
The bank deposited 100,000 yuan in cash and was scrutinized into the source of the funds, and the transparency regulations sparked heated discussions

author:Qi Wenxin

Recently, a girl in Jiangxi Province posted a message on the Internet, what did she say? She said that she was going to the bank to deposit 100,000 yuan in her account, and guess what? When she carefully took out the thick bundle of cash, she was investigated by the bank staff and had to ask where the cash came from. The girl felt that she had been violated, and that this matter had something to do with personal privacy, but the people at the bank also gave an explanation, saying that their workflow required that as long as it exceeded 10,000 yuan, the source of cash should be investigated. (This happened on January 8th, which blogger from China Economic Weekly reported it...) )

The bank deposited 100,000 yuan in cash and was scrutinized into the source of the funds, and the transparency regulations sparked heated discussions

Some netizens think that the money I have saved is above board, not stolen or robbed, and you are asking too much! Some netizens bluntly said that this kind of regulation seems to be quite standardized, but it feels a bit discriminatory, and they specifically pick out those ordinary people who "have no money and no power"; however, some people have come forward to support the bank's statement, emphasizing that this is someone's operating procedure, and we have to abide by it, right? As soon as this matter came out, the heat went up, and everyone was there to discuss it for a long time.

Let's tell the truth, the bank's regulations have aroused such great disgust and doubts among netizens, mainly because the implementation process is not fair and transparent enough, so that we, the common people, are being questioned all over the place in confusion, and it is really awkward in our hearts! Although the original intention of the bank may be to ensure the property safety of the people in the whole society, they have not given a detailed explanation and explanation of this provision, nor have they made it clear to everyone whether it is fair and just, which will inevitably make people doubt and even disgusted.

The bank deposited 100,000 yuan in cash and was scrutinized into the source of the funds, and the transparency regulations sparked heated discussions

Banks, in the face of this problem, we have to see the cause clearly! We must study why it caused an uproar and find the focus of the disease in order to prescribe the right medicine. For example, you can pull a notice board in front of the counter to teach everyone how to save a large amount of cash, so that customers can know before handling business. And the children's shoes also suggested that the fairness and transparency of this rule should also be understood by everyone, so as to ensure that there will be no misunderstanding and mutual trust between the two parties.

Therefore, all walks of life must understand a truth, to make the people sincerely satisfied, the regulations must be published in the world, we must pay attention to openness and transparency, and we cannot only take care of the formulator at one end, but ignore the executor at the other end. As the masses who implement the regulations, they should also give more understanding and tolerance to the reasonable regulations, and only in this way can they help promote good interaction and exchanges between them. Let's listen to the old man and say slowly......

The bank deposited 100,000 yuan in cash and was scrutinized into the source of the funds, and the transparency regulations sparked heated discussions

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