
North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

author:Air-dried green and good writing

The situation on the Korean Peninsula has remained tense in the past two days. The DPRK fired more than 200 pieces of artillery in a rage, causing the South Koreans to scream, and it is estimated that Japan also knows what the DPRK means. The United States should also understand that North Korea's move is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger."

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

Russia is fighting the NATO bloc in Europe, and its proxy Ukraine's counteroffensive is already weak, and Israel, the proxy of the United States, is besieging and beating the US proxy in the Middle East, making it constantly dying. The two thighs of the United States are about to be pulled into a line of horses, and if they continue to be pulled like this, I am afraid that the eggs will be shattered.

To break the hegemony of the United States, it is estimated that the counteroffensive of these three major wars must be fought: (1) Europe to abolish NATO, (2) to break the hegemony of the dollar in the Middle East, and (3) to abolish the island chain in East Asia.

The first two counteroffensive campaigns were already in full swing, and at this time, the DPRK opened fire, which can be regarded as sounding the clarion call for the anti-US campaign in East Asia, and it is clear that it is preparing to take action against the US agents. Only in this way can Japan and South Korea not take chances and make a choice as soon as possible.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

The first two agents are being beaten, and the young men of Ukraine are almost exhausted. There is no doubt that Israel will be crippled, and it will not be destroyed for the time being, mainly to regulate the Ukrainian battlefield. They also know that the world's counteroffensive against US hegemony has begun, and there are only two ways to go: one is to continue to be a proxy of the United States and become cannon fodder; the other is to find a way to shake off the iron chains that the United States has tied to their necks in order to escape this catastrophe.

Japan, in particular, has about 55,000 US troops stationed in the United States, has submarine bases, aircraft carrier bases, and air bases, and is one of the most important military bases in the Asia-Pacific region of the United States, as well as the country with the largest number of US troops stationed overseas. If Japan does not want to become cannon fodder, it must quickly come out and talk about it with its attitude, and then hand in its "letter of surrender."

According to relevant media reports, on the same day that North Korea fired more than 200 artillery pieces into the western part of the peninsula, Kim Jong-un also called Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to express condolences over the earthquake in Ishikawa, Japan. It is worth mentioning that during the Great Hanshin Earthquake in Japan in 1995, the DPRK side made a condolence call to then Japanese Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama in the name of then Prime Minister Kang Sung-san.

During the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, telegrams between the DPRK and Japan were limited to the Red Cross level. For Kim Jong-un's phone call to Fumio Kishida to express condolences. Yonhap News Agency said that North Korea's move was a rare move, and that "North Korea usually does not send similar cables to countries that it considers unfriendly."

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

Judging from the current military strength of North Korea, it is completely capable of attacking South Korea, and it is not afraid of Japan, and the key North Korea has a "big brother" behind it. The United States is already unable to take care of Ukraine and Israel, and even the Houthis dare to directly call out the US military, and when the time comes, they will be beaten, and the United States may personally come down to protect it?

Therefore, if the DPRK fires artillery at this time, it will inevitably make Japan and South Korea nervous and step up their consideration of their own life and death issues! However, the "seven inches" of Japan and South Korea have always been in the hands of the United States, and if they do not want to be reduced to artillery fire, they can now only solve this problem by cooperating with China.

So where is the "seven inches" of Japan and South Korea?

The "seven inches" between Japan and South Korea is the U.S. military base in Okinawa on the Ryukyu Islands, which can completely cut off the "lifeline" between Japan and South Korea. Japan is an island-wide country, and South Korea is a peninsular country, so trade activities must be carried out by sea route southward. The Miyako Strait is the main channel for Japan's exports of goods to China and Southeast Asian countries, and the Sogu Strait is the main shipping route connecting the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

The U.S. military base in Okinawa in the Ryukyu Islands is exactly the place where Japan and South Korea are pinched by the "throats," mainly to make Japan and South Korea obediently listen to themselves. The US military has an aircraft carrier base in Yokosuka, Tokyo, and a submarine base in Sasebo, and it is not worried that Japan will rebel because the Okinawa base can cut off the lifeline of Japan and South Korea, and the Guam base can respond.

In addition, the Taiwan Strait is also a necessary shipping route for Japan and South Korea to Southeast Asian countries, Africa, and Europe. It is precisely because of this that Japan is very afraid of cross-strait reunification. During the Qing Dynasty, Japan tried every means to invade and occupy the Ryukyus first, so that it could be used as a springboard to invade Taiwan later, and the fundamental reason was that it was afraid that the ocean-going shipping lanes would be cut off by us.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

Therefore, if Japan does not want to become a proxy of the United States and become cannon fodder, the first thing is to find a way to get rid of the garrison of the US military base in Okinawa. As long as the U.S. troops at the Okinawa base are evacuated, the U.S. troops from other Japanese and South Korean bases will be evacuated, otherwise they will be waiting to be "dumplings."

Of course, Japan alone will certainly not be able to break free from the iron chain around the neck of the United States, and in the end it will not only be pushed out by the United States as cannon fodder, but its high-quality assets will also be eaten up by the United States. As for South Korea, it is purely a colony of the United States, and it does not even have the command of the army.

How can Japan break free from the yoke of the United States?

The answer is to agree with Ryukyu independence!

This is because the Ryukyus have the right to demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops after independence, and the Ryukyus will inevitably establish diplomatic relations with China after independence, and at the same time declare permanent neutrality. In this way, Japan will be able to escape the yoke of the United States and will not have to worry about being stuck by us.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

If the U.S. military is unwilling to withdraw, the Ryukyus can force the U.S. military to leave by applying to China for military protection. Now that the United States is on two fronts, it will not risk a war with China within the first island chain. It would certainly be best if we could abolish the island chain without a fight.

In fact, since 2004, the people of the Ryukyus have been strongly calling for the U.S. military to move out because they are dissatisfied with the various abuses of the U.S. military stationed in Japan. However, the Japanese government turned a blind eye to the various immoral acts of the US military, which further stimulated the Ryukyu people's demand for independence.

In mid-June 2023, the "All-Okinawa Conference" formed by Japanese political parties and Ryukyu citizens submitted a petition with 560,000 signatures to Japanese opposition lawmakers, strongly calling for the complete withdrawal of US troops from Okinawa. There are about 1.45 million people in the Ryukyus, and excluding the elderly and children, this proportion is very high.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

Subsequently, the Governor of the Ryukyus visited China. In fact, the Ryukyus have been crying out of colonial rule and achieving independence for a long time. Ryukyu was once an independent kingdom, and its people left footprints in many parts of China. In addition to the Ryukyu Hall and Ryukyu Tomb in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, there is also a Ryukyu National Cemetery site in Zhangjiawan Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing.

Therefore, if Japan does not want to be reduced to cannon fodder and end up being eaten by the United States to the point that there is no scum left, the best way is to make the Ryukyus independent. Because breaking the island chain of the United States is something that must be done by the anti-American hegemony, as long as the US troops at the Okinawa base are driven out, the US troops in Tokyo Bay and Sasebo in Japan will not be able to stay any longer.

In this way, Japan will be able to shake off the chains around its neck and achieve sovereign independence and independent development.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

Why would the United States eat the assets of Japan and South Korea?

Because the biggest problem in the United States is the debt crisis caused by the rising unemployment rate, they urgently need to restore the manufacturing industry to solve the problem of people's employment and achieve "recovery". However, the fists of China and Russia are too hard to eat, and Europe is its own child, so it looks too ugly, and eating it will make you lose the commander, and the Jewish plutocracy can't eat it, and if you eat it, you will kill the dollar.

That can only eat Japan and South Korea, neither of which is biological, and Japan's Toyota, Sony, Panasonic, Mitsubishi and other companies, including South Korea's Samsung and semiconductors, are high-quality assets that meet the appetite of the United States. In addition, the United States is still pinching the throats of both of them, and it does not dare to resist.

