
Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

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Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

Flying in the sky: The first flight of the new year of the Air Force was shockingly staged

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

In the vast sky of the northwest desert, a certain air force regiment raised the curtain on a new round of flight training. Fighter planes soar through the sky and engage in engaging flight Xi. This article will take you to experience this magnificent feast of air force flights.

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

New year, new training

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

Recently, a certain regiment of the Air Force Aviation Corps conducted its first flight training of the new year, and fighters of various types gathered together. Under the skillful operation of the airspace commander, the fighters took off one after another and flew quickly towards the training airspace. This is not only a drill, but also a comprehensive test of the pilot's flying skills and team cooperation.

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

The soul of the Air Force soaring through the sky

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

In the magnificent desert, Air Force fighters draw a beautiful arc in the blue sky. This scene seems to depict the poetry of modern air warfare, and each time it takes off, it is a vivid interpretation of national defense strength. This is not only the implementation of the training plan, but also a vivid demonstration of the strength of the country's air force.

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

The beauty of flight: a staggered mix of light and shadow

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

The plane pierced the blue sky, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the wings like a touch of golden light. This intersection of light and shadow makes the plane more majestic and dreamy. The visual feast of light and shadow is not only a display of the strength of the Air Force, but also an art performance in the sky.

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

The Power of the Fingertips: The Commander's Dispatch

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

Behind the aerial ballet is the masterful command of the commander. They work closely together on the ground, giving instructions to make each fighter create in the sky like a paintbrush. This kind of power at the fingertips allows the entire formation to act in an orderly manner, demonstrating the strength of the Air Force's efficient organization and coordinated operations.

Collect! Air Force fighter light and shadow blockbuster is new

The take-off of a new era

Behind the flight Xi is the responsibility of the Air Force and its enthusiasm for national defense. In the new era, the Chinese Air Force has continued to exert efforts in modernization, and has demonstrated its strong combat readiness capability through such flight exercises. This is also a brand-new annotation made by the Chinese military to safeguard national security and peace.

Retrospect and outlook

The first flight training of the new year was successfully completed, and every participating pilot showed excellent flying skills and a good sense of teamwork. This training has laid a solid foundation for the Chinese Air Force in the new year. Looking forward to the future, we have reason to believe that the Chinese Air Force will continue to take off in the cause of national defense, and good news will be reported frequently.

Views & Suggestions

Through this feast of air force flights, we deeply feel that the security of the country cannot be ignored, and the strength of the army is the pride of the country. It is suggested that readers should pay attention to the cause of national defense, understand the contribution of the army, and contribute to the peace and stability of the country. At the same time, the Air Force's flight training has also shown us the new style of modern warfare, and we must cheer for the modernization of the armed forces.

Message interaction: The Chinese Air Force in your eyes

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