
Poison oath education is not education: the class teacher makes students swear that "they don't learn Xi in the classroom and die of their parents"


#Tell the truth# Recently, the head teacher of a class in Henan made the students in the class swear that "if you don't learn Xi in the classroom, your father and mother will die", which has aroused widespread concern and strong condemnation from the society. This extreme method of education not only runs counter to the essence and purpose of education, but also seriously harms the physical and mental health of students, and must be resolutely stopped and corrected.

Poison oath education is not education: the class teacher makes students swear that "they don't learn Xi in the classroom and die of their parents"

The essence of education is to cultivate students' comprehensive quality, stimulate students' interest in learning and Xi, and guide students to form correct values and outlook on life, rather than simply instilling knowledge and forcing them to improve their grades. The purpose of education is to enable students to become idealistic, moral, educated, and disciplined socialist builders and successors, not to make students become mechanized people who blindly obey, are afraid of challenges, and lack innovation. The method of education should be to teach students according to their aptitude, respect students' individuality and differences, and use a variety of means and forms to stimulate students' initiative and enthusiasm, rather than being one-size-fits-all, ignoring students' feelings and wishes, using violence and threats, and suppressing students' freedom and dignity.

Poisonous oath education is an extreme way of education, which violates the essence and purpose of education, and also deviates from the duties and ethics of teachers. It takes advantage of students' filial piety and fear, forces students to make unreasonable vows, causes huge psychological pressure and burden on students, and may even lead to psychological trauma and suicidal tendencies of students. It destroys the trust and affection between teachers and students, weakens students' motivation and confidence in learning Xi, and affects the normal growth and development of students. It also damages the image and reputation of teachers, causes dissatisfaction and resentment in society, and affects the quality and effectiveness of education.

Poison oath education is not education: the class teacher makes students swear that "they don't learn Xi in the classroom and die of their parents"

Poison oath education is not education, but a kind of anti-education, an anti-human behavior, which must be resolutely stopped and corrected. Teachers involved should be severely dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations, their teaching qualifications should be revoked, their legal responsibility should be pursued, and they should be given due punishment. Psychological counseling and comfort should be provided to students who have been victimized in a timely manner, to help them resume their normal Xi and life, and to ensure their physical and mental health. For other teachers, it is necessary to strengthen education, training, management and supervision, improve their legal awareness and teacher ethics, standardize their educational behavior, and prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Poison oath education is not education: the class teacher makes students swear that "they don't learn Xi in the classroom and die of their parents"

Education is a sacred and noble cause, and teaching is an honorable and responsible profession. We hope that every teacher can be people-oriented, morality first, love as the soul, law as the standard, with scientific educational concepts and methods, to cultivate generation after generation of outstanding talents, and contribute to the development of the country and the progress of society. We also hope that every student can receive a comprehensive and high-quality education in a healthy and happy environment, realize their dreams and values, and strive to build a better future.