
"Behind Fengzi's marriage: the newlyweds have a black face throughout the whole process, and netizens question the meaning of marriage"

author:Colorful lotus fXs

The marriage of a newlywed person in Henan has caused controversy: marriage should be based on feelings

A couple in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, held a grand wedding, but unlike the usual festive atmosphere, the groom blacked face all the time and seemed unhappy. According to reports, the couple is married to Fengzi, and the child has been pregnant for several months. As soon as this news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among the majority of netizens, and many people questioned: In the absence of the necessary emotional foundation, is it really necessary to continue such a marriage?

I firmly believe that marriage is two

"Behind Fengzi's marriage: the newlyweds have a black face throughout the whole process, and netizens question the meaning of marriage"

Relationships are the most important cornerstone of long-term relationships built on deep affection and mutual commitment. Although the concept of marriage has been diversified in modern society, and it is not uncommon for children to marry, this is not an excuse for ignoring the foundation of affection. Without the bond of affection, it is easy for a marriage to become fragile later in life.

We must recognize that children are the future, the continuation of new life, but this is not

"Behind Fengzi's marriage: the newlyweds have a black face throughout the whole process, and netizens question the meaning of marriage"

It doesn't mean they can be the only bond that holds an unhappy marriage together. In such a situation, the child is likely to become a victim of mutual accusations and a cold war between the two sides, causing great harm to his healthy growth. Therefore, I advocate that before deciding to get married, both parties should fully communicate and understand each other to ensure that there is enough emotional foundation for each other.

Of course, I also understand the consideration of various complex factors in real life, and some people may be because of this

"Behind Fengzi's marriage: the newlyweds have a black face throughout the whole process, and netizens question the meaning of marriage"

Family, social pressure, or other reasons for choosing a partner that is not very ideal. But even in such a situation, I still think that we should try our best to cultivate and maintain our relationship with each other, rather than simply choosing to get married because of external pressure.

In order to solve this problem, I propose to strengthen marriage and love education at the social level, encourage young people to establish a correct view of marriage, and understand that the true meaning of marriage is not a simple formality, but a commitment based on deep affection. At the same time, families, schools and communities should provide more support and guidance to help young people face their marriage choices wisely.

"Behind Fengzi's marriage: the newlyweds have a black face throughout the whole process, and netizens question the meaning of marriage"

To sum up, although the concept of modern society has been open and pluralistic, the essence and core values of marriage have not changed. The emotional foundation plays a vital role in marriage. Therefore, before choosing to enter the palace of marriage, each of us should carefully consider our own decisions and ensure that our choices are based on real feelings and mutual understanding and support. Only in this way can we create a happy and fulfilling family environment for ourselves and our future children.