
iOS18 major upgrade content exposed, Siri will have a paid version, will anyone really use it?

author:Play Kid 66

In the past two years, there has been a very hot technical trend on the Internet, that is, everyone has begun to pay attention to AI, this trend is brought up by OpenAI, when ChatGPT swept the world, everyone realized that AI can do so many things, so we saw that when ChatGPT showed its strong strength, many manufacturers began to study AI and launched a large number of AI products.

In this regard, domestic manufacturers are quite motivated, but all the manufacturers who are called by name have integrated AI technology into their own products, as if this is the future trend.

But not all big manufacturers are sensitive to AI, Apple in this regard, just like when the iPhone 12 first supported 5G, has lagged behind its competitors quite a lot, so far, Apple has not officially launched a decent AI product, is Apple really not interested in this at all? Of course not, Apple is just waiting for the right time (here refers to waiting for the technology to mature).

iOS18 major upgrade content exposed, Siri will have a paid version, will anyone really use it?

Now, the opportunity has finally come, and it is reported that Apple intends to make a major upgrade to Siri in iOS18 launched in June this year, and will add generative AI technology to Siri, which will enable Siri to have a more natural conversational ability, which will make Siri more intelligent to use, and can reverse everyone's negative impression of Siri to a certain extent.

The reason why Apple will cancel the 3D touch function on the iPhone is because the usage rate is so low that it is no longer worth developing, and Siri has not been very popular with its own users for many years because of its low degree of intelligence, and even some iPhone users claim on the Internet that Apple can actually use a friendly AI assistant to replace Siri, Siri itself is not strong, and users ridicule it, which makes Apple feel that it is unbearable.

iOS18 major upgrade content exposed, Siri will have a paid version, will anyone really use it?

It is impossible for Apple to cancel Siri, the only thing that can be done is to enhance Siri capabilities, so that it can meet user requirements, and a lot of investment has been made for this, the most important foundation of generative AI is the computing power of AI chips, Apple has actually invested in this area for many years, as for why it has not been effective, it can only be said that Apple is not very strong in all aspects, and there are also very weak points, such as baseband research and development has failed many times, and the application of AI technology has not been effective so far.

In addition, there is also incredible news that ChatGPT has a free version and a paid version, of which the free version can use basic AI functions and cope with daily use without much problem, and the paid version can unlock more powerful features, and Apple seems to want to do the same.

iOS18 major upgrade content exposed, Siri will have a paid version, will anyone really use it?

There is news that Apple intends to launch a subscription service for Siri in iOS18, to be honest, if Apple really does this, it can only be said that it overestimates its own capabilities, and even OpenAI launched ChatGPT to let users use it for free first, Apple wants to charge as soon as it comes up, and there are obviously not too many users who buy it.

Most Apple users should think: "I haven't used it much when I don't charge it, and I won't use it once I charge it", what do you think?

For more iOS18 latest news, please pay attention to the WX official account [Let's Play Digital]