
The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, so it is recommended to prevent them in advance

author:Dr. Zou talks about health

On an ordinary afternoon, Uncle Zhang, a retired teacher, suddenly finds himself forgetting his route to the same park for years. His wife, Grandma Li, also noticed that Uncle Zhang had been forgetting his keys lately, and even forgot the names of his familiar relatives. This has caused a huge distress in their lives. Their stories may be a reflection of our future.

These are all signals that can appear when the brain begins to "shrink." Brain atrophy, as scary as it sounds, is a reality we can't escape. However, for most of us, we tend to ignore these subtle changes until they become issues that we can't ignore.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, so it is recommended to prevent them in advance

Four Alarms of Brain Atrophy: How Does the Body Respond?

1. Memory loss: It's not just about losing your muscles

Memory loss is one of the most intuitive responses to brain atrophy. This is not only reflected in the forgetting of small things, but also in the omission of important information in daily life. For example, forgetting important recent events or asking the same question repeatedly. Memory loss is not simply Alzheimer's, but a decline in the brain's ability to process, store and recall information, which requires us to be vigilant and take action.

2. Mood swings: Mood is not a rise and fall for no reason

Brain atrophy can also lead to mood swings. This includes emotional lability, irritability, or apathy. These mood changes are not simply a mood problem, but the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating emotions is affected. Understanding these changes can help us better understand and cope with the emotional challenges of old age.

3. Changes in athletic ability: It's not just getting older

Changes in the body's ability to exercise are also a sign of brain atrophy. This includes difficulty walking, reduced balance, and even decreased coordination. Many people may blame these on aging, but they can actually be the result of damage to the areas of the brain that control motor function. Proper physical activity and exercise can slow this decline to some extent.

4. Speech Impairment: Communication is no longer smooth

Decreased speech ability is another important sign of brain atrophy. This can manifest as difficulty finding the right words to express ideas or a decrease in the ability to understand other people's speech. This change should not be ignored as it affects basic communication in everyday life.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, so it is recommended to prevent them in advance

Prevention Strategies: Practical Advice

1. Nutritious diet: the best fuel for the brain

Key Ingredients: Emphasize the must-consume nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and antioxidants, which are essential for maintaining the health of brain cells.

Food choices: Foods rich in these nutrients are recommended, such as oily fish (e.g., salmon), nuts, dark green vegetables, berries.

Avoid foods: Remind to reduce your intake of processed foods and foods high in sugar, which may accelerate cognitive decline.

2. Regular exercise: Active body, active brain

The Power of Exercise: Describes how moderate exercise improves blood circulation and increases blood flow to the brain, which in turn improves cognitive function.

Practice Advice: Guide the reader on what types of exercise to do, such as brisk walking, swimming, yoga, and the recommended amount of time per week for exercise.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, so it is recommended to prevent them in advance

3. Mental Health: Stress reduction and brain benefit

Stress and the Brain: Discusses how long-term stress can negatively affect the brain, particularly on memory and emotional control.

Stress Reduction Methods: Provide effective stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, Xi exercises, getting enough sleep, and developing hobbies.

4. Regular health check-ups: early detection, early prevention

The importance of prevention: Emphasize how regular checkups can help early detect and treat problems that may affect brain health, such as abnormal glucose metabolism or increased blood pressure in systemic arteries.

Health monitoring: What specific tests are recommended, such as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and how to work with a medical professional to develop a personalized prevention plan.