
The "anti-inflammatory medicine" in Xiao Chai Hu Powder Chinese Medicine, a bag is better than a famous doctor!

author:Love Jade Gate


In winter, many friends will be troubled by wind and cold, "Xiao Chai Hu Tang" is one of the most famous prescriptions in the theory of typhoid fever, which has a wide range of uses and very good curative effects.

Xiao Chai Hu Powder (or Xiao Chai Hu Granules) is a Chinese patent medicine prepared from Xiao Chai Hu Tang and is a popular household medicine.

Xiao Chai Hu Tang is one of the representative prescriptions for Shaoyang disease in the theory of typhoid fever, with a wide range of applications, as long as the dialectical is correct and the dosage is appropriate, this formula can treat many major diseases.

The proprietary Chinese medicine formulated according to this recipe is marketed as a cold medicine. Although it is convenient to take and the taste is very good, the effect is indeed very good in the treatment of wind-heat cold or wind-cold cold in the later stage and when the residual heat is not exhausted.

However, due to the greatly reduced dose, it is inadequate to use it to treat major diseases, but if it is applied properly, this prescription has unique advantages in home health care and is a rare Chinese patent medicine.

It can be said that the good use of the Chinese patent medicine of Xiao Chai Hu Powder is better than you going to a big hospital to see a doctor, better than you doing a lot of instrument examinations, and better than hanging bottles!!

The "anti-inflammatory medicine" in Xiao Chai Hu Powder Chinese Medicine, a bag is better than a famous doctor!


Xiao Chai Hu Powder is produced by a number of pharmaceutical factories, all of which can be used. The dosage of this medicine is very small, and the full dose of a box of medicine cannot reach the dosage of a pair of medicines in Xiao Chai Hu Tang in the theory of typhoid fever, so as long as the dialectic is correct, you can take it with confidence, and you don't have to worry about the dose being too large. If necessary, we also need to increase the dosage to achieve the desired effect.

1. Wind-heat cold

Wind-heat cold is a common disease caused by external wind-heat, if the external wind-cold is not treated and mistreated, it can also enter the inside to dissolve heat, and the evil goes away to Shaoyang, then it can form a small chaihu soup syndrome, at this time, Xiao chaihu powder can come in handy, and the effect is very good.

Symptoms: Bitter mouth, dry and sore throat, dry cough without phlegm, or coughing up yellow sputum, dry eyes, red and swollen eyes, migraine, dry nose and lips, hot and uncomfortable, etc.

Usage: Xiao Chai Hu powder, warm boiled water, take internally. One to three sachets at a time, three times a day.

(If there is diarrhea at the same time, you can use garlic to boil water to take Xiao Chai Hu Powder.) If you are slightly afraid of cold, or have itchy skin, rash, etc., you can use ginger (a large piece of egg, sliced) boiled water to take Xiao Chai Hu Powder. )

2. Sore throat

Sore throat, dryness, etc., are common diseases at present. It is usually caused by external sensation or stagnation of liver qi.

Usage: Rinse Xiao Chai Hu Powder with warm boiled water and take licorice tablets. Or use 10-20 grams of raw licorice and bellflower to boil water and take Xiao Chai Hu Powder. One to three sachets at a time, three times a day.

3. Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis, or other eye infections, such as redness, fever, dryness, and eye feces, can be treated with Xiao Chai Hu Powder.

Usage: Chrysanthemum, or honeysuckle forsythia, boiled water to take Xiao Chai Hu Powder, take internally. One to three sachets at a time, three times a day.

4. Otitis media

Otitis media is inflammation of the middle ear and is a common condition. Generally, Western medicine is used to reduce inflammation. However, Western medicine has great side effects of anti-inflammatory. In fact, Xiao Chai Hu powder can be solved.

Usage: Take 3 to 5 sachets at a time in large doses, three times a day. If it is convenient, go to the lawn to dig dandelions, purple lilies, plantains, etc., boil water, and take Xiao Chai Hu Powder, the effect is better. For those with diarrhea, you can add garlic and cook it together.

5, panadenitis, tonmygdalitis

Mumps and tonsillitis are common diseases, especially in children. Symptoms include redness, swelling and pain in the cheeks, dry and sore throat, fever and chills, bitter mouth and dry mouth.

Usage: For those who are not afraid of cold with fever, boil water with dandelion, purple flower, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, etc., and take Xiao Chai Hu powder. For those who have a fever and are afraid of cold, boil water with ginger and jujube, and take Xiao Chai Hu powder.

6. In the later stage of wind chill and cold, the phenomenon of fire is obvious

If the stagnation of liver qi is obvious, it will enter more yang and yin, and the symptoms are fever, dry mouth and bitter mouth, thirst, dry cough without phlegm or yellow phlegm, dry eyes and so on.

Usage: Take Xiao Chai Hu Powder with warm water. For those who still have a clear nose, take the ginger and jujube decoction with Xiao Chai Hu powder. Seeing the leakage, the garlic decoction is taken with Xiao Chai Hu powder.

7. Migraine

Migraine sufferers are mostly suffering from the combination of less yang and sun, or the external sense is in the yin. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the sun and the liver and gallbladder externally, and warm the spleen and yang.

Usage: A large piece of ginger eggs, 5 jujubes, a head of garlic, decoction and small chaihu powder. For those with dry stools, go to garlic.

8. Snake sores

Snake sores are generally a sign of lack of yang and symptoms, mostly damp and hot in the liver and gallbladder, and depressed on the surface of the muscles. The onset is usually on both sides of the trunk, waist and flanks. Symptoms include herpes, pain, fever, irritability, etc.

