
"The company's female executives illegally fired employees" The party spoke again: denying academic fraud, the company should not "splash dirty water" again

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River

Recently, the matter of "the company's female executives suspected of illegally firing employees" has continued to ferment on social platforms, causing heated discussions. In the early morning of January 8, the company involved, Beijing Neox Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Neox Technology), issued a statement, saying that the video was a dispute between the human resource employee Jing and the former employee Sun over the termination of the labor relationship, and Jing was suspended; In addition, Chen Yiran, chairman of the company involved, also said that Sun may be suspected of "academic fraud and resume fraud", and he has previously falsely accused many companies all the way and is "habitual offender".

For the above part of the statement, the party Sun did not agree. On January 9, Sun said in an interview with a reporter from the New Yellow River that he signed a letter of apology and did not get a resignation certificate. At the same time, Sun also denied the claim that his academic qualifications were fraudulent, saying that the company was "pouring dirty water" on him, "My appeal now is to hope that the relevant person in charge of Pingxin can apologize to me." ”

"The company's female executives illegally fired employees" The party spoke again: denying academic fraud, the company should not "splash dirty water" again
The person concerned said that he had not yet obtained a resignation certificate

Previously, a video shot from Sun's perspective showed that Sun said that the company had illegally terminated the labor relationship, and the relevant person in charge of HR, Jing, said, "I will break the law, what's the matter? I will be illegally terminated, you go and sue me! I will let you not find a job for two and a half years, I will have food next month, you think for yourself." According to Sun's later interview, the above video was probably filmed on December 10, 2023.

Sun told the New Yellow River reporter that the day after the incident in the video, he was unable to enter the company when he went to the company, and the access control was invalid.

"The company's female executives illegally fired employees" The party spoke again: denying academic fraud, the company should not "splash dirty water" again

Neox Technologies' statement

On January 8, Neox Technology issued a statement on this matter, saying that Sun joined the company on June 25, 2023, signed a 3-year labor contract and a confidentiality and non-compete agreement, and a probationary period of 6 months. Due to Sun's incompetence, the company decided not to pass the probationary period. After consensus, the two parties signed an agreement on the termination of labor relations on December 1, 2023, and the company paid the salary and severance compensation for November in full on December 8, 2023. The above procedures are handled in accordance with the law.

On January 9, Sun told the New Yellow River reporter that the salary in November last year had indeed been paid, "At that time, it was said that they would sign an apology letter, sign it and press their fingerprints, and then the salary would not be given if they did not sign, and I don't know what they did with the apology letter." But the resignation certificate was not given. Sun also said that the other party's attitude has always been high, "There has never been any apology, but I apologized to them." ”

"The company's female executives illegally fired employees" The party spoke again: denying academic fraud, the company should not "splash dirty water" again

On the recruitment platform, Jing is also the human resources director of Pingxin Technology

Tianyancha information shows that Beijing Neox Technology Co., Ltd. was established in April 2021 with a registered capital of 11 million US dollars, mainly engaged in science and technology promotion and application services, and the number of insured people is only 10. Mr. Yang, the legal representative of Neox Company, is also the executive director of Beijing Pingxin Technology Co., Ltd. Pingxin Technology is an AI chip developer, and its financing history shows that it has received investment from Primavera Venture Capital, Red Dot China, Sequoia China and other institutions. Previously, an employee of Pingxin Technology revealed to the media that Pingxin Technology and Neoux Technology are "one and the same". It can also be seen on some recruitment platforms that Jing is the human resources director of Pingxin Technology.

After the matter fermented, Sun said that the company never took the initiative to find him.

denied that his academic qualifications were fraudulent, saying that the previous term in the same position was also dismissed

On January 9, according to Sina Technology news, Chen Yiran, chairman of the company involved, said that the dismissed employees may be suspected of "academic fraud and resume fraud", and they have previously falsely accused many companies all the way and are "habitual offenders". Chen Yiran also mentioned that "I didn't know about this person's recruitment and resignation at all, until someone forwarded the video to me." "All I can say is that the government has looked into this matter and the company's procedures are flawless. ”

"There's nothing to say about academic fraud. I'm not a recent graduate. Sun explained, "If the academic qualifications are really fake, and they have been background checked for several months when they joined, then how did I get hired?"

Sun believes that the company is "pouring dirty water" on him: "This is too obvious, if you have fraudulent academic qualifications, why don't you say that you have fraudulent academic qualifications when you are fired? The reasons they give have changed again and again, such as lack of ability, falsification of academic qualifications, and non-compliance with the corporate culture, and even stealing the work results of subordinates. ”

As for the above reasons for dismissal, Sun denied it. Sun also revealed that his previous term in the same position was also dismissed after working for about half a year, "I don't know if I have had a probationary period, but I was kicked away by them after working for half a year." ”

"The company's female executives illegally fired employees" The party spoke again: denying academic fraud, the company should not "splash dirty water" again

Image source network

Regarding whether he will go to the human resources and social security department to complain, Sun said that he has no time and energy now, and he is still thinking about it. Regarding the appeal of this matter, Sun said that he hoped that Chen Yiran and Jing of Pingxin Company could apologize to him.

According to Sun, he led a small team of three or four people in the company, and did two projects in half a year, and the reason for the conflict with the company was that he opposed piracy and chip design outsourcing. "I am advocating that iron striking needs its own hardness, and it has its own development team and R&D team. Sun insisted that Pingxin's independent research and development was only to make some application-level software products, and the core design of the chip was outsourced.

"Since you don't think I'm capable, why don't you fire me a month or two early, or half a year earlier? Now that it's the end of the year, the company is no longer hiring, and where to find a new job is miserable now. Sun said that he is currently preparing a new resume and trying his luck.

On January 8th and 9th, the New Yellow River reporter called the external calls of Neox Technology and Pingxin Technology several times, but no one answered. On the afternoon of the 9th, the New Yellow River reporter noticed that the official website of Pingxin Technology could not be opened.

Lawyer: Dismissal of employees at the end of the probationary period, suspicion of using labor at a low price

"According to the term of the signed "employment contract", a probationary period of up to 6 months may be agreed, and the main legislative purpose of the law stipulates that the probationary period is to allow the employee and the employer to examine each other to decide whether to establish a formal employment relationship. Zhao Zeqi, founding partner and lawyer of Beijing Verta Law Firm, said in an interview with the New Yellow River reporter that it is indeed inappropriate to be dismissed during the probationary period, and if the company believes that the probationary employees are not competent, they should inform the employees in a timely manner, and should not delay until the end of the probationary period, otherwise there is a suspicion of using labor at a low price.

In response to the company's human resources executives saying "you can't find a job for two and a half years", Zhao Zeqi believes that such threatening language is obviously a gross offense to employees and a contempt for the law, which is really inconsistent with his workplace status. The Labor Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that employers shall not use violence, threats or illegal restrictions on personal freedom to force labor, and the state has promulgated the Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China to ensure the promotion of employment, and every worker of appropriate age has the freedom to choose his or her own employment.

At the same time, Zhao Zeqi also mentioned that when an employee encounters a similar situation during the probationary period, he or she first has the right to request the company to give reasons for the termination of the probationary period, and to collect audio and video recordings in a timely manner when encountering such verbal threats; secondly, if the company's termination during the probationary period is illegal, he has the right to complain to the labor inspection department, and can also apply to the labor arbitration department for arbitration to revoke the company's illegal termination decision or require the company to give compensation for illegal termination.

Reporter: Li Yunheng Proofreader: Tang Qi Editor: Xing Zhibin

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