
Wedding bride price and divorce: the truth behind it

author:Poetic Passion Fruit 0B

In recent years, the wedding bride price has become a controversial topic. Some women ask for a huge bride price, but choose to divorce in a short period of time. Does this mean that marriage is just about swindling money? Let's explore this topic together.

Wedding bride price and divorce: the truth behind it

The bride price has a long historical and cultural background in the mainland marriage system. In some regions, the bride price is seen as a symbol of communication between families and social status. Of course, in modern society, the perception of bride price is also becoming more and more diverse, and some people believe that it has become a monetary transaction, and even led to the phenomenon of divorce.

Marriage is not just about the bride price and the exchange of money, but more importantly, the emotion and understanding between two people. If marriage is defined only as a monetary transaction, then long-term happiness will be difficult to achieve. Marriage requires active communication, mutual support, and understanding from both parties.

Wedding bride price and divorce: the truth behind it

The requirement for a large bride price may lead some people to have an incorrect view of marriage as a means of obtaining financial benefits. Some women may marry in a hurry because they are greedy for a bride price, lacking a true understanding of their other half, and the divorce rate will naturally rise.

With the progress of society and the change of attitudes, more and more people have begun to re-examine traditional concepts. The spread of education and the advancement of women have led to more people seeking marriage relationships of equality, respect and mutual growth. We need to change our mindset and see marriage as an emotional fit, not an exchange of money.

Wedding bride price and divorce: the truth behind it

Marriage is an important choice in life, and it should not be reduced to a monetary transaction. When choosing a marriage partner, we need to think carefully and communicate with the other person. Don't marry for money, focus on emotion and understanding. It is only through real effort and communication that we can have a stable and happy married life.