
In the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, why were most of the emperors not from the gate valve?

author:Orange Zitong

[Historical Exploration: The Worry of the Gate Valve and the Rise of Heroes]

️ Walking through the long history of thousands of years, we have arrived at the era of the Three Kingdoms and the Two Jin Dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, an era that carries the rise of the gate valve and wonderful heroic legends. Although the gate valve is dominant and controls the lifeblood of society, it is surprising that most of the emperors of this era are not from the gate valve. In this tweet, I'm going to take you through an in-depth look at this historical phenomenon and reveal the stories that have been buried deep in history.

The embarrassment of the gate valve: the triple shackles of economy, politics and culture

In the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, why were most of the emperors not from the gate valve?

During the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the gate valve was the mainstay of society, holding the trinity of economy, politics and culture. However, this absolute control has not been without its challenges. Gate valves are facing three major dilemmas in troubled times.

First of all, due to the economic monopoly, the gate valve lacks the motivation to expand outward. Too much wealth is concentrated in the hands of the family, making the gate valve more willing to defend rather than face risk.

Second, the political exclusivity of the gatekeepers made it difficult for them to establish a broad ruling base. This closed system makes it difficult for them to gain wider support in times of turmoil.

Finally, the gate valve attaches too much importance to cultural theory education and ignores military literacy. In troubled times, the lack of sufficient military strength has become a fatal shortcoming of the gate valve.

In the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, why were most of the emperors not from the gate valve?

Emperors and Strange Sects: Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei and other heroes rise

However, it is surprising that under the monopoly of the gate valve, most of the emperors were not from the gate valve. After Cao Cao was a eunuch, Sun Jian originated as a lower-level official, and Liu Bei was born as a weaver and a shoe seller. Even in the two Jin dynasties, the most prominent of the gate valves, the Sima clan of Wenxian County, could only be regarded as a medium-sized scholar.

Why did this spectacle happen? We'll dig deeper from a historical perspective.

Three reasons for the gate valve dilemma

In the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, why were most of the emperors not from the gate valve?

First of all, the economic control of the gate valve has made them lack the desire for foreign expansion. Sitting on wealth and land, Gatekeeper prefers to operate conservatively rather than go into the unknown.

Second, the political exclusivity of the gatekeepers hindered the establishment of a broad ruling base. The closed political system makes it difficult for them to gain support among the lower classes of society and ethnic minorities.

Finally, the gate valve pays too much attention to cultural and theoretical education, but neglects the cultivation of military strength. In an era full of wars, the gate valve was therefore militarily inadequate.

A historical opportunity for the rise of heroes

In the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, why were most of the emperors not from the gate valve?

It is under the confines of the gate valve that many heroes have sprung up. Cao Cao relied on his status as a eunuch, Liu Bei was born as a weaver and a shoe seller, and Sun Jian emerged from the ranks of lower-level officials. They fought bravely and resourcefully in turbulent times, eventually embarking on the path to domination.

⚖️ The political landscape: the limitations of the gate valve and the rise of the hero

The restriction of gate valves and the rise of non-gate valves are intertwined, which has achieved a pluralistic political pattern in the era of the Three Kingdoms, the Jin Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. On the stage of history, every hero is a historical choice and a ray of light in troubled times.

Deep thinking and enlightenment

In the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, why were most of the emperors not from the gate valve?

The phenomenon of gate valves in the era of the Three Kingdoms and the Two Jin Dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties has triggered us to think deeply about the intricate relationship between power and the rise of heroes. History is never confined to origins, and each era has its own heroes, whose rise is not only driven by the times, but also inseparable from the courage and wisdom of individuals.


Through the long river of history, we have witnessed the gains and losses of gate valves, the rise and fall of heroes. In the historical picture scroll of the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, each character is a witness to history and has a unique story. Let us realize in contemplation and not forget the lessons of history, because every hero's choice is influencing us today. ✨

In the Three Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, why were most of the emperors not from the gate valve?

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