.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "powerful". If you can't watch "Shangganling", then watch "Scout Hero" first, many people say that this is definitely a good drama worth watching.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

If you want to talk about the novelty of this show, for the first time, it focuses on the Scout, which is usually not very noticeable but is particularly crucial. This means that this drama will not only show fierce battle scenes like previous war dramas.

Scouts may not be as glamorous in the military, but their role is crucial, and sometimes the safety of a team is in the hands of the Scouts, which is not an exaggeration. The broadcast of this drama fills the gap in our understanding of Scouts and allows us to feel the importance of Scouts more truly.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

What are Scouting Units and how important is their role?

This drama tells us very clearly from the beginning that it tells the story of a reconnaissance squad in the Volunteer Army. The leader of this squad is called Liang Chen, played by Luo Jin. Judging from the popularity of the protagonist Luo Jin, the production level and investment of this drama should be not small.

When it comes to reconnaissance companies, the first thing that comes to many people's minds is that they scout the enemy on the battlefield and help our troops formulate tactics for attacking or retreating. But if it is understood only in this way, it underestimates the importance of reconnaissance units. From being able to help reduce our army's casualties to being large enough to directly change the entire trend of the war, the role of the reconnaissance unit is much more than we think.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

Undeterred by strong enemies, Scouts lurk in dangerous environments, looking for hidden corners to spy on enemies. They used their unique tactics and clever minds to manage a safe evacuation and ensure that our troops had critical intelligence.

This information includes not only the location and strength of enemy forces, but also the changing situation on the battlefield, such as the specific terrain, the enemy's firepower, and whether we should attack or retreat. These decisive messages are inseparable from the hard work of the scouts. Although they carry out their missions with extremely high risk, if they are discovered by the enemy, they may be on the verge of life and death.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

The day-to-day work of the reconnaissance unit is not easy, they sometimes operate during the day, but more often at night, they have to be as quiet as possible, quietly carrying equipment and stealth. They sprinted fast or slowly, and the Scouts never complained, whether they were crossing meadows, climbing steep mountains, crossing rivers and crossing dense forests.

Sometimes, they have to carry all kinds of special tools on their backs and climb cliffs tens or hundreds of meters high, which can be life-threatening if they are not careful. Once they reach the target location, they may have to hide and wait patiently for the target to appear before taking a closer look. Many people say that scouts are like having special "radar" and "eagle eye" abilities, which can see the enemy.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

In fact, the concept of a reconnaissance unit existed in ancient times, just like Han Xin's mysterious "secret Chencang" back then, which was actually a kind of reconnaissance activity in ancient times. The mainland has a long history, and the concept and practice of reconnaissance units have naturally been passed down for a long time. Sometimes, scouts even need to disguise themselves as enemies and go behind enemy lines to gather intelligence.

In that case, they may face all kinds of unpredictable dangers, and everyone and everything around them can be a potential threat. They must be improvised, stay calm, like fighting in the center of the enemy, and be ready for any situation. Sometimes, the actions of the scouts can even influence the direction of the war. From all angles, reconnaissance units are an extremely critical part of the military.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

Many friends on the Internet are looking forward to this new movie or TV series. In the words of a netizen, what touched her the most in the play was that every soldier's eyes flashed with firm faith, they were not afraid of the courage to sacrifice, and only after the task was completed, they would come back with peace of mind. This is the spirit of our great Chinese People's Volunteers!

Her words are not false at all, and this spirit has been passed down from generation to generation of Chinese people's volunteers. It was our predecessors who were not afraid of death and fought to win the respect of the world for us, so that we can live safely today. This is also another time they have held up a piece of heaven for the Chinese nation.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

In this drama, there is also a heroine who has to be mentioned, Wen Jie, played by Ma Sichun. She may not be on the front lines of the battlefield and is playing a role in the rear, but her role is just as crucial. Wen Jie is responsible for controlling the enemy's radio station and broadcasting information to the enemy through the broadcast band, with the aim of shaking the enemy's morale and weakening their will to fight.

Such mental tactics are extremely important for the soldiers, not only to suppress the arrogance of the enemy, but also to cheer up our soldiers and increase their confidence. In the words of the Internet buzzword, it is like "adding a buff" to our soldiers, so as to help them step by step towards victory in the war.

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

Next, let's talk about some of the big-name team members behind the show "Scout Heroes". First of all, I have to mention the genius screenwriter of this show, Liu Ge. He has also been the behind-the-scenes hero of other popular shows in the past, such as "Our Decade" and "Meritorious", which audiences have praised very much.

The screenwriter is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are two powerful directors - Zheng Xiaolong and An Zhanjun. Director Zheng Xiaolong's works can be described as household names, such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Red Sorghum", and "The Legend of Miyue". And Director An Zhanjun is a serious and rigorous person in the crew, he will patiently rehearse with the actors, and guide the play meticulously.
Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!

The director team of this drama is very strong, and the cast is also star-studded, Luo Jin starred as the leading actor this time, his performance in "Flowers" has impressed the audience, and now he is back with his new work "Scout Hero", which makes fans full of expectations. The heroine Ma Sichun is also an acting school, and I believe that her joining will make the quality of the series go to the next level.

In addition to Luo Jin and Ma Sichun, there are also a large number of acting stars joining, such as Huang Chengcheng, Yang Fan, Song Jialun, Gao Xin, Lu Xiaolin and Cao Lu, etc., such an actor is really eye-catching. It is foreseeable that the shock of this drama will definitely not disappoint. Today is the premiere, and I'm sure many people, like me, can't wait to watch it!

Tonight's premiere of "Scout Heroes"!