Usage: A large piece of ginger egg, 5 jujubes, 50 grams of plantain, decoction and Xiao Chai Hu powder. Depending on the severity of symptoms, the dose may be increased to two to three times the labeled dose. For those who don't like to sweat, they can cover the quilt and sweat slightly after taking it, and if they have yellow urine, they can add 30 grams of barley and cook it with ginger dates on it.

9. Itchy skin and allergies

People with itchy skin and allergies mostly have depression and heat, and the heat tends to the surface and cannot be exceeded, so the itching can generally be solved with cinnamon branch soup, ephedra forsythia red bean soup, etc. But Xiao Chai Hu Powder can also be cured.

Usage: Ginger is like a large piece of egg, 5 jujubes, a pinch of Sichuan pepper, take Xiao Chai Hu Powder, 3-5 bags at a time, 3 times a day. Keep your clothes warm and avoid chili peppers, fishy fish, etc.

The "anti-inflammatory medicine" in Xiao Chai Hu Powder Chinese Medicine, a bag is better than a famous doctor!

10. Leucorrhoea is yellow and red, abundant, and itchy

Leucorrhea is yellow and red, mostly hepatobiliary fever, leucorrhea is abundant, itchy is dampness. In short, bet on hot and humid. It is advisable to soothe the liver and clear away heat, and promote dampness.

Usage: 30 grams of purslane, plantain, and spp., decoction, and Xiao Chai Hu powder. Xiao Chai Hu Powder is generally effective in one or two weeks according to the normal amount. 10 grams of Cnidium monnieri and cork, decoction to wash the genitals, can also reduce itching.

11. Insomnia and dreams

Insomnia and dreams are mostly caused by liver and gallbladder stagnation and heat disturbing the mind. It is advisable to soothe the liver and clear away heat, nourish the heart and calm the nerves.

Usage: 30 grams of floating wheat, 5 pieces of longan, decoction and small chaihu powder. 3 sachets at a time, three times a day. For those with loose stools, add a head of garlic, and for those with yellow urine, add 50 grams of plantain, and cook it with the floating wheat on it.

12. Pimples

Acne is mostly caused by liver depression and heart fire, and fire inflammation on the face. It is advisable to soothe the liver and gallbladder and clear the heart.

Usage: A pinch of Sichuan peppercorns, decoction and Xiao Chai Hu powder, 3 bags at a time, 3 times a day. And use Sichuan pepper decoction to scald the feet, a piece of garlic to apply to the Yongquan acupoint.

13. Melasma

Melasma is mostly caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, and toxins accumulate under the skin of the face. It is advisable to promote qi and blood, and to regulate the liver and gallbladder.

Usage: 20 grams of decoction of salvia and tangerine peel, and take Xiao Chai Hu powder. 3 sachets at a time, three times a day.

14. Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Many stomach diseases, including gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, are often caused by stomach fever, stomach cold, and bile fever in the stomach. It is advisable to clear the gallbladder and warm the stomach.

Usage: 50 grams of ginger, 20 grams of tangerine peel, decoction, and Xiao Chai Hu powder. 3 sachets at a time, three times a day.

15. Premenstrual syndrome

Before menstruation, many women experience irritability, abdominal pain, chest bloating, poor appetite, insomnia, and so on. These conditions are often caused by hepatobiliary qi depression, and Xiao Chai Hu Powder can be used to relieve the liver and gallbladder well.

Usage: 5 slices of ginger, 5 jujubes, 10 grams of tangerine peel, decoction, take Xiao Chai Hu Powder, take 3 days before menstruation, 3-5 bags at a time, three times a day.

16. Menstrual cramps

Many menstrual cramps are caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis. Xiao Chai Hu Powder has a good effect on regulating qi, so it can be used for the treatment of dysmenorrhea.

Usage: 1 piece of ginger (the size of an egg), 5 jujubes, decoction and Xiao Chai Hu powder, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar 3-5 bags at a time, 3 times a day.

17. Hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common infectious disease in children. According to Taoist doctors, this disease is mostly caused by dampness, heat and depression. It is advisable to clear away heat and dampness.

Usage: 50 grams of purslane, plantain, 20 grams of ginger, decoction, take Xiao Chai Hu powder, 3 bags at a time, three times a day.

18. Pediatric pharyngitis

Pediatric pharyngitis is difficult to take medicine, and many parents have a headache. In fact, Xiao Chai Hu powder can solve this problem.

Usage: 10 grams of bellflower, 10 grams of raw licorice, 3 cloves of garlic, decoction, take Xiao Chai Hu powder, 1-3 bags at a time, three times a day.

19, oral sputum

Canker sores are a common disease that plagues many people, and in severe cases, they do not heal repeatedly. Not only is Western medicine powerless, many people have taken Chinese medicine, but the effect is not good. In fact, mild canker sores can be solved by most doctors, but severe canker sores that do not heal are not so easy to treat. In fact, the key is that the strength of Wenyang is not enough. Xiao Chai Hu Powder can solve this problem to a great extent.

Usage: 30 grams of dried ginger and galangal, decoction, take Xiao Chai Hu powder, 5-8 bags at a time, three times a day. Garlic mash paste Yongquan, can be used as an auxiliary.

20. Hanging line wind

Hanging line wind, or the so-called stroke, so that the mouth and eyes are crooked, the expression is numb, although it is an external feeling, but it is often related to liver stagnation and qi stagnation, so it is necessary to pay equal attention to the external and external evil, internal and less yang.

Usage: 10 grams of cinnamon and Sichuan peppercorns, decoction, take Xiao Chai Hu powder, 3-5 bags at a time, three times a day. In severe cases, the dose can be increased and physiotherapy should be cooperated.

Dear friends: Although Xiao Chai Hu has a wide range of uses, it can only maximize the efficacy if the syndrome differentiation is accurate, so it is recommended to use it under the guidance of a physician.

The above is for reference only, please adjust under the guidance of a physician.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance