
Why is the rate of illness rising now? Perhaps it has something to do with it, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed to protect the blood vessels

author:Director of the Department of Neurosurgery, Ge Mingxu

"Have you noticed that more and more people around us are complaining about health problems? From a mild cold cough to a more serious cardiovascular disease, getting sick seems to be a daily routine. Have you ever thought that all of this might be closely related to our dietary Xi habits? Today, we're going to take a look at the hidden health risks behind the modern lifestyle.

Imagine an elder suddenly passing out at a family gathering, and the doctor tells you that it is a heart problem caused by a long-term unhealthy diet Xi habits. This is not only a shocking scenario, but also a realistic warning that our dietary choices have a direct impact on our health and well-being.

Why is the rate of illness rising now? Perhaps it has something to do with it, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed to protect the blood vessels

Lifestyle: The Key to Health or the Source of the Cause?

When discussing why the rate of illness is rising in modern people, we cannot ignore the impact of lifestyle on health. Lifestyle includes our daily Xi, activity patterns, and dietary choices, which together shape our health.

Why is the rate of illness rising now? Perhaps it has something to do with it, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed to protect the blood vessels

Lack of activity: the hidden dangers of meditation

In modern society, many people's work and leisure activities are becoming more and more sitting. Prolonged sitting at work or watching television, and lack of adequate physical activity, have been shown to be associated with a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, abnormal glucose metabolism (commonly known as diabetes), and obesity. Not only does physical activity improve heart and lung fitness, but it also helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic disease.

Stress: The invisible burden of modern life

Modern life is fast-paced and often accompanied by high levels of stress. Long-term psychological stress can lead to a variety of health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, sleep disorders, and a weakened immune system. Mental health is essential for overall health, so learning Xi manage stress effectively is key to maintaining good health.

Eating Xi: A double-edged sword between nutrition and health

Dietary Xi have a direct and profound impact on health. Excessive intake of high-fat, high-sugar foods increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, abnormal glucose metabolism, and obesity. Conversely, a balanced diet, rich in whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, and moderate amounts of protein, can provide the body with essential nutrients while reducing the risk of disease.

Why is the rate of illness rising now? Perhaps it has something to do with it, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed to protect the blood vessels

"The Invisible Killer of Blood Vessels: Eat Less of These Foods"

Among the many factors that contribute to the rise in the incidence of illness among modern people, dietary Xi occupies an important position. In particular, the impact of foods that are harmful to vascular health should not be underestimated. This section will delve into these types of foods that pose a threat to blood vessels and how they affect the health of our blood vessels.

1. High-fat foods: the enemies of the arteries

High-fat foods, especially those that contain a lot of saturated and trans fats, are extremely detrimental to vascular health. These fats accumulate in the body and can lead to thickening and hardening of blood vessel walls, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, common fast food, fried food, and some baked goods are representative of this type of food.

2. High-salt foods: invisible drivers of blood pressure

Excessive salt intake can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which in the long term puts constant pressure on the walls of blood vessels and can lead to hardening of the arteries. And high-salt foods are not limited to savory snacks, and the hidden salt in many processed and canned foods cannot be ignored.

3. High-sugar foods: catalysts for abnormal glucose metabolism

High-sugar foods not only increase the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism, but may also cause damage to the lining of blood vessels. Long-term excessive intake of sugar, such as sugary drinks, desserts, etc., will accelerate the aging of blood vessels and increase the risk of arterial disease.

4. Processed meat: a source of chronic inflammation

Chemical additives and preservatives found in processed meats such as bacon and sausages can cause chronic inflammation in the body and affect the health of blood vessels. Long-term consumption of these processed meats has been shown to be associated with cardiovascular disease.

5. Alcoholic beverages: occasional indulgence versus long-term harm

Moderate consumption of certain types of alcoholic beverages, such as red wine, may be good for the heart, but excessive alcohol consumption can have significant negative effects on blood vessels. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, and possibly even heart disease.

Why is the rate of illness rising now? Perhaps it has something to do with it, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed to protect the blood vessels

Blood vessels: the source of health, the boat of life

When discussing the importance of vascular health, we must first recognize the central role of the vascular system in our body. Blood vessels are not only the conduits that carry blood, they are the key to maintaining vitality. Healthy blood vessels ensure adequate oxygen and nutrients to every corner of the body, and are also the main way to eliminate metabolic waste and harmful substances. Therefore, vascular health is directly related to our overall health status.

1. The function and importance of blood vessels

Oxygen & Nutrient Delivery: Blood vessels are responsible for transporting oxygen and essential nutrients to all parts of the body to support our vital activities.

Elimination of metabolic wastes: Blood vessels also help to eliminate metabolic wastes produced by the body and maintain the balance of the internal environment.

Regulating body temperature: Blood vessels also play an important role in regulating body temperature through blood circulation.

2. Dangers of vascular problems

Arteriosclerosis and clogged blood vessels: Unhealthy dietary Xi, such as a high-fat, high-sugar diet, can lead to hardening of the arteries and blockage of blood vessels, affecting blood flow.

Circulatory disorders: When the health of blood vessels is impaired, it can lead to poor blood circulation, which can affect the function of various organs in the body.

Increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: Vascular health problems are the main causes of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries (hypertension) and abnormal glucose metabolism (diabetes).

3. Strategies to protect blood vessels

Healthy diet: Eat a balanced diet, reduce the intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods, and increase the intake of dietary fiber and antioxidants.

Regular exercise: Moderate aerobic exercise can promote blood circulation and enhance cardiovascular function.

Regular check-ups: Check your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels regularly to identify and treat vascular health problems.

Why is the rate of illness rising now? Perhaps it has something to do with it, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed to protect the blood vessels

Smart choice: protect blood vessels and stay away from diseases

In the process of focusing on vascular health, we need to recognize that the impact of daily diet on blood vessels is profound. Here are some practical tips and strategies to help middle-aged and older people protect their vascular health through diet to reduce their risk of disease.

1. Reduce your intake of high-fat, high-sugar foods

Rationale: High-fat, high-sugar foods can increase blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels, leading to arteriosclerosis and abnormal glucose metabolism.

Practice: Choose low-fat foods, such as lean meats and low-fat dairy products, and reduce sweets and processed foods.

2. Increase your intake of dietary fiber

Rationale: Dietary fiber helps lower cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels stable.

Practice: Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, especially leafy greens and fruits rich in pectin.

3. Eat healthy fats in moderation

Why: Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the risk of heart disease and protect blood vessels.

Practice: Consume foods rich in omega-3s, such as deep-sea fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts.

4. Be mindful of sodium intake

Rationale: Excessive sodium intake can lead to increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Practice: Reduce processed foods and eating out, and control the amount of salt you use when cooking your own.

5. Maintain proper hydration

Why: Adequate hydration helps maintain blood circulation and reduce blood consistency.

Practice: Drink plenty of water every day and avoid sugary drinks.

6. Avoid alcohol and tobacco

Rationale: Tobacco and alcohol have a direct damaging effect on blood vessels.

Practice: Quit smoking and limit alcohol to maintain a healthy lifestyle Xi habits.

Why is the rate of illness rising now? Perhaps it has something to do with it, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed to protect the blood vessels

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