
Xiucai ≈ master's degree?!The modern benchmarking of ancient academic qualifications is shocking!

author:Historical tracers

In the long scrolls of history, Xiucai is often misunderstood, but in fact they are a symbol of ancient academic and social status.

Xiucai ≈ master's degree?!The modern benchmarking of ancient academic qualifications is shocking!

Xiucai: The academic elite of ancient times

In feudal society, Xiucai is not an identity that ordinary people can easily achieve. It was an important class in the imperial examination system and is often seen as the starting point for a higher academic and officialdom status. Xiucai represents the basic degree obtained by scholars through the imperial examination, and is a symbol of social status and academic achievement.

In ancient times, Xiucai enjoyed many privileges, such as exemption from taxes and forced labor, as well as special treatment under the law. They can communicate directly with local government officials, while ordinary people do not have the right to do so. This advantage in status made Xiucai one of the elites of society at that time.

Xiucai ≈ master's degree?!The modern benchmarking of ancient academic qualifications is shocking!

However, due to the misleading nature of historical dramas, Xiucai is often portrayed as destitute. In fact, becoming a Xiucai means that an individual can get rid of his low social status and begin to move towards higher officialdom and academic fields.

Xiucai's modern equivalent qualifications

If the ancient Xiucai is placed in the modern society, his academic qualifications are at least equivalent to the modern master's degree. To become a Xiucai, it takes at least ten years of in-depth Xi study and understanding of the classics, which is similar to the depth and breadth of modern higher education. Xiucai needed to read a wide range of ancient classics, covering various fields such as thought, history, and politics, and this breadth of knowledge was very rare at the time.

Xiucai ≈ master's degree?!The modern benchmarking of ancient academic qualifications is shocking!

Xiucai's responsibilities in society include opening private schools, teaching scriptures and history, and promoting the dissemination and popularization of knowledge, which requires extremely high academic standards and teaching ability. Therefore, it can be considered that the academic level of Xiucai is comparable to that of a modern master's or doctoral degree.

"Imperial Examination" and Modern Education

Although the imperial examination system has been abolished, its spirit lives on in modern education. Today's gaokao system is somewhat similar to the imperial examinations in ancient times. Passing the college entrance examination to enter the ideal university is just like the ancients obtained a higher academic status and social recognition through the imperial examination.

Xiucai ≈ master's degree?!The modern benchmarking of ancient academic qualifications is shocking!

Modern education focuses on the construction of a comprehensive knowledge system and the management of the pressure of discipline competition, while the ancient Xiucai focuses more on the in-depth study and Xi of traditional culture and classics. Whether it is the imperial examination in ancient times or higher education in modern times, its core purpose is to achieve the transformation of personal roles and status through the accumulation of knowledge and skills.

The unchanging mission of education

The times have changed, and the means and forms of education have been constantly updated, but the fundamental meaning and intrinsic value of education have always remained the same.

Xiucai ≈ master's degree?!The modern benchmarking of ancient academic qualifications is shocking!

Whether it is an ancient talent or a modern student, they are constantly learning Xi absorbing knowledge and providing new impetus for society. They are the new driving force for the progress of the times, and they are also the hope for the future of the nation.

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