
Explore the infinite universe! Lagrange Rocket Squad takes you on a new adventure!

author:Reliable small-town youth

The Lagrange Rocket Squad is coming!Princess Prince, please get on board!

Explore the infinite universe! Lagrange Rocket Squad takes you on a new adventure!

Endless Lagrange has announced the release of a new expansion, "Reorganized Galaxy", the most notable of which is the introduction of a 25-player squad system. This move breaks the limitations of previous games and brings more cooperation and challenges to players.

Explore the infinite universe! Lagrange Rocket Squad takes you on a new adventure!

The overwhelming feedback from players about the Squad gameplay led the game's development team to decide to launch this new mode. Now, players can form their own squads and explore the universe with other players to complete various missions and challenges. This not only adds to the fun of the game, but also enhances the interaction and cooperation between players.

Explore the infinite universe! Lagrange Rocket Squad takes you on a new adventure!

And in the squad gameplay, the most exciting thing is the shared curvature between the squads. Curvature is a special resource in the game that can be used for fast sailing and jumping. In the past, curvature could only be used by individuals, but now, it can be shared between squad members, greatly increasing sailing speed and efficiency. This means that players can reach their destinations faster and complete missions better.

Explore the infinite universe! Lagrange Rocket Squad takes you on a new adventure!

In addition to the introduction of squad gameplay, the new expansion "Restructuring the Galaxy" brings more content and challenges. Players will have the opportunity to explore new galaxies and planets, discovering unknown resources and civilizations. At the same time, new enemies and bosses will also appear, bringing players more intense battles and tests.

Explore the infinite universe! Lagrange Rocket Squad takes you on a new adventure!

As a sci-fi game set in the universe, Endless Lagrange has always been loved by players. And the new expansion pack released this time will undoubtedly further enhance the charm and playability of the game. Players can expect more adventure and exploration, more cooperation and challenges.

Explore the infinite universe! Lagrange Rocket Squad takes you on a new adventure!

So, princesses and princes, get ready for the arrival of the Lagrange Rocket Squad!