
Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

author:Image temperature

Beijing's female executive Jing angrily denounced the company's employees on January 7, and more than a day has passed, and now there are many changes.

The arrogant female executive was not from Shougang, but the manager of a technology company in Beijing, and the company has suspended her because of her arrogant remarks, which have caused great damage to the company's reputation.

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

And the male employee who was reprimanded, he began to fight back against the company strongly, and it should be said that a lot of company insiders were exposed, and these contents made people's jaws drop!

The male employee broke the news that he was humiliated and reprimanded by a female executive because he opposed the company's use of pirated software to design products and was worried about the poor quality of the products!

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

He said that the female executive and the boss of the company are classmates of Tsinghua University, and the Tsinghua Gang of his company took advantage of the trade war between the two countries to speculate on chips to make money, and used domestic substitution to rub the outlet of chips.

This is suspected to be the content of the dismissed employee's revelations, which is very informative:

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

It can be said that the employee's revelations have touched the core interests of the company, and if the company has the reputation of an opportunistic and money-cheating high-tech company, it can be said that there is no future or opportunity.

The latest situation is that Mr. Chen, the boss of this company, also spoke out strongly, and he personally said to the outside world that the fired male employee was a person who had falsified his academic qualifications, and he was a person who applied for jobs in many companies, and he was a habitual offender!

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

The origin of this incident is the reprimand of the female executive to the male employee on the 7th, the female executive lost control of her emotions, and her arrogant remarks really angered many people! She actually faced the employees and shouted wildly, I am breaking the law now, that is, I will fire you, if you are not satisfied, I will sue me at the labor department, and I will make you unable to find a job for two years!

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

These words came from the mouth of a female executive who graduated from Tsinghua University, and it was the same as the 16 years of Dr. Fudan living in New York, which was too topical, and this female executive paid the price for her emotional impulsiveness, and the company was also deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

However, the video we see is not necessarily the truth, just like we see the pitiful situation of Dr. Wandering in Fudan, but we don't understand that the filmmaker is a person who is heavily indebted in China and has been bragging about how good the beautiful country is.

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

The female executive's best friend also spoke actively, he said that his best friend Jing has always been very easy-going, everyone saw that the man in the video was very obedient, but in fact, he said a word in advance, which completely angered his good friend, and as a result, his girlfriend lost control of her emotions and said excessive words.

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

Let's think about it, how can a person get angry namelessly? I can only say that in the video we saw, the female executive's words are indeed very excessive, no matter what the reason, people are holding mobile phones, and you still say such things, it is indeed no one's eyes.

It is reassuring to note that the two sides have reached an agreement on compensation.

Follow-up to the dismissal of female executives: The dismissal of employees exposed the company's internal information, and the chairman reprimanded him for falsifying his academic qualifications

Now there is a new development in this matter, the female executive has been suspended, the male employee has exposed the company's fake information, the chairman of the company has spoken out to accuse the employee of falsifying his academic qualifications, and he is a habitual offender;

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