
Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

author:Ming Lang Historical History

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Text | Gu Yuanshan

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"If you dare to marry, I won't have your daughter!"

Although since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the whole society has been advocating the freedom of love, but Wang Lihong's father really can't understand his daughter's choice of who to marry.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

A Tsinghua University student with a bright future turned out to have a hot brain, and he had to marry himself to Africa, thousands of kilometers away.

If he didn't know that the person in front of him was his daughter who got along with him day and night, Wang Lihong's father would have mistakenly thought that his daughter was occupied by some demon dove, but what did she want? !

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

The proud daughter of the sky

Some people spend their whole lives looking for Rome, but some people are born at the top of "Rome" from birth, and Wang Lihong is such a lucky person.

She was born in Beijing in the 60s of the 20 th century, and her parents, who are still very important high-ranking cadres in state organs, are far ahead of 99 percent of the people in the country in terms of both the use of resources and welfare benefits.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

If it is just a good family background, Wang Lihong is not only talented, but also willing to work hard.

Not to mention Yan Shu, who can "understand" articles at the age of seven, at least at the age of seven or eight, Wang Lihong already has the ability to recite poems - smart and agile like a prodigy.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

So much so that at the age of seventeen or eighteen, this former genius prodigy was specially pulled into college by the thirsty Tsinghua University.

As for Wang Lihong, you're welcome, but in a year or two, she relied on her excellent talent to become a talented woman in Tsinghua University, where there are many top students.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

In terms of Tsinghua University at that time, it was almost difficult for students in the same period to match Wang Lihong's literary skills.

And this has also made Wang Lihong the idol of countless Tsinghua students, and even the goddess of her dreams, her suitors, are countless.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

Although she is hugged by people every day, it looks so beautiful, but this is a great trouble for Wang Lihong herself, compared to the sweet love pursued by others, she herself wants to immerse herself in the happiness of learning.

But the arrival of a sorority party made Wang Lihong change her mind for no reason.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

The poor boy is beautiful with everyone

Thanks to the mainland's general policy of diplomatic friendship in the 80s and 90s of the 20 th century, many African countries have begun to send international students to famous universities such as Qingbei on the mainland for academic and Xi exchanges.

Suma, who was born in a backward part of Africa, was one of the lucky ones who was sent to study abroad.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

Although he came from a poor background, Suma himself is very self-motivated, and he firmly believes that hard work can change his fate, and he often works hard to learn Xi without sleep or food, even if he learns a dark disease, he does not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Maybe he studied too hard, or maybe he really learned some results, Tsinghua University even specially invited him, an international student, to participate in the Tsinghua University sorority.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

Originally, Suma thought it was just a polite entertainment, but when it really arrived, this entertainment was about to make a great difference in his life.

At this party, there was a female student from Tsinghua University who performed very brightly, dignified and beautiful, and talked about academic knowledge and academic development vision at the party.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

He even debated with the female college student on the spot through his fanatical pursuit of academic knowledge, but after arguing, Suma began to have a good impression of this girl, and even boldly pursued her, and this girl was Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University.

What's even more exaggerated, I don't know if I also appreciate each other's talents, or somehow, this talented girl from Tsinghua University, who didn't want to fall in love, fell in love with Suma as an international student for some reason.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

After going through many difficulties and dangers, he finally achieved positive results

Although the two people are of different races and nationalities, they both love each other to the bone by mistake.

But the relationship between the two was not very accepted by Wang Lihong's parents.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

It's not because of skin color or class prejudice, but because of the most basic care and concern of parents for their children.

Indeed, the current society is advocating freedom of love, but Wang Lihong's parents just can't let their daughter suffer with the past.

Except for a few areas, most of Africa is full of poverty and backwardness, and some parts of Africa are still quite chaotic, and people cannot even guarantee their lives tomorrow.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

In addition, Africa is nearly 10,000 kilometers away from China, which makes it even more difficult for parents to put their minds at ease.

"We don't object to you falling in love with him, but what if you marry and are wronged?"

"It's farther than the Emperor of the Heavenly Heights, how can I take care of you with your father?"

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

Wang Lihong's parents were especially afraid that their daughter would not have a good time in Africa, so they became more and more opposed to this relationship.

Wang Lihong's father even scolded Wang Lihong so angrily: "If you dare to go, you and I will completely cut off the relationship between women from now on!"

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

In order to cut off Wang Lihong and Suma's thoughts, Wang Lihong's parents also specially sent Wang Lihong to study in Japan, and also set up a series of protective measures around Wang Lihong.

Originally, the couple thought that they would be able to sit back and relax, but unfortunately, they underestimated the degree of attachment of the Suma couple to this relationship.

After Wang Lihong was left Tsinghua University, Su Ma, as her boyfriend, was in a panic, and he even seemed to be crazy, and began to frantically search for Wang Lihong's footprints in Beijing, which lasted for several months.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

Some insiders saw that he was too pitiful, so they kindly revealed Wang Lihong's location, so as to let the two meet for the last time.

But it is also on this side, but it makes the long-lovesick two people cook rice, no matter how others dissuade them, it is difficult to stop the determination of the two to be together.

In the end, there was really no way, Wang Lihong's parents gradually accepted their fate, so they had no choice but to let their daughter leave with the person they liked.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

It's just that the night before Wang Lihong left, Wang Lihong's father only took one night to change from black hair to snow-white hair, and even his demeanor became tired and weak with the naked eye.

"You're older, your mother and I can't control you, I just hope that after you pass, you can really get the happiness in your mouth, like this...... , your mother and I have nothing to worry about. ”

That's right, but can Wang Lihong really get her own happiness in Africa?

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

Her happiness is simple and pure

In 1993, under the witness of a group of friends, Wang Lihong and her lover Suma stepped into the sacred marriage hall together, and even followed her husband to a backward tribe in Uganda in Africa to develop.

However, as soon as she arrived in the field, Wang Lihong discovered a very special thing, although her husband's hometown was poor and backward, he himself had a lot of say here, and when he asked, he knew that he was the chief.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

But having said that, Wang Lihong is still a little dissatisfied, not because she dislikes the backward living environment of the local area, but because she is angry at the ignorance of the locals.

Due to the fact that they generally have not received a little education, the locals are very good at "doing death", and often jump on the line of life and death without any common sense of life.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

So much so that Wang Leehom, who wanted to teach her husband and children, couldn't help but have some inexplicable ideas, she wanted to set up a school in her husband's hometown, and borrow her husband's appeal in the village to help these ignorant tribesmen to open their minds.

So after discussing with her husband, the two raised funds to establish the first teaching school in Uganda that opened a Chinese teaching program, and even sponsored poor children to study for free.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

They don't expect anything in return, they just want the students to acquire knowledge and contribute to the future development of Uganda, and just that, their hearts can be greatly satisfied.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

Even though the wallets of the two are visibly empty with the naked eye, the light of humanity of the two has made more and more people praise, and even the most prestigious "CCTV" has been praised for this incident - it can be seen that Wang Lihong and his wife are excellent.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now


Parents are worried about Wang Lihong's happy marriage, which is a basic performance, and Wang Lihong's desperate choice for love can also be called human nature.

However, if you can communicate more with your parents, and even let your parents know more about their son-in-law, it may be difficult for parents and children to have the initial unhappiness.

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now

After all, as a child, no matter how you do, you have to let your parents feel at ease, right?

Lihong, the queen of Tsinghua University, married far away from Africa and gave birth to five sons, and her father was so angry that he turned white overnight, what is happening now
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Article Source:

[1] CCTV:

[2] NetEase News:

[3] Xinhuanet: