
Zhou Hongyi: In 2024, large models will be as ubiquitous as PC computers!

author:3DM Game Network

Recently, at the "2023 Fengma Niu's Year-end Show", Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360 Group, shared ten predictions for the development trend of large models in 2024. He called on enterprises to establish AI beliefs and all in AI. He believes that innovation can break the game, and the biggest innovation opportunity in the future is in the big model.

Zhou Hongyi: In 2024, large models will be as ubiquitous as PC computers!

It is reported that the development trend of the large model in 2024 mentioned by Zhou Hongyi is as follows:

1. Large models have become the standard configuration of digital systems and are ubiquitous. He doesn't think that the big model is the operating system, and the mobile phone operating system has three kinds of operating systems in the world: Hongmeng, iOS, and Android.

He said that the large model is more like the PC back then, and it will be ubiquitous in the future, becoming the standard configuration for the digitalization of the entire enterprise and the government.

2. The open source model ushered in an explosion. For example, after the outbreak of the open-source large model, the large model instantly changed from an atomic bomb to a cabbage, which was available to everyone.

3. "Small models" emerge and run on more terminals.

Some media said that last year, many terminals have used large models, such as mobile phone manufacturers, smart home ecology, etc., and new energy vehicles have been defined by many terminal manufacturers as the next trend.

4. The large-scale model enterprise-level market will rise in 2024 (especially in China), and the large-scale model will develop in the direction of depth, industrialization, verticalization, and deep customization.

5. In terms of technology development and application, the agent will stimulate the potential of large models, become a super productivity tool, and promote the sustainable development of technology.

6. 2024 will be the year of large-scale model application scenarios, and killer applications will appear. Zhou Hongyi said that the large model will appear in smart cars this year, not only to pursue the interconnection of equipment, but also to pursue the intelligence of the car machine. Not a so-called idiot conversation.

7. Multi-modality has become the standard configuration of large models. Large model multimodality will become the standard in the future, and videos and pictures can be understood.

8. With the support of large models, AIGC functions such as Wensheng Diagram and Wensheng Video have achieved breakthrough growth.

9. Embodied intelligence empowers the humanoid robot industry to flourish. The large model has saved the robot industry, and with the blessing of the large model, the robot can automatically fry eggs, do housework, etc.

10. He expects that large models will drive breakthroughs in basic science.

Zhou Hongyi: In 2024, large models will be as ubiquitous as PC computers!

It is understood that Zhou Hongyi also shared his exchange experience with foreign counterparts on the spot, and he believes that the American industry has been all in AI and looking for incremental markets through AI innovation. Zhou Hongyi said that he is a staunch developmentist, and the large model has opened a new round of industrial revolution, and no development is the biggest insecurity.

Zhou Hongyi: In 2024, large models will be as ubiquitous as PC computers!

Zhou Hongyi called on more enterprises to establish "AI faith" and innovate all in AI. Zhou Hongyi said that innovation is not the same as inventing new things, and redoing "old business" with new methods is also innovation, and the most successful AI innovations are those companies that use large models to reshape products and business processes, such as Microsoft. Therefore, Zhou Hongyi suggested that enterprises should take "AI content" as a business assessment indicator, comparing the resource investment of business departments in AI, talent concentration, product transformation efficiency, and employees' familiarity with AI open source projects and AI products. These indicators will force enterprises to complete digital and intelligent transformation.

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