
Why do some people not get fat just by eating? These tricks help you develop an "easy to lose weight"

author:Liu Zheng, Department of Urology and Andrology, Provincial Hospital

Have you ever envied people who never seem to gain weight? Whether it's a holiday feast or a dessert offensive, their body shape always seems to be so handy. On the contrary, many people struggle to lose weight even on a diet, what is the secret behind this? The answer may lie in a mysterious and possible word - "easy to lose weight".

Skinny physique is not an unattainable dream, nor is it the preserve of a few. It is a state of the body that is shaped by a combination of factors such as genes, metabolism, lifestyle, etc. With a lean physique, weight management becomes smoother and a healthy lifestyle is more accessible.

Why do some people not get fat just by eating? These tricks help you develop an "easy to lose weight"

Body Chill and Weight: Unraveling the Hidden Connection

Body cold, a TCM term, is often described as a state of intrinsic coldness or slowing down of metabolism within the body. In modern life, body chills are a potential factor in many weight management problems. Body cold is not only related to comfort, but also directly affects the efficiency of fat burning and the regulation of appetite.

Understanding the effects of body chill on metabolism is crucial. Metabolism is the process by which the body needs energy to maintain basic life activities. When the body is in a state of cold, the basal metabolic rate tends to decrease, which means that the body uses less energy even when at rest. As a result, weight management becomes more difficult even when the diet is not increased.

Scientific studies have revealed that for every 1°C drop in body temperature, metabolism slows down by about 12%. This number is enough to explain why people with cold bodies find it difficult to lose weight. On a deeper level, body cold affects thyroid function and hormone levels, which are key factors in weight regulation.

Common symptoms include cold hands and feet, easy fatigue, and indigestion. Prolonged cold can lead to a decline in the body's regulatory function, which in turn can affect weight and overall health.

Exploring the relationship between body chill and weight management is not just theoretical. In fact, through some lifestyle adjustments, such as appropriately increasing the intake of warm foods, improving sleep quality, regular exercise, etc., can effectively improve the state of body cold, and then promote healthy weight management. For example, one study showed that regular aerobic exercise can increase body temperature and increase basal metabolic rate, which can help improve body coldness.

Why do some people not get fat just by eating? These tricks help you develop an "easy to lose weight"

Diet: Nutrition and weight management

Calories burned: It's not just quantity, it's also quality

In the quest for a lean physique, diet plays a leading role. But not all calories are the same, and what type of food you choose is crucial. High-quality calories come from nutrient-dense foods – such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-quality protein. Not only do these foods provide essential nutrients, but they also promote feelings of fullness and help control total calorie intake.

For example, one study showed that replacing refined grains with whole grains could increase calorie consumption and reduce inflammation levels in the body. And protein, as an important element for building muscle, its proportion in food should not be ignored. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even at rest. Therefore, by increasing the intake of protein, the metabolic rate can be increased, which in turn can affect weight management.

Colourful Meals: A Diverse Source of Nutrition

Nutritional diversity is key. Imagine a colorful food plate that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also a symbol of health. Each color of food represents a different nutrient. For example, green vegetables are rich in vitamin K and iron, while orange-yellow fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamin C and carotene.

A nutritionally well-rounded diet includes not only a variety of vegetables and fruits, but also moderate amounts of whole grains, nuts, seeds, and low-fat meats or plant-based proteins. This diversity ensures that the body receives all the essential micronutrients that are essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism and bodily function.

Smart Eating: Listen to your body

Smart eating means listening to your body's needs and feedback. Not all diet plans are right for everyone. Individual differences play an important role here. Some people may have adverse reactions to certain foods, while others may benefit from the same foods. Therefore, observing and understanding which foods make the body feel best and which may cause discomfort or inefficient energy use is an important part of building a lean-prone physique.

Flipping the Night: The Power of Sleep and the Secret of Morning Runs

The night is not only a time for rest, but also an important time for the body to repair and adjust itself. Quality sleep is the secret weapon for weight management and health, and it directly affects metabolic rate and appetite-regulating hormones. Studies have shown that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain normal physiological function and emotional balance. Lack of sleep can increase hunger, lead to overeating, and may lead to weight gain in the long run.

Adjusting your sleep Xi, sticking to a regular sleep schedule, creating a quiet, comfortable sleep environment, and avoiding excessive caffeine and heavy eating at night can significantly improve sleep quality. Engaging in light relaxation activities, such as reading or meditating, before bed can also help you fall asleep faster.

And exercise at the beginning of the sun, especially morning jogging, is known as the switch that starts the metabolism. A morning run not only increases your energy expenditure for the day, but also improves your overall vitality and mood. Running in the fresh air gives your heart and lungs a workout, while blood circulation in the body increases and your metabolic rate increases. All of this helps to create a lean-prone physique.

It may take time and perseverance to implement these adjustments, but they have a long-term positive impact on developing a lean-prone physique. Set a fixed sleep time every night, welcome a new day every morning, and gradually establish a healthy rhythm of life, and the easy to lose weight will naturally follow.

Why do some people not get fat just by eating? These tricks help you develop an "easy to lose weight"