
Professor Zheng Qiang: Behind the madness of Chinese children, no country can compare with it!

author:Everyday world view

This is a story about Chinese children, a shocking and worrying phenomenon! Around the world, Chinese children behave so wildly that they seem to surpass any other country. Today, we have invited Professor Zheng Qiang, an authority in the field of education, who dares to speak out and reveal the truth of this phenomenon.

Professor Zheng Qiang: Behind the madness of Chinese children, no country can compare with it!

Professor Zheng Qiang criticized: Why are Chinese children so crazy?

Professor Zheng Qiang is a well-known educator in China, who has been focusing on the growth and education of Chinese children for many years. He delved into the reasons behind the scenes and uncovered some shocking facts.

In recent decades of reform and opening up, China has achieved tremendous economic development, accelerated urbanization, and great changes in lifestyle. Behind this, however, education is facing unprecedented challenges. The dilution of family ties, the fierce competition in schools, and the increase in social pressure are all factors that have intertwined to create a phenomenon of Chinese children's fanaticism.

Professor Zheng Qiang: Behind the madness of Chinese children, no country can compare with it!

Professor Zheng Qiang said: "Chinese parents expect too much from their children, and they want their children to excel in this highly competitive society. However, this excessive expectation and unrealistic demands lead to the children's crazy behavior. ”

Beyond the Globe: The Crazy Performance of Chinese Children

The madness of Chinese children is amazing. They spend almost all day doing all kinds of extracurricular training, from piano and dance to painting and Go, and parents spend a lot of energy and money to fill their children's schedules.

Professor Zheng Qiang: Behind the madness of Chinese children, no country can compare with it!

At the same time, Chinese children are under tremendous pressure at school. Frequent exams, the pressure of going to school, and the requirements of various Xi make-up classes make children have no time to take care of other things. They lost their right to be happy childhood and were forced to become a machine that could only mechanically Xi.

The price behind it: the psychological problems of Chinese children

Professor Zheng Qiang is concerned about the psychological problems of Chinese children. Xi pressure, alienation from parent-child relationships, and lack of social opportunities have undoubtedly brought great challenges to children's mental health.

Professor Zheng Qiang: Behind the madness of Chinese children, no country can compare with it!

More and more Chinese children are facing psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. They have lost hope for the future, and their enthusiasm for life is gradually disappearing. This is an issue that cannot be ignored and needs our joint attention and solution.

Save China's Kids: Say No to Madness!

Professor Zheng Qiang called for children to be given a relaxed environment to grow up and let them have a happy childhood. Out-of-school training should be moderate, not the whole life of children, and school education should focus on the cultivation of quality, rather than simply the pursuit of high grades.

Professor Zheng Qiang: Behind the madness of Chinese children, no country can compare with it!

Family education should also focus on the establishment of parent-child relationships, so that children have a sense of security and belonging. At the same time, society needs to provide more opportunities and resources so that children can enjoy a variety of social and experience.

The future of China's children: Each of us has a responsibility

Professor Zheng Qiang's appeal has resonated with society. We can't sit idly by as we see the madness of Chinese children. As each of us, we have a responsibility to pay attention and do our part to create a better environment for them to grow.

Professor Zheng Qiang: Behind the madness of Chinese children, no country can compare with it!

Let's work together to build a happy, healthy and hopeful future for our children!

The above is Professor Zheng Qiang's blunt remark on the crazy phenomenon of Chinese children. We are keenly aware that this is a worrying issue that needs to be addressed at multiple levels, including family, school and society. In the future, I hope to see Chinese children get rid of madness and usher in a moment of happy growth!