In fact, South Korea's semiconductor industry has been eaten by the United States, and Japan has seen it clearly. North Korea's blowing of the horn of the sea will inevitably make Japan feel nervous, and it will also make the United States speed up the pace of eating them, so that Japan can make a wise choice as soon as possible.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

However, the culture of the Japanese nation is "knowing small courtesies and not righteousness", and it is full of servility. I guess if you don't actually make them afraid, you may be lucky. They always feel that their navy is invincible except for the United States, and they do not let it clearly feel that it is being crushed, and perhaps it is not so easy to make the determination to give up being a proxy.

Of course, it would be great if we could achieve "surrendering without a fight". As the saying goes, it is better to fight back than to be scared back, and if you can reduce the scale of the war, reduce the scale of the war, and try to avoid the loss of life!

Some netizens may not understand, why can't the U.S. government invest in manufacturing itself to solve the problem?

Because high-end industries can't do what they want to do, and low-end industries can't survive in the United States, which is caused by the so-called democratic system in the United States. American politicians need popular votes for elections, and in order to gain popular support, politicians canvass votes by constantly raising benefits. As a result, the American people, who have tasted the sweetness, go on strike at every turn, forcing politicians to improve their welfare or not support them.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

Biden supports workers' strikes

As a result, the production cost of low- and medium-sized products in the United States has become very high, and it is not competitive in the market at all. As a result, the outflow of low-end manufacturing has led to an increase in the unemployment rate in the United States year by year. Nowadays, the "zero-dollar purchase" that is popular in the United States and the homeless people on the streets seriously affect social stability, and the US government has to borrow money to alleviate these problems in order to maintain social stability.

The profit margin of high-end manufacturing is relatively high, and the hegemony of the United States can engage in market monopoly to maintain market competitiveness, so as to maintain high welfare and gain the support of the people's votes.

In fact, with the change of the U.S. government, politicians are getting more and more expensive to canvass for votes, which has led to a vicious circle. Without changing the so-called democratic system, the problem of "hematopoiesis" cannot be solved.

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

How can one be satisfied?

This year, I have 8 days off a month, a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, and I want to be better next year. In addition, the so-called system of the United States requires a popular vote to go through the form, and the election in the United States has become a business of game between capital and the government.

The vast majority of people do not consider market fluctuations and the long-term development of the country, and they are basically mothers who have milk. If you don't raise welfare, you will go on strike, and if you bring down the enterprise and have no job, you will either join the ranks of "zero-yuan purchases", or you will lie down and wait for the government to help you.

The government is a functional department and has no profitability. Issuing bonds without industrial support will only lead to inflation due to the depreciation of money, and finally collapse if it cannot hold on. This is the biggest crisis facing the United States. The United States, through its financial hegemony, has kidnapped the whole world to feed Americans for them and maintain the "halo" of its democratic system, but it has never solved the problem itself.

At the same time, the United States also claims that its "democratic" system is the greatest system in the world, and that Americans are the best nation in the world. In fact, it is to let other countries feed them through hegemony, which is a typical "soft rice and hard food".

North Korea's artillery is "knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger", and now it is Japan's turn to make a life-and-death decision as soon as possible!

In its bones, the West wants to support itself by colonizing other countries, and this is the root of everyone's anti-Americanism. Who owes it America? Who wants to be a slave?

Moreover, the economy of the United States is mainly controlled by the Jewish plutocracy, and the cultural characteristic of this people for thousands of years is sojourn. They don't have a sense of family and country, they are good at making money by creating chaos, and they let the country bear the risks, which is why the United States has become what it is today.

Capitalists and politicians pursue two completely different routes, capitalists think about making money, where to make money, where to invest, where the cost is low, and to pursue savage growth. However, the first thing that politicians need to consider is social stability, and to develop the economy by regulating society, so as to promote the development of the whole country and nation.

It's a pity that the United States seems to have no outstanding politicians since Kissinger, and more of them are agents who have been pushed to the fore by capital. If the United States is really a civilized country and will really help other countries develop together, how can so many countries rise up against it one after another?

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