
Regardless of men and women, if the anus is often "itchy", it may be related to these 3 points, don't be stupid and don't know!

author:MD on health
Regardless of men and women, if the anus is often "itchy", it may be related to these 3 points, don't be stupid and don't know!

Regardless of men and women, if the anus is often "itchy", it may be related to these 3 points, don't be stupid and don't know!

In my clinic, I often encounter such a case: Mr. Zhang, who is in his sixties, is embarrassed by itching, and has tried to self-regulate repeatedly but in vain. Every time he hangs out with friends, he unconsciously pays attention to his actions, for fear that others will notice his discomfort. Another example is Ms. Li, a retired teacher, who has trouble sleeping at night because of the same problem. She tried to solve the problem with various home remedies, but found that the symptoms recurred and even became more and more severe.

These stories are not uncommon. itching, which may sound like a minor problem, can be a warning sign from the body. Many people are reluctant to talk about it or even ignore it because of embarrassment. But the truth is that itching is not just a local discomfort, it may be closely related to our life Xi, diet, and even certain health conditions.

Regardless of men and women, if the anus is often "itchy", it may be related to these 3 points, don't be stupid and don't know!

Common causes of itching: health signals that should not be ignored

itching, although a minor symptom, may indicate a healthy state of the body. Here are a few common reasons to help you better understand and treat this discomfort.

1. Hygiene Xi: The Art of Cleanliness

Cleansing of the area is essential to prevent itching. Improper cleaning Xi, such as using coarse paper towels, not cleaning thoroughly, or overusing harsh soaps, can cause itchy skin. It is advisable to use a mild cleanser and make sure the area is dry to reduce irritation and bacterial growth.

2. Dietary factors: What you eat, your body is

Certain foods, especially spicy, sugary foods, can cause irritation in the area. Compounds in spicy foods, such as capsaicin, can irritate the digestive tract, causing discomfort near the anus. Reducing your intake of these foods can help reduce itching symptoms.

3. Health status: Potential health challenges

Certain health problems, such as abnormal glucose metabolism (diabetes), increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries (hypertension), hemorrhoids, fissures, etc., can also cause itching. For example, abnormal glucose metabolism can cause blood sugar fluctuations, affecting the health of the skin and increasing the risk of infection. Understanding the link between these health conditions and itching can help take appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures.

Regardless of men and women, if the anus is often "itchy", it may be related to these 3 points, don't be stupid and don't know!

CRITICAL STEP: Easily cope with itching

itching, although a minor ailment, greatly affects the quality of life. Here are some simple yet effective ways to prevent and alleviate this common health problem.

1. Maintain good hygiene

Proper cleansing: Use mild soap to clean the area during daily bathing. Avoid excessive scrubbing to prevent damage to the skin.

Importance of drying: After washing, make sure the area is completely dry, as a humid environment can promote bacterial growth.

2. Dietary modifications

Avoid irritating foods: Reduce your intake of spicy, acidic foods, which may worsen itching.

High-fiber foods: Increase your fiber intake, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, to promote gut health.

3. Dress choices

Breathable underwear: Wear underwear made of cotton or breathable materials and avoid tight or synthetic materials to reduce moisture and friction.

4. Avoid scratching

Control impulses: Try to avoid scratching, as this can lead to further irritation or infection.

Cold compress: When you experience severe itching, try a gentle cold compress to relieve the discomfort.

5. Consider medications

Topical creams: For persistent itching, over-the-counter anti-itch creams can be used, but it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

6. Regular physical examinations

Regular check-ups: If itching persists, seek medical attention promptly to rule out an underlying health problem.