
Wearing pajamas VS sleeping naked, which is healthier?

author:Popular Science China

What's the happiest thing about the day? Sleeping comfortably in bed, of course.

When it comes to sleeping, some people like to sleep in pajamas, and some like to sleep naked.

Wearing pajamas VS sleeping naked, which is healthier?

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What are the benefits of sleeping in pajamas?

Pajamas are actually a relatively new form of clothing, and the real popularity was actually in the 20th century, not too far away. The English word for pajamas is pyjamas, a word derived from Hindi and usually defined as a two-piece suit that includes a blouse and a pair of loose trousers.

There are indeed many benefits of sleeping in pajamas.

First of all, in the cold winter, wear pajamas to reduce the worry of getting cold after kicking the quilt and ensure basic warmth.

Secondly, from the perspective of hygiene, sleeping in pajamas can prevent the skin from coming into direct contact with the sheets and quilts, and help keep the sheets and quilts clean (of course, if the sheets and quilts are dirty, they can also avoid direct contact with the skin).

Our skin will be renewed, and many dead skin cells will fall off and fall on clothes, sheets, and quilts. Where there is dander, there are often a lot of mites, which contain special enzymes in their bodies and live by digesting these fallen danders. In addition to mites, there are also a considerable number of mite corpses, eggs, and even poop, among others.

Sleeping in pajamas can reduce stains on the skin to a certain extent and stain the sheets and quilts, after all, clothes are more convenient to clean.

In addition, wearing pajamas has a benefit that only dermatologists know about - reducing the risk of skin diseases.

Many skin diseases are mainly transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, such as athlete's foot (athlete's foot) and nail fungus (onychomycosis). They are common fungal infections, and sometimes they can be self-infected due to skin-to-skin contact, such as athlete's foot to the base of the thigh, jock itch, and of course, it can also be transmitted to people who sleep with you. Sleeping in pajamas can reduce the chance of infection to some extent.

Wearing pajamas VS sleeping naked, which is healthier?

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What are the benefits of sleeping naked?

Anyone who has ever slept naked should have experienced the feeling of freedom of being naked. Staying in the bed is like a fish in the water, moving freely and unrestrained. From this point of view, sleeping naked can provide a lot of emotional value, as long as you feel happy on the psychological level, it means that sleeping naked is beneficial.

In addition to emotional value, sleeping naked can also improve sleep quality.

We know that when the skin temperature drops slightly, people will be more likely to calm down, sleep better and fall asleep faster, and if it is too hot, people will toss and turn in bed. Sleeping naked eliminates overheating caused by pajamas and avoids the risk of compromising night's rest.

In addition, sleeping naked also has some health benefits.

For women, sleeping naked can reduce the risk of Candida infection to some extent. If you wear tight underwear or pajamas, it will trap heat at the base of your thighs. The relatively high temperature, as well as the airtight environment, will be more conducive to the growth and reproduction of Candida.

Sleeping naked, including wearing loose-fitting cotton underwear, can help reduce the chance of Candida infection by allowing air to circulate more and keep it cool and dry.

For men, sleeping naked may improve fertility quality.

This is because some studies have found that the sperm count decreases when the eggs are exposed to higher temperatures, and there are even studies that have found that men who wear boxer briefs have a higher sperm count than those who wear briefs because the former is looser.

Similarly, data from about 500 men in the U.S. showed that men who wore boxers during the day and nothing at night had a 25 percent lower risk of sperm DNA breakage than those who wore tight underwear day and night.

However, this claim is controversial, with some researchers arguing that the above results are not universal, and there are currently no studies showing that people who sleep naked are more likely to get pregnant or get pregnant sooner. In addition, some scholars have summarized some previous studies and found that "there is no significant difference between panty type and sperm quality".

Wearing pajamas VS sleeping naked, which is healthier?

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Sleeping in pajamas VS sleeping naked

How to choose?

Since there are benefits to wearing pajamas and sleeping naked, how exactly do you choose?

In fact, from a health perspective alone, neither option has an absolute health advantage, and this slight difference in health is basically not critical to decision-making.

Moreover, most of the choices of whether to wear clothes when sleeping are not considered from the perspective of health, but also include:

Xi habits: Many people don't know whether pajamas are a necessity, simply because they have the Xi of wearing pajamas or not wearing pajamas.

Convenience: Many people don't wear pajamas because they find it troublesome because of the extra routine of changing pajamas before going to bed, and they would rather wear a daytime outfit, such as a T-shirt and underwear.

Miscellaneous reasons: This is mainly due to more individualized reasons, such as feeling that pajamas are too expensive, not wanting to spend money on pajamas, not feeling the need to wear pajamas, and preferring skin and quilt contact (rather than pajamas).

It's the same as eating tofu brain, sweet or salty is actually no different, and the choice largely depends on personal experience and preference.

In a word, wear pajamas or sleep naked when you sleep, how happy you are!


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Planning and production

Author丨Tang Jiaoqing, attending physician of dermatology

Audit丨Li Jingjing, Professor and Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital

Planning丨Lin Lin

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