
Entering the "39 days", no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 2 things and do 1 thing" to warm up your body and stomach for the winter

author:Shukuri Musume

After the winter solstice, the earth gradually gets colder, the temperature plummets, the sun is no longer so warm, and the cold wind is biting. On the day of the winter solstice, the solar term began to count nine, and today is the third nine days, so it is called the "three nine" day. The folk proverb sings: "1929 does not make a move, 3949 walks on the ice, 5969 looks at the willows along the river, 79 rivers open 89 swallows, 99 plus 19 ploughing cattle go everywhere." This ballad depicts the bitterly cold, snow-covered weather of Sanjiu, which is the coldest time of the year, reminding people to pay special attention to keeping warm.

Entering the "39 days", no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 2 things and do 1 thing" to warm up your body and stomach for the winter

During this cold season, it's important to keep your body warm. Diet is one of the most important measures to keep warm. On the "39" day, choosing some ingredients with a warming effect is the best choice for keeping warm from the cold. Here we will recommend two ingredients: pigeon and beef bones, which are both delicious and nourishing for the body.

Entering the "39 days", no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 2 things and do 1 thing" to warm up your body and stomach for the winter

Recommended Recipe: 【Mushroom Pigeon Soup】

First, let's make a nourishing mushroom pigeon soup. As the saying goes, "one pigeon is better than nine chickens", and pigeons are a good nourishment. This soup brings together the tender flesh of the pigeon and the rich nutrients of various mushrooms, providing the body with plenty of energy and nutrients. This soup is both heartwarming and nourishing, making it perfect for the cold winter months.

Ingredients: 1 pigeon, mushroom bun, ginger slices, salt, green onion,

Entering the "39 days", no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 2 things and do 1 thing" to warm up your body and stomach for the winter

Here's how:

1. Wash the pigeons and drain them. Add water to the pot, put the pigeon meat into the pot with cold water, add green onion and ginger, boil over high heat and blanch the water to remove the blood. Soak morels, cordyceps flowers and other mushrooms in warm water to soften, then squeeze out the excess water and set aside.

2. Add water to the pot, after heating, add pigeon meat, various mushrooms, green onions, ginger slices, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over medium-low heat for 1 hour.

3. After the soup is boiled to a delicious taste, add an appropriate amount of salt, continue to simmer for 15 minutes, add sesame oil and pepper to taste, and serve.

Entering the "39 days", no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 2 things and do 1 thing" to warm up your body and stomach for the winter

Recommended Recipe 2: [Beef Bone Soup]

In addition to mushroom pigeon soup, beef bone soup is also an excellent choice for 39 days to keep out the cold. Beef bones are rich in collagen and minerals, which help boost immunity and improve the body's ability to resist cold. Here's a simple way to make beef bone broth:

Entering the "39 days", no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 2 things and do 1 thing" to warm up your body and stomach for the winter

Ingredients: beef bones, green onions, ginger cubes, cooking wine, salt, coriander

Detailed instructions:

1. Chop the beef bones into small pieces, clean them, add water to the pot, put the beef bones in cold water, boil and blanch over high heat to remove blood and impurities.

2. Heat water in a pot, add the beef bones, add green onions, ginger and an appropriate amount of cooking wine. Simmer over medium-low heat for 2 hours until the soup is rich, add salt to taste, continue to cook for 20 minutes, then add chopped coriander and enjoy.

Not only is this beef bone broth delicious, but it's also a warm and tonic dish that helps keep your body warm for three to nine days.

Entering the "39 days", no matter how busy you are, you must remember to "eat 2 things and do 1 thing" to warm up your body and stomach for the winter

Do 1 thing: soak your feet

As the saying goes, "A cold head is not cold, but a cold foot is cold to the top". In addition to paying attention to the warmth of the head and back, it is also very important to keep the feet warm! And every night of the three nine days, soaking the feet in hot water is a good Xi to warm the body. Soaking your feet in hot water can help to promote blood circulation and dispel cold, relieve fatigue and promote sleep. Especially on cold winter nights, a basin of warm foot soaking water can not only warm your feet, but also conduct heat throughout your body, making you feel warm and pleasant.

During the three or nine days, even if you are busy, remember to "eat 2 things, do 1 thing", choose nourishing ingredients such as pigeon meat and beef bones, and develop a good Xi of soaking your feet. This will not only keep you warm, but also keep your body healthy and energetic during the cold season. Winter is no longer chilly, because we have added a warm umbrella to our body.