
How to confirm that the high fever of pneumonia does not go away, how to confirm that it is mycoplasma infection?

author:Dr. Puwai Lee

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards and the intensification of environmental pollution, the cases of respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia have gradually increased, among which pneumonia caused by mycoplasma infection has become a more common one. Mycoplasma is a bacterium that can cause respiratory infections, especially pneumonia. However, because the symptoms are similar to those of other respiratory infections, it is often difficult to accurately determine whether it is a mycoplasma infection. So, how can we confirm whether it is mycoplasma infection? This article will give you a popular interpretation based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and ancient and modern famous prescriptions.

How to confirm that the high fever of pneumonia does not go away, how to confirm that it is mycoplasma infection?

1. Theoretical guidance of traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mycoplasma infection is related to the imbalance of health qi and lung camp in the human lungs. The lungs are the "headquarters" of the human body and are closely related to respiration and blood circulation. When the body's lung qi is obstructed and the health qi is out of balance, it will lead to the invasion of diseases and evils, causing symptoms such as high fever and cough. Therefore, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is possible to preliminarily determine whether it is mycoplasma infection by observing the patient's symptoms and tongue diagnosis.

How to confirm that the high fever of pneumonia does not go away, how to confirm that it is mycoplasma infection?

Second, the help of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions

How to confirm that the high fever of pneumonia does not go away, how to confirm that it is mycoplasma infection?

1. Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang

Ma Xing Shi Gantang is a classic Chinese medicine prescription that has a good effect on mycoplasma infection. It is composed of ephedra, almonds, gypsum, licorice, etc., which can clear away heat and detoxify, promote lung and reduce adversity. If the condition is mild, it can be taken as appropriate.

2. Cang'er Zi San

Cangzi Powder is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, mainly composed of herbs such as Cangzi seed, Coptis chinensis, and golden cherry seed. It can clear away heat and dampness, reduce swelling and dissipate knots, and is suitable for high fever caused by mycoplasma infection.

3. Shenling Atractylodes Powder

Shenling Baizhu Powder is a commonly used anti-inflammatory and dampness prescription in traditional Chinese medicine, which is mainly composed of herbs such as ginseng, Ling, and Atractylodes. It can dispel dampness and relieve heat, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and is suitable for pneumonia caused by dampness and heat, and also has a certain effect on mycoplasma infection.

3. Other methods of assistance

In addition to TCM theories and herbal treatments, modern medicine also provides some auxiliary diagnostic methods to help determine whether it is mycoplasma infection. These include:

1. Mycoplasma DNA test

The DNA of mycoplasma can be detected by PCR technology through respiratory samples from pneumonia patients, and the cause can be quickly determined. This method is highly accurate, but it also requires some laboratory equipment and technical support.

2. Serum immunological testing

The presence of mycoplasma infection can be determined by measuring the level of mycoplasma-specific antibodies in the patient's serum. Although this method takes a long time, it still has certain clinical application value.


Pneumonia fever does not go away and may be a manifestation of mycoplasma infection. We can make a preliminary judgment based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, supplemented by the treatment of famous Chinese medicine prescriptions. At the same time, modern medicine also provides some auxiliary diagnosis methods to help identify the cause. However, it is important to note that these methods are adjunctive only and do not replace the doctor's diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Therefore, if you have persistent symptoms of high fever, you should still seek medical attention in time and follow the doctor's guidance.


1. Li Hua. Research progress in traditional Chinese medicine treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia[J]. Inner Mongolia Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2020, 39(04): 202-204.