
The old man who does not have these 4 back roads, even if he has money, will inevitably have a bleak night

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

We don't know which one will come first, tomorrow or the unexpected, but we can be prepared.

As it is said in "The Book of Rites: The Mean": "If everything is prepared, it will be established, and if it is not prepared, it will be wasted." ”

When we enter old age, we immediately think that with money, we are not afraid of anything. After all, money can buy a house, a car, hire a nanny, arrange hospitalization, and other matters.

If we continue to look into the future, there will come a time when we will not be able to walk, when we have money in our hands, we will not be able to buy things, and it will be difficult to even pick up our mobile phones.

Don't be superstitious about the "money is everything", and leave yourself a way back in time to avoid a bleak evening.

The old man who does not have these 4 back roads, even if he has money, will inevitably have a bleak night


First, children are angry.

When people are old, they should take more care of their children, and this cannot be a moral kidnapping, but also must create necessary conditions.

Usually, children have good jobs and decent families to free up some time to take care of their parents.

If the children live a life of exile, or become a loser, it is obviously unreliable to talk about supporting their parents. Maybe you can't even see the figure of your children.

When the elderly are healthy, they should do their best to help their children and build a decent small family.

It's okay to help with the baby, work as a security guard in the children's factory, give the children some entrepreneurial experience and funds, and help get married.

What is even better is to train children to study from an early age, embark on a good job, and have the correct three views.

The more competitive the children, the more care the elderly will receive. Even if the filial piety of the children is not in place, at least there is a basis for filial piety, and on the day when the old man can't walk, there is always a way, and he will not be at a loss.


Second, the husband and wife are polite.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a man named Yin Que in the Jin Kingdom, who made a living by farming.

His wife was very virtuous and often packed the food and brought it to the fields.

The wife took the rice bowl and handed it to Yin Que respectfully.

He took the rice very politely, finished eating, and then expressed his gratitude to his wife. I watched my wife turn around and go home.

Husband and wife are together, polite, do not quarrel for any difficulties, and do not dislike each other's humility.

One day, the minister Ji Ji saw the behavior of the husband and wife, and immediately recommended it to Jin Wengong, saying: "Husband respect, Lourdes Ke also." Ge Yude is on the verge of things, why not. ”

Later, he was appointed as a doctor in the lower army and promoted to a doctor.

This is the historical allusion of "respecting each other as guests".

It is not difficult to find that no matter how difficult the life of a husband and wife is, as long as they change together, they will definitely get better.

More realistically, the people that outsiders like to help are those who love each other and tide over difficulties together. For those families that encounter problems, the husband and wife divorce, outsiders also scoff at them, and they don't want to help at all.

From middle age to old age, the days spent together by husband and wife are the most and the longest.

When people are old, they are better to the people next to their pillows, and they walk and cook together every day. I can't walk, but I can still take care of each other, this warmth is enough to move myself for a lifetime.

There are also many old couples, one of them can't walk, and the other is wholeheartedly a nanny, and they don't ask for nanny fees. This is a great kindness, and you must not lose it.

When I was old, I never had a wife, I had money in my hands, but I was also miserable, and there were fewer fireworks when I got home. Try to avoid it.

The old man who does not have these 4 back roads, even if he has money, will inevitably have a bleak night


Third, neighborly harmony.

With the development of the times, more and more people go to the city to retire, and they always treat their neighbors as if they were thieves. Even for the garbage bags at the door, it can be noisy for days.

In the countryside, many neighbors are also in a state of contradiction, for a palm-sized piece of land, they can make trouble together for several generations.

The neighbor became a stranger, and in middle age, did not feel anything. After all, every household is on their own, and you're not bad.

When we get old, we will truly realize that "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors".

When the elderly are in the city, they can be cared for by their younger neighbors if they have a better relationship with their neighbors. Pushing a wheelchair up and down the stairs, carrying a gas canister, and in case of emergency, you can also let the neighbors see and make a phone call.

On the "Taiyuan Release" platform, it is said that an Uncle Zhang lives in No. 16 Guanghua Street.

Uncle Zhang's daughter worked in other places, and his wife passed away and lived alone.

For a while, Uncle Zhang did not show up. The neighbor was worried and called the community grid worker.

After inquiry, Uncle Zhang was picked up by his daughter and had a false alarm.

From this incident, two phenomena can be seen.

First, the neighbors are very concerned about the uncle, which shows that everyone usually has a good relationship.

The second is that when the uncle interacted with his neighbors, he was not in place, and he should go out to explain.

Pay attention to the interaction of neighbors, there is no harm to the elderly, don't see your neighbors, just blow your beard and stare at it, and put on the appearance of relying on the old and selling the old.

To be a loved old man, the rest of his life is always in everyone's field of vision, and urgent and difficult things are not so terrible.


Fourth, the heart is happy.

When people reach old age, what kind of mentality they have, what kind of life.

Some old people have tens of millions of property in their hands, but they are depressed, they see that no one is going well, and they are dissatisfied with society; some old people have little money, but they are very happy, because they are grateful for the good times.

The bleak evening scene is not only a problem of family expenses, filial piety of children, neighborliness, and physical health, but also a problem of how to adjust the mentality.

When we set out towards the sun every day, our hearts are warm, and we live in spring every day.

The pension is very small, but the food and drink are enough, and there is no sorrow. The times are stable, and our days are thriving.

Don't worry about the sky, don't turn over old accounts, don't turn people over faces, don't care about gains and losses, and you will see smiling faces on hazy days.

The so-called good life is more born from the heart. Inner abundance is the greatest blessing.

The old man who does not have these 4 back roads, even if he has money, will inevitably have a bleak night


Don't think that old age is just getting by.

From the age of sixty, you have to prepare for twenty years, centenarians, forty years. If you don't plan actively, how can it work?

Money is the foundation of life, but it's not everything. Don't complain all day long about not having enough money to spend, learn to change your lifestyle and learn to live the life of a social family.

No matter how old you are, not only do you have money in your hands, but you must also have love in your heart and someone in your eyes.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The source of the pictures in the article is from the Internet.